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SPOILER What are your hopes and worries for Fruma?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Nov 10, 2023.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    With the new Fruma teaser posted, and 2.0.4 having no new content apart from lootrun stuff, it feels like the new province is getting somewhat close. And by close... I mean probably 12 months from now.

    Nevertheless, I wouldn't be too surprised if teasers become more frequent from now on. So, with this introduction out of the way, I want to ask everyone what they hope (and worry) will happen in Fruma's storyline and content.

    I'll start with mine: I hope fruma has blocks and content

    Okay serious answer: the Fruman Queen herself. I'm hoping for a great and unique villain.

    (writings below contains spoilers for some existing lategame quests)

    We know very little about the Queen, apart from the fact that some people are aware of her existence, and that texts in the Llevigar library refer to the monarchy as being seen as gods by their subjects. For almost a decade now as a playerbase, we've mainly been dealing with the Corruption, Decay, and Dern. Fruma's monarchy sets up the potential for something new. Which is why I'm worried about the following:

    I don't want the monarchy to be some puppet of Dern or infected by their parasite. I want something new that doesn't directly originate from the war of the realms. Back when Gavel launched, I and many others were disappointed that the decay felt similar to the corruption in terms of being a ruinous force of nature. I'm hoping Fruma isn't a repeat of that.

    Adding onto it, I'm also hoping that if Fruma's queen/monarchy is more human, them being evil is something that the game commits to. I don't want some "oh they're good now" arc like with Rodoroc's king Draani, this is an antagonist that's been hinted at for years. Let us righteously battle her in some grand showdown.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2023
  2. AvgHypixelPlayer

    AvgHypixelPlayer SKYBLOCK ON TOP!!! HERO

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    I have another leak for you

  3. Beanie Boi

    Beanie Boi Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    i hope we don't get another lari 2.0, that fruma isnt linear like SE, and that the way we get into fruma sorta makes sense?
    content is content i cant complain tooo much with wharever we get, at the end of the day itll prob still be fun for 3 months minimum
  4. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    I hope that the characters related to Fruma’s storyline will be three dimensional
  5. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Main Hopes:
    • Has its own independent story that ties a bit into the war of the realms. Key words: a bit. As you mentioned before, I don't want it to be Corruption but this time it makes the province plastic or smthn like that.
    • Not related to the province itself, but I would like some in-game teased content to drop, these being:
      • Clock Mystery (will probably happen bc lex said she wants to get it out before or right when fruma drops)
      • Void Altar and Wind Fortress stuff (Ahms Void is pretty barren atm. Adding smthn like that would be very cool)
      • Corrupted Timelost Sanctum (tho i think itll probs happen some time after for like a 2.1.1 patch)
      • Expanded Dark Forest lore (Espera the lich, Mysterious Figure in Lexdale after you do hollow serenity)
      • Jungle, Ocean, and more Corkus Secrets
    • And just some stuff that isn't confirmed in-game but will probs happen anyway due to being outdated:
      • Revamped IB and CIB
      • Rodoroc rework
      • some other stuff i havent thought of
    • back to fruma I hope there'll be a continuation of the secret ending to ???
    • New dungeon and maybe raid for fruma? Will there be something entirely different?
    • A teaser for the Dern Update (there is a lor reason that will be explained why we should go to fruma before going to dern, according to deus. obviously its not going to be revealed yet)
    • Everything else that people have said in this thread
    • Edit: Also a way to replay individual parts of quests. Key word individual. I don't think puzzles, unless they always vary, should count for this as they're no longer fun after you solve them. However, fighting quest bosses again would be epic (and also neat for us wiki editors)
    My Fears:
    • Lost Tower Part 2
    • The Corruption 3.0 doesn't turn the province into plastic, it instead turns everyone it touches into sticky notes
    • Disregarding the lore entirely
    • Will feel a bit empty with content
    • EDIT: how did i forget this: i don't want unfinished content. Clock Mystery is fine as unfinished content as it doesn't degrade the experience too much, you just did one part that can hold on its own until the second part comes out. What is bad unfinished content is Hunger of Gerts 2. Its just walking around doing barely anything to serve as the disappointing conclusion to a reworked quest I was looking forward to reexperiencing. Another piece of unfinished content would also be CGG when it dropped. It was buggy mess that i think took about a year to correct (tho some others could have bugs on their end, idk). When the update drops, all I'd just want is as unbuggy as possible and there's no disappointingly unfinished feelings of content.
    There will be a z-axis in fruma.

    so... yea!
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2023
  6. Elytry

    Elytry Fractal VIP

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    That Fruma is fun and makes sense with lore.
    Massive level cap increase. I know they said that they were making it go to no further than 120, but I don't want every single endgame build out there to be completely destroyed.
    Sku, Elysium_ and itay_ like this.
  7. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    With the general huge increase in writing and general quality of quests since 2.0, I have high hopes that the Fruma storyline will be something well-written and compelling, which wynn has only gotten quite close to with Hollow Serenity. I too hope that the general themes and conflicts within Fruma are a little more dynamic and involve more intrigue and moving parts, where the wars of the realms play less of a direct role (and not a repeat of Aldorei's secret part 2).

    I am a bit worried how the level cap increase will be handled. I would honestly prefer if there are actual new item pools, new mythics to discover, and new bests in slot so you can really feel that power increase once you hit the level cap. This is part of the natural life cycle of other MMOs. I don't want the level cap to simply just be another way of padding out playtime if it's just gonna be more XP to grind without anything else earned by leveling up further. Plus the idea of adding more mythics is not so bad or contrived now that lootrunning has made it far easier to get one. I also hope there are more ways to obtain mythics than random drop chances. Perhaps a 'fragment grinding' system where you can earn mythics over time by grinding hard content.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
  8. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    Hopes: it’ll be full of places as cool looking as what’s been announced so far, it’ll be full of content and be well utilised story, game, and lore-wise

    fear: it’ll be a bit of a letdown, or even if it’s good that it’ll just feel off that fruma finally exists and it’s just another province. I want it to feel special continuously as you’re going through it
    Elytry and Asbestress like this.
  9. NoGoodGod

    NoGoodGod Well-Known Adventurer

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    visuals are good
    bosses are fun
    quests are fun
    story and lore is cool
    characters are good
    endgame content is good

    I hope update is good
    WithTheFish likes this.
  10. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    Hopes: Fruma is its own lore that only slightly ties into the rest of the world, since its been so shut from the rest of the game it would make sense if it knows almost nothing going on outside the walls.
    I also hope that the past lore of us (the player) is expanded upon in great detail, I get that we r supposed to be a "blank slate" to make it easier for us to write our own stories but I would like to see a detailed history of what we were before we are now.
    I hope that overall most things would be hostile to the player, in the sense that NPCS are passive aggressive or weary of outsiders like us until the realize we are fruman by nature.
    Item wise I hope there is a definite power spike. Making the "new" endgame content actually scaled. So level 100 players still feel like demi gods compared to a fully leveled 120 player.
    Skill tree wise id love to see new red perks that unlock at level 120 from skill points
    The storyline is a dope revilution against the monarchy.

    The queen ends up being in every other quest in fruma. IMO she should be VERY scarce and hard to really know. She's a powerful monarch who would have her subjugates do her will. She should be played as a force behind the wall not the Idol of it.
    There's no power spike between lvl 105 to 120.
    The dernic influence/ light influence is apart of any of the lore.
    We end up making them the "good guys" or something
    they only add like 1 dungeon or 1 raid. For the size and awe of this province I think it should have 1 raid and two dungeons. That way content can stay fresh for 20 levels but also be like milestones.
    Some new "force" is added like light/dark/decay/corruption and whatnot
    they drop little to no spoilers/ teasers as it comes out
    Elysium_, Da Homeboi and luckeyLuuk like this.
  11. Pumpkinn

    Pumpkinn Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    my worries/hopes are
    - fruma will be multiple storylines and not just 1 focusing about the queen or something. like to treat it as a well province and hopefully not just as a big town
    - with the level increase i want them to also level up mythics by the amount of levels they are increasing by or some way to balance them
    - professions won't go crazy with a new level cap pls
    - new abilities bc of level cap archetype stuff
    - no more decay/corruption in fruma please
    - they have too many or too little teasers/spoilers
    - depth in the characters
    and that lari won't appear in fruma again or in wynn and will just stay gone in dern forever
    Elysium_, Elytry and Deusphage like this.
  12. AvgHypixelPlayer

    AvgHypixelPlayer SKYBLOCK ON TOP!!! HERO

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    We will see Lari once Dern releases
  13. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    That you guys will like it.

    That players might have an expectation of what they think Fruma is and what the experience will be, and as the actual Fruma may differ from it, they won't be able to look past their preconceived image of it to appreciate what we have created.
    Dr Zed, tig, Rythew and 19 others like this.
  14. Beanie Boi

    Beanie Boi Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Iirc items aren't gunna change baseline values ie lvl 120 gear has similar stats to 100 gear(alr happening with the SE items)
    Bwitty03, Bixlo and Pumpkinn like this.
  15. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    • We'll get a compelling story arc for the province's quests.
    • Some cool lore, hopefully some history about how the Fruman monarchy came to be alongside lore regarding the present day.
    • An active, fully developed villain. Most major villains right now are either mindless forces of nature (Corruption, time magic fallout in Time Valley, Decay) or beings that act mostly passively from afar and are pretty much only hinted at or mentioned as part of discussion over until a final confrontation (Arakadicus, Garoth, Hashr, Theorick, Urelix, the Parasite, the Colossus, the government of Rodoroc, Antikythera, the Eye, Dern Beast). Not to say this is necessarily bad, but Wynn could do with a little more variation. Maybe not the Queen herself duking it out with you because she would probably maintain an aura of mysteriousness, but there could be like some evil general dude who serves the monarchy who you have repeated confrontations with (whether that be one-on-one or as part of a group).
    • Mentions of Corkus, maybe?
    • Things you can theorize and wonder about that aren't directly revealed anywhere
    • Fruma or the Fruman Queen being somehow subservient to Dern. Let Fruma be Fruma.
    • In the opposite direction to the above, feeling too disconnected from the rest of the lore. The connectedness should strike a balance between too interdependent and too far removed.
    • One-dimensional story and characters
    • Silly fallacies (like Orphion deciding that choosing a pacifist to eliminate the Decay would be the greatest idea)
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2023
    Elysium_, Elytry, Uniimog and 2 others like this.
  16. Icy

    Icy Returning Player CHAMPION

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    Ok but this could be done in a really cool way where the Frumans don't know they are being influenced by the Dern Beast, but are by proximity in a Lovecraftian horror kinda way. The monarchy isn't overtly evil, but through some rift or portal to Dern they are being influenced subtly without even knowing it. (I don't want this to be the case either though)

    1. Most of the quests are us exploring Fruma with Tasim and some other recruits. We would discover what is going on through personal experiences, and also through rumors of the native Frumans. This will eventually lead us to the castle, where Tasim stays behind to hold off guards, for us to make it through to the castle with the other recruits and storm it. Then the raid would be us storming the castle, and the final fight being the Queen.
    2. Tasim doesn't die like Aledar, we need more likeable mainstay characters that will make it to the conclusion of the story with us. (Would also be a funny conversation telling him about Aledar)
    3. A genuinely hard raid no matter what gear/builds are being used, high risk-high reward. (Not catered towards bad pfinder morph teams)
    4. Somehow the CT finds a way to make multiple roles important for raids like most other MMORPG's (healer/tank/dps) instead of how right now only dps matters.
    5. New mythics are just better, or if new items don't fully outclass old ones, more niche mythics like tri-element ones with cool major ids.

    1. Not enough endgame replayable content.
    2. Mythics as a whole continue to lose value or stay at the same low value position they are at currently. (Could be fixed if new mythics were just stronger and given a way lower chance of finding/or are locked behind a single method of obtaining)
    3. Killing off of Tasim, not establishing him further or on a deeper level. Also a lack of new recurring characters, considering everyone from A Journey Beyond is dead and Lari is gone at least temporarily. Having well developed characters in the story makes the world feel more lived in.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2023
    OuterHope and luckeyLuuk like this.
  17. Phanleanhkhoi

    Phanleanhkhoi Severely skill issued adventurer

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    "rn only dps matters" upload_2023-11-13_8-36-0.jpeg
    FelixTape likes this.
  18. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    Arkade, Elysium_ and Icy like this.
  19. Phanleanhkhoi

    Phanleanhkhoi Severely skill issued adventurer

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    but tank and healer man
    lari is either dead or infected by darkness. we will have to kill her ( likely if she is alive)
    100klemonreimu and FelixTape like this.
  20. Tabyco_zZ

    Tabyco_zZ The sleeper soldier HERO

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    1.player have more lore in fruma
    2.new ability tree like
    4.music and the story
    5.new class

    1.we need fruma queen is a new enemy
    has’t with the darkness
    2.story conten…
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