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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Provinces #7

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, Jun 6, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    oh I'm not writing about eltom

    Whinton and the evils of the provinces #7​

    The cursed gatehouse keeper​

    As Whinton goes to the gate house some of the survivors from the battle at bandit for attacked him he uses a level two chain lightning to stun them, as he reached the gatehouse, the gatehouse keeper says YOU SHALL NOT PASS unless you pay me. Then suddenly the gate house keeper said i've been cursed by a wizard then he says you won't pass till you pay me then he suddenly says if you can break the curse i'll let you through this gate for free, I just want to go back to my family at thesand, then he says pay me PAY ME ,then he says the wizard who placed a curse on me is at the canyon crossroads on his tower, then he says you shall not pass. Then Whinton travels back to the canyon crossroads to find that wizards tower.

    As he goes towards the bandit camp he cleared he sees a sign saying danger wizard up ahead then he goes down that path as he goes down it he hears a voice saying turn back you will die DIE. Then he sees crystal defences they shoot lots of magic orbs. At him like crazy, so he looks for another way as he goes into a cave to dodge those turrets. He gets attacked by cave bats he pulls out his spellbook and casts a wind prison to trap them. Then he gets out of the cave then he yells show yourself wizard, then the wizard replies i'll show myself if you can make it onto my TOWER. After Whinton got past all the rapid fire turrets. He climbs his tower as he reached the top, he sees the wizard he then asks him who are you wizard. I AM VOLMOR the greater. then Whinton asks him how do you break the curse of the gatehouse keeper, VOLMOR the greater says i'll never give you the cure then whinton casts a level 3 wind prison to trap VOLMOR the greater.Whinton then says i'll throw you off if you don't give me the cure, then VOLMOR the greater says ok i'll give you the cure, then after whinton puts VOLMOR the greater down he gets the rock that's the cure to the curse. But he trips on his crystal ball and the rock falls into a cave then VOLMOR the greater says i did not see my crystal ball there, if you can get it in the cave it's yours. Whinton then says ok then he dives into the water that leads to the cave where the rock went.

    As Whinton entered the cave he gets attacked by a horde of ICE HULKS, Whinton casts a level 3 courage to melt those ICE HULKS. After a bit of traveling through the cave he exits then he finds himself, near the gate house as he approaches, the gate house keeper he says PAY ME YOUR EMERALDS. Then he puts the rock on his forehead. The gate house keeper says get that rock off me then the gate house keeper says thank you now i'm freeeeee i can go home now. Thanks oh and you can open the gate from both side with the gate house then he says beware of remnants of the bandits , you killed you know when the battle was happening . I was watching you in the gate house then Whinton goes down the path to thesand. He gets attacked by bandits but then they realise it’s him the all ran away. As he reached thesand he sees miners running out of the mines she goes and investigate.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
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