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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Provinces #5

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, May 14, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    Issue #5 the next few will be about canyon of the lost be he won't do the thanos vaults and from the bottom

    Whinton and the evils of the provinces #5​

    The lost travelers of the canyon​

    As whinton was going to the bantisu temple, he get attacked by a horde of purple worms. Whinton uses his hellstrand to kill them all, as he go to bantisu temple he met one of the monks. He’s saying he sees a flag in the canyon, he thinks there's lost travelers he also tells, Whinton if there are lost travelers bring them to the temple. Whinton tells him I will find and bring them here so whinton goes towards the flags as he’s going to the flags, a group of tiger things attack him, he pulls out his hellstrand and casts a arrow shield, when they charge at him they all die, one of them dropped a legendary dagger for lvl 87-92 and also 50 emeralds he reaches the flags.

    He sees dejol one of the lost travelers, as he tells whinton that they got seperated by the tiger things. He also said that they've prepared for when they get separated. When they get lost they raise a flag on their location, if they are not at the flag they must be nearby so whinton goes searching for the flags. He got attacked by another group of tiger things he uses electromagic to paralyze then then he shoots them all in the head with his hellstrand and he reaches a flag.

    He sees a journal the owner of it is called Ansei. Whinton sees a cave with a house he sees some old gnomes, as he aproach the house he sees the owner of the journal Ansei, then whinton says hey Ansei Dejol, is looking for you. Ansei then replies oh he’s looking for me i need to first figure out how i got up here i think i got knocked out, those living gnomes brought me up here, i need to find a way down from here then i'll go back to Dejol when i get back down. Then Whinton goes back to Dejol. He tells him that ansei is coming he’s stuck on a balcony.Dejol replies saying good you should go find the others there's still four of them out there.

    As whinton goes to a second flag he sees more tiger things he kills them all with a bomb arrow. Then he went to a flag he sees no one next to it, he then sees a cave when he went it to it he got attacked by a mother bear, Whinton uses electormagic to paralyze it, then he sees a person he asks him what is your name, are you w Dejol. My name is Feilm and yes i'm with Dejol i got dragged here by the mother bear she thinks i'm one of her cubs. Whinton tells him that Dejol is looking for you oh and the bear is paralyzed so you can escape. Felim replies saying ok i will escape. Then Whinton goes back to Dejol saying Felim was taken by a mother bear mistaking him to be a bear cub, Dejol replies saying good now there's three more of them out there.

    As whinton goes to another flag nothing attacked him as he reached the flag he sees someone he asks em hey you with Dejol the person replies yes i'm with dejol and my name is Kofis.Whinton replied dejol is telling you to go to him Kofis replied ok i'll pack up to go back to him then Whinton tells dejol he sees Ansei Felim and Kofis with him dejol tells whinton good now there's two more of us you need to go find.

    As whinton goes to the fourth flag near a tower he gets attacked by a horde of tiger things. He paralyzes them using electromagic the bomb arrowed them. As he reached the flag he sees no one near it. He sees a tower nearby he goes near the tower and he gets attacked by tower orcs, whinton the rushed into the tower, when he reached the top. He sees someone he asks them what’s your name and are you with dejol the guy replied yes i am with dejol and i'm called Stylis and those orcs made me come up here to get to safety if you clear out those orcs in can get back to dejol then whinton does down to the bottom of the ower casting a arrow shield and killing all the orcs then whinton return to dejol to see Ansei Felim Stylis and Kofis dejol tells whinton good now there's one more of us you need to go find.

    As whinton is going to the final flag nothing attacked him as he reached the flag. No one is there but there is a tower nearby, as whinton reached the top he sees someone he asks him what's your name and are you with Dejol. The person replies saying my name is Yuge and i am with Dejol then the two go back to Dejol then whinton tells them to go to bantisu temple there they can have refuge. As they arrived Dejol thanks whinton and gives him a canyon chart. Right as Whinton was about to leave he hears that there's a person in need lost in the canyon, but he's too exhausted to go save him right now so he rest in the temple.
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
    Foxey and Mr_Philly like this.
  2. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    Nice, but a lot of grammar issues. Not capital letters for names n shit.
  3. Euxis

    Euxis Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    You mean approach? There are many grammar mistakes here.
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