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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Provinces #10

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, Jun 28, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    next issue will start volume 2 the war of corkus

    Whinton and the evils of the provinces #10

    The fire lord and the return to corkus​

    As Whinton is heading towards the castle, his hellhound growls like there’s monsters nearby, then a swarm of hellkites appear Whinton pulls out his hellstrand and shoots them down, while his hell hound bites them then they killed the swarm of hellkites. Then they encountered feral hounds that don't live in hound town, then Whinton tell his hell hound to tell those hounds to back off then it worked. The hounds backed off, then they encountered a horde of those cyclops things, then whinton pulls out his spell book to cast a level 3 chain lightning, to shock them all then they all died. He notices one of them dropped a legendary spear for level 87-92, then he reached a WALL, he puts his ear on the wall he hears screaming and cries for help. So he pulls out his phoenix wing and casts a meteor to break the wall after he breaks the wall, every one behind the wall looked at him and his hound.

    Then the leader of all those firenoid troops speaks to Whinton well well well if it isn't the great hero Whinton. Then Whinton asks him WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME.Then the leader responded by saying i am the fire lord i lead my army of fire troops and some of the fallen heroes who tried to kill me mentioned you, one of them said Whinton will find and kill you, one of them even showed me a picture of you. I see you tamed a hellhound, then Whinton says i heard screams and cries for help then the fire lord says oh those are just the traitors getting tortured. Then Whinton says i challenge you to a duel then the fire lord says i accept your challenge. Then the troops surround the the outer area of the fire lord castle then one of the messengers say whoever loses all their weapons loses. Then whinton tells his hell hound to stay down, then they start the duel.

    The fire lord slashes Winton's leg with his sword, but his dragonhide leggings protected him, then the fire lord says is that dragonhide. Then Whinton replies yes because i killed ozoth, then the fire lord replies you must be a powerful hero if you can slay ozoth. then whinton pulls out his spell book and traps the fire lord with a level 3 wind prison, then he pulls out his hellstrand and shoots the fire lord then the fire lord says that bow i heard about it, did you stop the order whinton then replies YES i did stop the order, i crippled their leader. Then the fire lord says impressive. Then the fire lord charges away then he comes running at Whinton then whinton casts a level 3 chain lightning, it shocked him so hard that he dropped his sword. Then the messenger says the fire lord has dropped his sword, so Whinton wins then the fire lord says impressive. I want to give you this then he gives whinton a war horn the fire lord says this horn is magical, it can be heard even from your home land of corkus. When you need me and my army blow it and also this mushroom that can talk. Then he give whinton a ahmsord scroll the fire lord says one of the fallen challengers left this then whinton says it was a honor to have a duel with you. Then whinton with his hell hound they use the scroll to teleport to Ahmsord.

    The citizens when they saw him they told him stuff that happened, a void exploration crew has crashed, he can't save them the void crane is broken. Then he goes check his bank to get some emerald blocks to identify the legendary spear, after identified it was a decent infidel. Then he goes check his bank again for stuff, he finds a teleportation scroll to his home town corkus city, so he and his hellhound teleports back to Whinton's home town corkus city.
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