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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Provinces #6

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, May 26, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    oh and I'm not making one about enter the dojo it will be a pain in the butt to type

    Whinton and the evils of the provinces #6

    The quest to save seluc and the battle at bandit fort​

    After Whinton has finished resting he asked the monk gana about the lost person, gana told him the lost person is called seluc he's running out of food, if he dies his ghost will wander the canyon forever, the wind is telling gana that he’s in a cave, near the camber of the phoenix and thanos. So Whinton goes to the river where the chamber of the phoenix is.

    He is attacked by savage trolls and purple worms luckily one of the savage trolls hit a dragon turtle the dragon turtle kills the savage troll. Then whinton used his new alazarin to kill those worms, as he reached a cave, he sees a map outside of the cave he picks it up and finds out it belongs to seluc. As he went into the cave he hears a voice saying who's there, Whinton replies are you seluc i'm here to help you. The person replies saying i am seluc and you aren't lost in this canyon how. Whinton replies saying the bantisu temple can help you, you can stay there. Seluc then says i will follow you to the temple as they are traveling Whinton ask seluc where he's going he said he was going to the sakura dojo.

    As they were chatting a horde of savage trolls and purple worms appear then seluc tells Whinton i know karate so i can fight with you whinton starts with a electric arrow from the hellstrand, then seluc karate chops a purple worm its body broke apart and then Whinton pulls out his spell book and casted a courage, then pulls out his sword to slice n dice them all to death after his courage ran out. All that's left of that horde was a pile of decapitated trolls broken apart worms.A few angry dragon turtles tried to kill seluc he just kicks them all to death with karate. Then as they go past the river, rock falls start to happen as if someone is trying to kill Whinton and seluc, then when they go under a rock arch they hear an explosion then another rock fall happens, then seluc tells him there’s bandits in these canyons. They mugged him for his food and water as they were taking, they reached the bantisu temple Whinton and seluc goes back to ganas house. Then gana pays whinton some liquid emeralds then tell seluc that he can stay here as long as he needs to.

    Then seluc tells Whinton that he wants revenge on those bandits for trying to kill them. So Whinton and seluc both head back out into the canyons using Whinton's canyon chart they found one of the bandit camps at the canyon crossroads. The bandits spot them then the bandit camp watchtower guard says there’s some travelers let’s rob them then every bandit in the camp came out, then Whinton pulls out his hellstrand then they charge at them Whinton shoots them all in the head, seluc kicks them in the face knocking them out then after all the bandits are dead or knocked out. The camp leader appears he’s in iron armour but without a helmet the leader says you’ve killed my men but you can’t kill me, then seluc just kicks him in the face, then Whinton uses electromagic to shock him with his armour then the bandit leader surrenders not wanting to get shocked again. Then Whinton asks him where is your main camp the leader said it's in the road to thesand. Then Whinton and seluc take him to king burtan. Whinton tells king burtan he’s the leader of a bandit camp then king burtan says guards lock him up. Then they see the bandit camp leader in a cage, then they go back out to the main road they encountered a horde of phoenix. Then Whinton tells seluc to get to cover when they breathe fire. Whinton fires an arrow storm with his hellstrand the phoenix all died. They reach the canyon crossroads they see the road to thesand. There a horde of charging savage minotaurs then Whinton uses his alazarin to slice n dice,them all to death as seluc got knocked out and can't fight as they saw one of the roads have a sign, saying thesand is this way as they were going through the narrow passage, lots of bandits tried to kill them, but Whinton and seluc just kills them all some even had bows. As they reached a open field they see a gate, another passageway and a huge wall.

    As they approach the gate they saw bandits on it one of the watchers spotted them, he said alert the fort then a large army of bandits appear they all have iron armour, like the camp chief no helmet, then the leader of the bandits with his katana and in his diamond armour he says so it was you two who took out the camp at the crossroads, my men in the passageway. Then Whinton replied you are all going down then the leader say attack men attack. Then Whinton pulled out his spell book to and casted a level three chain lightning to shock them. Then all the bandits except the leader got knocked out, then the leader says so you defeated all my men i challenge you one on one duel with swords no bows. Then Whinton dropped his alazarin, his crossbow and his hellstrand, but not his spellbook, he then casts a courage as the bandit leader tried to cripple Whinton his katana. But it melted on the dragonhide leggings then the leader said to Whinton you cheated, then whinton replies you're going down. As seluc has called the gavel government to come then the leader surrenders. Whinton then picks up all his weapons.

    Then they take him to king burtan, they explained that he's the leader of the bandits. Then king burtan contacted the gavel authorities, to come and take the traveler robbing bandits away. Then Whinton asks king burtan about the weapon made from the phoenix wing piece. Then king burtan presents the wand, they call it the phoenix wing. then Whinton tells king burtan about the gatehouse at the road to thesand then king burtan says the guy who operates the gatehouse is cursed, he won't let anyone through without paying. If you manage to break the curse that gate house will be free to use once again. So whinton now with his new wand, travels back to the bandit camp to reach the gate house and seluc traveled back to cinfras to tell the tale.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
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