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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Provinces #11

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, Sep 14, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    After a 2 month break during summer i am back with issue 11

    Whinton and the evils of the provinces #11

    Trouble at five gears diner​

    As Whinton got back to corkus city, the citizens when they saw him they were like Whinton the hero that left corkus 5 years ago has returned, they explained to him what happened in the 5 years he was gone. They told him the mechs that once helped them as guards, butlers, miners have turned on them. Then they saw his hellhound the citizens ask Whinton What is that creature. Then Whinton replies it's a hellhound, the citizens ask him what is it doing here Whinton replies it's my pet I tamed it, in the molten heights in gavel. The people asked him about his flaming leggings, Whinton replies those are dragonhide leggings I slayed ozoth. Then the corkus citizens say you mean ozoth the dragon, Whinton then replies yes I killed it by cutting its head off, then the people ask him about his horn oh this horn i got it, from the lord of fire I defeated him in a duel. So now if it's needed I can summon him and his army to help me, then they ask him about his burning bow, Whinton replies saying it's my hellstrand, I stole it from the order of the abyss, Then the citizens ask him about the order Whinton replies saying the order of the abyss cult they tried to summon a demon and took control of the village of lexdale but I stopped them. Then a horde of rouge patrollers rush into the city, then he tells the citizens to go to the palace, while he and the inner city guards and his hellhound kill the the rouge patrollers. Whinton fires his hellstrand’s molten arrows at the patrollers one of them got shot and it melted the patrollers core, then he pulls out his alazarin to cut up the remaining rouge patrollers his hell hound breathed fire that melted the last rogue patrollers core then the people thanked Whinton from saving them from another desprimech raid then a corkian ran into the city saying that. Five gears diner was raided by desprimechs and the desprimechs have hostages, so now Whinton with his hell hound goes to five gears diner to save the people.

    As Whinton was going to five gears diner, a group of mining desprimechs attacked him, he pulled out his infidel and casted a curse, on the mining desprimechs it made all of them become very rusty. Then Whinton just stabbed them all and they all keel over and die. Then he reached five gears diner, he sees two desprimechs guarding the main entrace. Then he hears a voice telling him go towards the vents, then he sees a corkian then he goes towards the corkian, then he sees and recognizes the corkian. Then he says maxie is that you, then maxie says whinton is that you then he replies yes. Then they see each other and hugged each other then maxie asks him what did you do in the 5 years you were gone. Whinton then tells him all the stories of him defeating evil in gavel. Then maxie says fascinating then Maxie tell Whinton those guard desprimechs have a force field. That keeps everything away from them and the main entrance of five gears diner, but those guards have a weakness if we can get behind them we can disable them by destroying the core of the desprimechs. Those mechs have hostages that they will take back to the factory. then Whinton asks maxie about the factory the factory is the despriemchs main base a very powerful machine in inside the factory commands these desprimechs to get scrap metal. To ma

    ke more powerful desprimechs like those force field ones. So they must go through the vents, but maxie says his electromagic is not good enough to open the vents, so whinton tells his hellhound to breathe fire at the vent which melted the vent, then they went in to get inside the diner.

    Then they went through the vent that has A Lot of parkour, they killed a few vent cleaners. Then they go into the diner maxie got hurt from the fall, then they saw a new robot maxie told whinton that this series desprimech, was not made when the corkians still had control of the factory. Then they hear the desprimech which its series is unknown says intruder detected deal with them, then they hear the unknown series desprimech say objective complete teleporting back to factory. Then the unknown series grunts attack them maxie tell Whinton those robots are called c 515 soldier bots. Their core are well protected so whitnon pulls out his spell book casts a curse, on the soldier bots then all the soldier bots got rusty. Then he orders his hell hound to leap at the soldier bots and breathe fire into its core. Then those rusted soldier boys got their cores melted. Then they free the hostages the hostages thanked them, then whinton disables the force field robots. Then they all flee back to corkus city then they tell, the corkus delegate about how five gears diner was attacked.Then the delegate says they can't do anything as there are two factory keys are in two different locations the avos probably won't give it up so easily and our key was stolen by a c 515 soldier bot. So they told Whinton to try and get the avos to give them their factory key. So whinton with his hellhound go to the avos camp to try and get the avos factory key.
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