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Archer/Hunter Which archer mythic is overall just better?

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Pearl_Milk_Teaa, Oct 21, 2024.

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  1. Pearl_Milk_Teaa

    Pearl_Milk_Teaa Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    Out of Grandmother, Epoch, and Divzer...

    I know that Grandmother - trapper is doing me pretty well and seems to provide me with enough sustain because I'm able to carry raids and do significant damage, but the problem I'm facing is that is it the most optimal? For TCC and Anni, it is very hard to get the traps to activate on those bosses which is a huge loss of damage... other than that it is pretty fun just spamming arrow bomb and watching everything explode...

    For Epoch - tierstack (sharpshooter) it is more expensive than Divzer but if built correctly still does less damage.. it has more sustain and does more damage than GMA as a tier stacking archer, not only that with the right aspects you can fire 5 homing arrows which is super high damage. But I don't understand why is it more expensive than Divzer if it is worse in terms of dps etc?? I guess you can also say it works with semi long range attacks since the arrows are homing but when you get to 5 homing arrows too far of a distance will lead to missed shots which overall reduce tier stacks (cause u miss arrows)...

    For Divzer - boltslinger I know this is the highest dps mythic bow with spell spam and being a bit more squishy, but I don't get why this mythic costs less than Epoch even though the damage is a lot less...

    but the point I'm tryna get at here is, which of these mythic bows would be the best at raids, Anni, loot runs, general use, etc.. I know it also depends on personal preference and how you want to play the game so I was thinking maybe having 2 different builds but that would be a hassle each time to re-spec honestly I'm just so confused... I want large damage that can apply to anything... idk if this is too much to ask for an archer class but help is much appreciated. I am also aware that Archer is not the best class for everything (ex. lootruning) as there are better classes but I rather just spend time on my archer class over leveling something else for the same purpose.

    I've seen people in raids take out the TCC boss with Divzer in 7 seconds cause their damage is just crazy so I'm assuming that Divzer is honestly just the best even though it is squishy?

    TBH I just need some detailed opinions here ty ty >:D
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