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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Provinces #3

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, Apr 12, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    yes the third of the novel story of Whinton and the evils of the provinces #3

    Whinton and the evils of the provinces #3

    The screams of the beast​

    As Whinton Hears a very irritating scream he went into the kander forest, he sees a house with a farm, he finds the owner of the house Laloire , Whinton asks Laloire what is that scream, Laloire replies i can’t hear you speak up where is the cream, what oh what is that scream, that scream is coming from a hole after went in to investigate heard a very irritating scream it made my hearing bad, i asked the healer in cinfras, he said there's nothing he could do, so I think Nitram at the cathedral graveyard can help you.

    so Whinton travels to the cathedral again when he was traveling there, he saw a orc camp he fires a barrage of inferno arrows from his crossbow, burning their tents and killing orcs, the survivors of the barrage are now charging at him. Winton he uses his hells strand to shoot them with inferno arrows the orcs burning, they scramble to the river where whiton casts a earth quake to kill the orcs then he reached the cathedral he ask Nitram about a irritating scream,Nitram replies saying that scream it's the scream of a banshee we need to stop it there's a scientist grave in the graveyard, the scientist wore earmuffs which he researched about banshees ,but to access his grave you need to do a puzzle to unlock it, so whinton followed a ghostly trail to the tomb of the scientist then he sees the scientists ghost, the ghost speaks to whinton what are you doing here, whinton replies i need your earmuffs to kill the banshee, the ghost tells him you can have it but you need to do a puzzle to open my grave after whinton did the puzzle he open the grave he sees the skeleton he takes the ear muffs off it and leaves the grave and goes to the cave

    As he enters he hears a irritating scream so he instantly put on the earmuffs and he can't hear the scream anymore, so he travels deeper into the cave he teleported across a ravine, he reached the chamber of the banshee he shoots it with the hellstrand then he attacks it with his crossbow it weakened it then he used his courage on the banshee it burned the banshee to death then he returns to Laloire he whinton tells him the banshee has been dealt with then Laloire replies with You what? The man-she was poorly done?! Then he says the banshee is dealt with,then Laloire pays whinton some emeralds. Then Whinton returns to cinfras only to see the guild hall in flames, then whinton ask a guild chief what happened he said the phoenix from the canyon has kidnaped the guild master, then whinton replies saying i'll get him back, then the chief said the phoenix lives in a cave in the canyon near thanos you can tell by a cave with a archway in front of it then whinton went off towards lake Gylia into the canyon of the lost.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
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  2. Foxey

    Foxey Just a human VIP

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  3. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    theres no ice cream on this and I'm working on #4 chamber of the phoenix where he kills ozoth and enters the fire mini dungeon
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
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  4. Foxey

    Foxey Just a human VIP

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    but but but there cant be a story without ice-cream
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