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What Happened To The Wiki?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by The_Other, Dec 22, 2015.

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  1. The_Other

    The_Other Ahmsord at Level 58

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    The wiki hasn't been updated to reflect the new information for Gavel. Which is fine, considering it only came out a few days ago. The problem is that the login 'cookies' thing is broken. According to MediaWiki, "
    • You have $wgSessionsInMemcached set to true but MediaWiki can't connect to memcached. Turn off this setting or check the memcached configuration.
    • A wrong cookie configuration. Configuration variables about cookies should work with their default values. Try to not override any of them.
    • session_save_path() is not set correctly on the server, or the server doesn't have permissions to write to that path.
    • If you use some sort of caching proxy in front of MediaWiki, check that it doesn't filter any cookie.
    • session.referer.check() is wrongly set. You should normally leave it empty."
    and that to see what the problem is you should "Set up a debug log, it should display any cookie received by MediaWiki, so it may be a first step to detect if cookies are actually received by MediaWiki or not."
  2. Moodlecowman

    Moodlecowman Well-Known Adventurer

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    I had a bunch of articles for the wiki pre-written for when Gavel was released, and then I logged out and I'm pretty much locked out of the wiki for good until this is fixed. ;-;
    I'm not sure where the right place to report this stuff is, but anyone who does dev work on the wiki should look into fixing this (if they haven't already).
    SamVillage likes this.
  3. Flick

    Flick The fourm nub, Survivor of 9/7 VIP

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    The wiki has turned into Dern.. RIPWiki2k15
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