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SPOILER What Do We Know About Nilrem?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SPYROHAWK, Jan 5, 2016.

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    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Before I start, I want to point out that this post is not entirely my own. I owe LOTS of credit to @Rujala . Any comments he makes are as valid as my own. To his his original thread by him, please look here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/who-is-nilrem.102808/ . He also gave me permission to use any info in his thread in mine last night, so I am not stealing anything. I have full permissions.

    And I have the spoiler tag not because I am saying "what I am saying is correct and it is a spoiler". I have the ga because we may discuss topics with spoilers.


    So, I know many people have been awaiting my next theory, so after my elongated lack of inspiration, I now have it for you! Everyone knows about the mysterious man, Nilrem, but some more info has come up about him. He seems to me even more important than we first thought.

    So, Nilrem. He is the guy that Bob writes the mysterious letters to. The one explaining Bob's plan and what not. In the new Gavel update, we have two new pieces of info. The armor merchant in Nessak sells a chestplate called "Nilrem's Curse".

    And all the way over to Gavel, in the Fantastic Voyage quest, we have yet another reference. On the gateway island we have:

    Once again thanks to Rujala for this. It is a letter found on Gateway Island


    So... What does this tell us. Well, firstly it complicates my last theory about the door of time. That theory was that Nilrem = Merlin = Merlyn (the sign now says Martyn, but used to say Merlyn) = Guy who lives about the door of time. He could have gotten "lost in time" per say and that's why he vanished.

    This can not be the case, because of two facts. Gavel only opened it's gates to us now, and (I assume) the Fantastic Voyage quest takes place in Gavel. What does this mean?

    Well, Lets brain storm for a bit. I will be going pretty fast so try to bear with me.

    Here we go:

    Villagers have come from Gavel to Wynn before this, but Humans could not have gone to Gavel.

    Gateway Island predates the Humans coming to Gavel.

    Either Nilrem was a Villager who left Gavel, and someone form Gavel was writing to him.

    Or Nilrem is a human and still alive. He is in hiding and fled to Gavel when the doors opened.

    Someone in Gavel knew he was coming and started writing to him.

    The note is unfinished, so it looks like, as Relend says:
    (look at the second sentence in line 4/5)


    Someone else died on this island. How did they die? Was it people looking for Nilrem. Did they kill the letter writer?

    More than just bob knows Nilrem, because Bob's death predates Gavels Door Opening by FAR

    After gateway island you end up in the abandoned mines (see next sections)


    Theory 1 brainstorm (The Door Of Time):


    Bob said in his letter that he gave Nilrem a "Item Of Power"

    The letters are found in the shrines

    There is a "fake shrine" in the abandoned mines.

    It says the item was moved to another location, not necessarily another shrine.

    The miner's notes say:

    "I wonder what the thing the miner found does? I wonder if it is connected to the mine...".


    "One of the miners found a strange machine I wonder... where he keeps it? Seems very valuable.".

    (those are both part of the notes that help you open up the shrine)

    Bobs lore: 'he mined to deep, travelled too far, and challenged what should not be challenged'

    So yeah, mined too deep...

    So he was a miner

    What if he was THAT miner

    The thing from the shrine is the "machine"

    The "machine" is the "item of power" Bob gave Nilrem.


    Part 2 of the last part. It makes it seem less wild:


    There are Wynn Excavation crates in the abandoned mines near the shrine

    WE is interested in powerful ancient stuff

    Relics are ancient

    "Item of Power"

    WE is ruled by the high and mighty of Gavel

    If Nilrem fled to Gavel, it would be easy for them to find him.

    Which would explain how they found the person who was writing letters to Nilrem.

    Nilrem could be somewhere in Gavel, with that "item of power"

    He gave it to the person who died on Gateway Island.

    Which was used to make the portal back to Wynn

    Since the machine is from the abandoned mines, it's power if linked there.

    Which is why you end up in the abandoned mines.




    Or perhaps he did not go to Gavel.

    We was after him in Wynn

    Lets say he is the guy who lives above the door of time

    He fled through the door

    Which explains why the door is now open!

    But why only flee now when the door to Gavel opened?

    Was it because all eyes have been turned to Gavel, so no one would seem him slip?

    Or did people form WE come out from Gavel and are after him more than ever?


    What could the machine do?

    Well, it is unsure exactly what, but due to what we have seen, and the fact that it an "item of power" gives us some clues.

    1: It could enable time travel or control over time. According to the guy in time valley, the time magic is the "strongest magic seen in wynn". If the machine is so powerful, that would explain it.

    2: It can create portals. Since the Gateway Island is almost like another dimenson, the storm that brings you there could have been created by the machine. And the portal that takes you back to the mines would be another use of the machine.

    3: Read the next part.


    Theory 2 brainstorm (Elves):


    Lets talk about Elves.

    Elves live in Gavel.

    This next part is not about Nilrem or the item of power. More about the machine and the miner who found it.

    Lets say that guy was an elf...

    What would this mean?

    Well for one, Elves love flowers. We see this all over Aldorei

    The miner who found the machines loved flowers, according to the notes by some other miners

    According to Legolus, the machine where you find Soway is, and I quote, "some kind of ancient device", and "no one has figured out how to operate it"

    Ancient machine, flowers, what else?

    Well according to Kansar: Elves and Humans have not had much contact

    Wait what? Not much contact? I thought there was no contact?

    Was there some small amount of contact?

    Would that be the miner coming over to Wynn

    Would that be the contact?

    That would make the machine the device that Soway was hiding in. Meaning it could not be the "item of power"

    The device was brought over to Gavel form Wynn?

    I mean relics ARE ancient

    Would that make Soway the miner?

    So yeah, this ones contradicts the other one.


    Theory 3 brainstorm (Dern):

    Dern. Oh how I cringe at the word. Why, you may ask. Why do I hate Dern? Is that no what made me popular on the Forums? Well, its true, it brought me to the Forums. But I do not think I am that popular. Let's leave it at semi-popularity. So why do I hate it so? Well, I spent too much time obsessing over it to find no new evidence, not supports from the staff, nothing. Except for one message from Grian saying that "In the storyline, Dern is considered a Dark Land Far Off, not a Province", but "I should still be considered a Province". So I had enough with Dern. I was not going to get any new leads. Until now...

    (This is again focused around the machine/item of power, but has to do with where Nilrem is hiding"


    What do we know about Dern?


    Well we know something.

    Dern is a "Dark Land Far Off"

    And it was found while digging in the Abandoned Mines

    What of it?

    Gateway Island.

    You go through the portal and end up in a dark, evil looking area.

    Look at the mobs that spawn there:

    What does this mean?

    Well, first of all, endermen.

    5 times we see endermen.

    In/around ToA as "Cold Shadows"

    As "Ancients" in WE D

    As Dern Beats/Minions

    Summoned from the eye of the storm (another eye reference... [See my thread on WE for the eye stuff] )

    And here!

    The only times we see them are very mystic. They also used to be Dern Emegrents on Endermen Island.


    Endermen have so far been seen thrice in regard to Dern (not including this).

    Next mob.

    Dark skeleton warriors.


    We know Dern is Dark, hence "Dark Land Far Off"

    They are specifically not Undead, or Mystical, or Corrupted. They are specifically Dark.

    We also have these shadows.

    Shadows, darkness, come on!

    Now, the endermen, lets look at them again.

    Well, they are called "otherworld inhabitant"

    Other world?

    Well Dern is not technically a Province, it is a "Dark Land Far Off"

    "Far Off"

    How far off? Could it be considered a "Other World?"

    I think so.

    Another point for Dern!

    What else have we got?

    Well, look at the portal that brings you back to the abandoned mines

    Notice how the greenery is only around the portal? Almost like it is coming out of the portal?

    Where else do we see this?

    The nether portal. The netherack is only in the area around the portal.

    Nether is another world.

    Dern being another world? +1 point!

    What about Nilrem? Well have you seen this place? There is tons of ways he could have gone! Who knows!

    The machine

    Item of power.

    Used to make portals seems reasonable.

    The one linking to Dern, and the one coming back?

    I mean it was found in the abandoned mines...

    Oh speaking of which, you know what else?

    Where was Dern discovered?

    The abandoned mines

    Where do you end up after leaving the place that we assume is Dern?

    The abandoned mines

    Where was the machine discovered?

    The abandoned mines

    You know what else is near the abandoned mines?

    A deactivated end portal.

    Another portal, near the mines?

    Could have been Bob (we still assume he was the miner) testing the machine!

    The miner likes flowers?

    Bob could have used the machine to end up in the dimension of light, and form there to Aldeori.

    Which would explain (see the Elves section) the "we have not had MUCH interaction with humans"

    +1 for Bob being the miner

    +1 for the machine being a portal making thing

    +1 for elves being involved.

    Ok so thats all I have for this theory, I am kind of running out of steam.

    All pictures are form Rujala and can be found here:

    Note: You are not aloud to use any of these pictures without his permission. They are here purely for viewing

    So yeah, that's all for this theory


    So I might just be going crazy here, but these things seem to make sense when you put them together. Except for one thing. The chestplate. Nilrem's Curse. Was Nilrem cursed? If so, by what, or who? Did WE do it? Was the machine cursed?

    IDK about you guys, but the Nilrem figure seems pretty interesting. I feel like he will be importer later.

    So I know this one is not as solid as some of my other theories, its just kind of me brain storming. But PLEASE tell me what you think! Anything would be helpful! I really ant to know what you guys think! I have multiple possibilities here!


    Added Dern theory, thinking of removing link to pictures
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
  2. noelscrap

    noelscrap Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Awesome theory. Yes, Bob was indeed a miner. He says he "mined too deep" implying Bob was one of the miners who awoke the corrupted monsters from below.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I do remember something like that in the lore, but are you sure that was bob? I thought it was the humans in general.
  4. Xykeal

    Xykeal hello HERO

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    In bob's lore, it was like (I don't know it exactly this is just from my memory)
    'he mined to deep, travelled too far, and fought what should not be fought'
    Something like that

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    cooleo, will add
  6. Xykeal

    Xykeal hello HERO

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    Sorry fought what should not be fought is actually challenged what should not be challenged

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    fixed in post
  8. Noobgalaxies

    Noobgalaxies Make sure you eat plenty of fruit!

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    I'm 100% sure Bob DIDN'T mine down there... Bob was just a child when the corruption started.
  9. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    Tbh I think the mined too deep part was simply part of the expression.. He did too much stuff and his time was coming to an end.
    Also I REALLY suggest that you try to level up more as well, because some later game quests give hints to the lore
  10. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    It irks me seeing "form" instead of "from". Other than that, interesting theory.
  11. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    His name was Martyn ;>

    Oh and, when you finish the Fantastic Voyage quest, you end up in Wynn. But where? In the abandoned mines.

    I don't think Nilrem was cursed. I think Nilrem "summoned" the curse on the chestplate. Perhaps he moved the curse from the Item of Power onto a chestplate? Who knows.
    And yes, agreed to this guy, you should really start leveling some more, Spyro. It's really easy now, since Gavel ;D

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Perhaps too young to mine in the roots of corruption, but the mining in the abandoned mines is later than that. He could be older by then
    Common mistake I make, will fix
    You made 4 points, so I will awnserd them in order

    1: are you sure? Shoot

    2: that is SUPER helpful. Where exactly? If it's in a room with crates and mine carts, I have an idea

    3: perhaps, but it does not seem powerful enough

    4: I'm trying, I don't get on very often. But I do my research, I can tell you that
    As for the first part, you may be right. For the second part, I just need to open bobs tomb for lost soul then I can continue with gavel quests
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  13. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    It's like a hidden door... I'll try to get to Gateway Island and re-do everything :p
  14. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CTâ„¢ HERO

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    @Tantibus woohoo! FV theories! Just like we excepted :)
    WilsonKry and dtyn8 like this.
  15. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    I'm currently at Gateway Island, and I'm going to stay here and search for clues.

    I'd call myself the Keeper of Gateway Island ;D
    WilsonKry likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    screenshots would be great! but I think you are already getting those to me
    That would be a great help, Keeper of Gateway Island
    I'm sorry, But I am not accustomed with the acronym "FV". Could you please tell me what it means?
    and any time there is a theory to be had, you can expect I will have one :)
    You know, I have been looking around. Half the stuff I find says Martyn, the other half say Merlyn. I am going to assume the sign has changed at some point?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    So I added a second theory about the machine specifically, and the miner who found it.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    anyone here good with elves?
  19. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    I am no good with elves, no. By the way, I'll provide screenshots tomorrow ;p

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    thank you. btw you can check out the new section I added. you might find it interesting
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