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What Was Your Favorite Wynncraft Year So Far?

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by iShockMC, Feb 20, 2019.


Favorite Wynncraft Year

  1. Late 2013

  2. 2014

  3. 2015

  4. 2016

  5. 2017

  6. 2018

  7. 2019

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. iShockMC

    iShockMC A Wynncraft Veteran CHAMPION

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    Yeah, you would probably know what your favorite Wynncraft year so far is.

    My favorite Wynncraft year is 2014 (When I joined Wynncraft).

    Now I would like to hear ya'll's opinions!

    P.S. This is my first "favorite" post in a while. (Not going to post any more like I did a few months ago).
    D7 likes this.
  2. Kmaxi

    Kmaxi Well-Known Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Mine is definitely late 2015/2016 when gavel came out cause everything got much better and a lot of cool stuff was added. I had a great time exploring the new province.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  3. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    2016 and late 2017 are my choices. 2016 because it’s when I joined and it was the last time they stopped doing holiday updates before major updates got in the way (Although assuming RtD is on the scale of Corkus, hopefully it won’t take too long?) and late 2017 because it’s when jp started doing bugfix pushes frequently and we got DnD, which added cool discoveries and quests and some overdue changes, such as the bank and questbook.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  4. Interpunctie

    Interpunctie Ragni Ball Enthusiast | Acrobat best class CHAMPION

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    2014 for sure, brings back a lot of memories and it was such amazing, with no textures, Hallowynn came out. Dungeons etc. Amazing.
  5. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    2018 cuz thats when i really started getting into the game and community
  6. Mmm

    Mmm Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    2014, because that's when Powders weren't in the game.
  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    2018 was when I started to get back into the community and server, and the game just felt better than it ever had before. That makes it my second favorite year. Nothing will beat 2014 for me.

    Looking back, the gameplay sucked compared to today. The quests were all fetch quests pretty much and there was too much grinding involved. But 2014 was when I joined the forums and found the best part of the game: the community. I met a lot of cool people and one of my favorite memories was exploring the 1.12 beta with them. Speaking of which, 2014 had some of Wynncraft's most necessary updates: the spell revamp, Wynn builds revamp, and guilds. There were barely any bugs and huge issues back then, as opposed to when Gavel came out for instance. The community was a lot less cynical and greed-obsessed, and players were a lot more welcoming to newcomers. I'm usually an anti-nostalgia person but 2014 was the golden age of Wynncraft for me.
    D7 likes this.
  8. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    2018 until now

    Mostly because I only joined in mid 2018
  9. El Banana

    El Banana Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    2016/2017, for the simple reason that it's when I joined and started going through the map for my first time. I don't find that anything is quite like that first experience, no matter how long you leave it and how often you go back through the map. Now I have grind continuously in the molten heights on golems and in the demon cave, whereas when I was going through level 1 - 10 I could close the distance of that nine level gap in half an hour. Younger wynncraft will always seem faster paced and smoother the higher the level you become.

    P.S. I do think the dialogue in some quests could be pulled up to speed with some of the older stories like how I remembered Sodeta Hall and that Ring of Generosity house in Gavel. I won't even mention that quest in the manor back behind Nesaak! Half the time when questing nowadays I have absolutely no idea what's going on. Maybe that's just me, though.
    D7 likes this.
  10. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    From my time that I've been here...

    2016 was the year I joined and was actually a pretty great start for me. There were quite a bunch of small updates earlier in the year and Gameplay Update was pretty hype with all the needed quest, area and dungeon reworks. Oh, and of course the whole Corkus April fools joke that messed with our minds for the whole year was... interesting. Ending the year with cool Halloween and Sky Islands quests and the official reveal of Corkus pretty much sealed it as a good year for me.

    2017 was pretty great too. It had two big updates after all. Corkus, while disappointing in a few areas, was great and something new and fresh for the server. The announcement of RTD was hype and, of course, the D&D update was really good and worth the wait for me. Oh, and the amazing fixes jpresent did out of nowhere made things even better.

    2018..... meh. Mediocre. Majority of the year was just painful waiting in the dark and the delay of RTD didn't make things any better. And while the Economy Update announcement and the lead up to it with the teaser images was full of so much hype and feelings of joy, it didn't even release in 2018. There were no big updates in 2018, which made me disappointed. Potato hunt was cool, but the only thing out of it was just decorative guild banners, I think. And the Factions that I applied for never started for me, so that too I guess. Overall meh year.

    2019 started nicely with the release of 1.18, so looking forward to the rest of the year.
    Spinel and D7 like this.
  11. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    I will say 2016-early 2017 were my best years playing this game. When I first started the game, I was addicted to it. Soon, the gameplay update released and enhanced that experience even further. I started getting classes to level 100 at this point. Then 2017 hit, I managed to join the CT, and began working on things alongside playing the game regularly. Corkus was unique and fun, but then things kind of roughed up after that. By December 2017 I had quit the server for reasons I'd rather keep private.

    Didn't play at all during 2018, and am now just starting back up in 2019, which is...well, strange. Everything seems different, like it isn't the same game anymore. The game now focuses a lot on gathering things like I'm playing a farming simulator of sorts. Structures now look completely different. The nostalgia is fading away, things I remember are now gone. At least Dcave made a comeback this year, but still...I'm not sure how to think about it so far. If anything it will be like how I am with Minecraft updates: at first it seems very weird, but over time I'll get used to it.

    One last thing: make crates great again...maybe?
    D7 likes this.
  12. D7

    D7 <3

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    I would have to say without a doubt that 2014 was my most favorite year of Wynncraft. I did join in late 2013, but I can't exactly count that year... When I started Wynncraft, I was really committed into playing this server. I had a lot of fun and to interact with the community made my time worthwhile.

    Yet, as time passed by; I believe a couple months before the release of gavel, I started to lose interest in the game. Mostly a mix of personal issues and focusing on other games (esports level games to be specific) was responsible for this. I've logged on to the game here and there during 2017 to 2018 and I've come to the thought that I don't think I can enjoy the game now. I didn't get that feeling of excitement just like when I first started playing. The game just doesn't feel the same anymore. There's a lot of new things that I feel would take hundreds of hours for me to properly relearn the game and those hundreds of hours, well, I don't really have anymore. Gee, thanks college.

    I can understand for those who say that 2016 or 2017 were the better years and that's fine. Those were the years of massive amounts of content to keep the game unique. I may be part of a handful of other people, but I feel as if the game was better back in the simpler times... Sure, mass grinding is tedious and quite frankly, really tested my patience. But it's that sort of feeling that to me represents the definition of an mmorpg. Wynn just has that charm; it's rather difficult to explain... This somewhat reminds me of how Runescape transitioned their old combat system into an entirely new system; something every player had to relearn. It utimately sunk the main game from 100k+ players to only 1/5th of that amount, yet Runescape's oldschool version has been stronger in player count than ever.

    Change isn't easy to adapt to and thats certainly no exception in my case. I've been out of the game for over a year now and it would be expected for me to just leave entirely, yet I still stick around the forums just to see how people are doing, post memes, and of course, read forum posts like this as if I'm on Reddit. The community is something I really care about and honestly, it's the only thing keeping me in here at this point. Occasionally I look into gameplay from other videos, but as of right now, there isn't really much of an incentive for me to continue playing...

    Perhaps an "Oldschool Wynncraft" would do the trick? Haha, I can always dream...
    El Banana likes this.
  13. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    2016. Rejoined, made my account, made a friend, the gameplay update, Wynnterfest...
  14. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    2015-2016 because guilds were still new and the community was much more wholesome and the sb was alive
  15. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    My favorite year is 2019 because of professions/crafting :D Edit: Forget to mention that houses has been confirmed by salted, so yeah this is a reason.
    My second favorite year is 2018 because in this year I learned English (Without English I didn't understand many many things)
    My thrid favorite year is 2016 because it's the day I joind, the feel of playing Wynncraft for the first time was amazing.
    My fourth favorite year is 2017 didn't understand much about the game, I was only coming from time to time to level up or do quests.
  16. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    2016, I think I actually started playing that year. Had Preztule, SNT was alive, and Wynnterfest was coming up!

    Reminds me of diretide, happens once, then again, and never happens ever again.
  17. Gingas

    Gingas Well-Known Adventurer

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    2016 beacouse of gavel
  18. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Every year I wasn't here was the best year for everyone lets be perfectly real here.
    In all seriousness though definitely 2017 for the brief 4-5 months I was here.
    Because I thought putting spare sp into def as an archer was smart that's why.
    Also because arrow bomb activated lifesteal/manasteal.
    I still love you Hellstrand my time with you and my spell fire build will never be forgotten I promise you that.
  19. El Banana

    El Banana Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I am in full agreement, nothing either Gavel nor Corkus nor any of the islands in between has to offer can quite match that unexplained feeling of... unexplainableness that the Wynn province has to offer. I can honestly say that I thought at first it was the first-time awe of the architecture and questing lines of Wynncraft, but that solution to such a mystery can't quite explain that sense I still get when travelling through the Ragni Suburbs in full diamond gear atop a chestnut horse... nor any of the fully fledged enjoyment I get from the oldest of the Wynncraft quests from back before and even just a little after Gavel.

    P.S. I only joined three years ago and therefore after Gavel, the case being so have absolutely zero idea of what it was like beforehand. This might well mean that before the Gavel update really was much nicer and that I will never have any idea about it!

    P.P.S When I say 'Ragni Suburbs' I mean the Ragni Suburbs on the road to the Nivla Woods, although I can remember a time when I thought that the Pigmen's Ravines were the only place on the server and that (until level 60 believe it or not) attack speed was just a sort of hangover from vanilla minecraft. I was a very c0nfused newbie.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
    D7 likes this.
  20. Mavi

    Mavi Newbie Adventurer

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    2016 when i start Wynncraft
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