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What Is The Best Way (in Your Opinion) To Get A Mythic?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by ErikC17, Mar 31, 2016.

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  1. ErikC17

    ErikC17 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I am at the point of my life as a "Warrior of Wynn" where I start to think about getting a mythic spear but what is the best way to get one?

    The best is of corse to buy one but when you only have....well... 6le in your bank (as a lvl 76) you can't really buy one without grinding for 6 months or something. If really want to I can get up to 1le/day but not much more or my schoolwork would start screaming at me and/or giving me nightmares....
    I would have to grind for half a year to get enough to buy a mythic.

    I could either run like mad after loot chests and hope luck is on my side (trust me, it isn't) or to grind somewhere and hope for the best. I could do both I suppose but I don't know if that is the best way.

    My usual "loot armor" can boost my loot bonus with 62% (I think) but I won't be able to kill anything high lvl with "only" 3k health because I will die.

    I would love your tips on how to boost the chances of getting something as rare as a mythic without getting myself killed in the process!

    Any ideas/suggestion is welcome!
  2. Ingwion Teh Mage

    Ingwion Teh Mage Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    buy one
    pls dun't kill me i fna
  3. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    It's this really hard process that requires a master's degree in both Rocket Science and Quantum Physics. You see, there's this magic component in your weapon that can be used to remove the soul of an enemy. You must use this to your advantage. Once you've got your degrees, go onto Wynncraft and find an area with many monsters but can't attack you because of high ground. Once you do this, Press the button on your computer known as "Left Click" for mages, warriors and assassins, and the button known as "Right Click" for archers. Depending on your class, a mysterious substance will harm the monster. You must repeat this about 714300 times, and you will most likely get a mythic.

    In other words, grind to get a mythic. it's only a 7/50,000 chance!
  4. Bebinson

    Bebinson Well-Known Adventurer

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    When you do reincarnation quest you will get free mythic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

    I'm lying, you will get free legendary
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