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Void Rift (rp) - Intermission

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Exvhius, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Intermission has begun. Feel free to inquire about dropping in! Chapter 2 will hopefully get moving once I learn what my schedule is.
    Void Rift (rp) - Intermission
    Hi, I'm Exvhius. Four year host of this thing. Void Rift has gotten me through a lot, and I wanted to say two things; one of which is marginally shorter than the other.

    One; thank you. Seriously. I moved to this forum because I could never get the RP to go long enough to find the end of my story. I've been working as I go from the start, and the fact that the occasional new person shows interest in joining means a lot to me. As cliche as it is, I never imagined this would take off as much as it did - or last as long as it has.

    Two; I'm now in college, and I'm starting to find out that life isn't going to work with me from hereon out. I'd like to remind anyone that any new applicants need to apply through my discord server, and even then it's a bloody slow process as I stumble around in life. As the main storyline begins to finally draw to its base conclusion, I may be more open to helping people get apps ready. For now, though, I'm willing to help a bit with backstory but I can't write your app for you. If you know who and what you want to be, come reach out and throw me an app. Otherwise, well... sorry. The years that I could easily manage doing that have passed.
    Hey, this is obviously an edit!
    Things are finally in their final iteration. I've got things to the point where "set in stone" actually means "set in stone." Plus, some of the current players have fallen inactive. In light of this, I plan to open the RP again sometime late May/early June. Note that this will likely be the LAST opening before the end of the main story.
    Contact me via Discord (through the server - tell me who you are damnit) or PM on the forums for details. I'm going to reach out to everyone who had a pending app, wipe the queue clean, and see where I stand after all of that.
    These changes are fairly major and take place from hereon out.

    - There is now a dream plane that can be accessed with light sleep. Use it to transition to the spectral plane, or die to wake up.
    - The dream plane does have residents, but they live out of initial sight. Be wary of who you wake.
    - Additional sidequests and backstory discoverable by exploring and messing around with a poorly/stereotypically named ore.
    - Dreams may be the only way to recover Virei'tus...

    - The Void is ever expanding, yet it starves just as its denizens do. This adds more locations to discover in The Void and the original 4 worlds, with a secret room accessible from the Labyrinth.
    - Expanded details on Oblivion and its actual effects outside of being a sort of one-way limbo realm.
    - The Fenira Exegesis mobilizes...

    First and foremost, I want to mention that this will likely be different than other roleplays on here. I haven't looked too deep into many, but because of this, I will preface with notable deviations from the norm;

    - I am the main character. However, I do not know the world. The main storyline is driven around me and how others interact with me.
    - That being said, you are essentially creating your own world. Where do you live? What god do you serve? Are you technologically advanced, or do your people have strong magic running through your veins? Are you a human, orc, dragon, or something else entirely?
    - If you name a creature I am unfamiliar with and end up fighting it, you may have to describe to me how the creature fights.

    And the final note before I dive into things; I ran this on another forum. I was worried it wouldn't work, and instead it lasted just over 1300 replies with only three players. This is a remake, and if you're interested in the lore, I do have resources I can link you to.

    With that bit aside, let's get into the relevant stuff.
    Here's how it'll work:
    My character has his own lore: An otherworldly, humanoid dragon looking to save himself and his friends. This lore line will be the "spine" of the storyline, if you will. My lore line interacts directly with the world.

    Three people who are not me will play as gods. They can choose what their power is and what the lands they rule look like. They are free to do as they wish and either help or hinder my progress through the game. They can also either get along well (or not) with the other gods. Powers are open ended, but limited. Inquire about details.

    Anyone who wishes to join and either does not want to be a god (or if there are already three gods) will be an inhabitant. These characters can serve any role, be it disciple or citizen, and hail from any race (maybe even be an outcast hybrid of some sort). They can also choose to be the ruler of a certain tribe of sorts, as long as they too don't have power that is too extreme.

    The reasoning behind this is that if people can choose their surroundings instead of a list of pre-determined areas, the world is more open-ended and hopefully lets people have to compromise less. It also makes the concept of me not being from this world a lot easier to work with. My confusion will be legitimate,

    Three gods ruled a rather prosperous world, and it was close to achieving perfect balance. Warfare broke out still among the inhabitants, but the gods tolerated this and saw few problems. One day, without any kind of warning, that would change...

    An eerie disturbance appeared over a grassy plain with a forest nearby. At the request of the inhabitants (many who feared the worst), the three gods went to observe the anomaly. Once arriving, they determined it had no effects on life or the environment and were just about to leave.

    That's when it opened.

    Just for a split second, the disturbance turned into a tear into space, and a humanoid dragon-like being was ejected from it before the rift and the disturbance disappeared entirely.
    With this new creature lying on the ground unconscious, the gods had a new question to answer: Who is this and why are they here?
    After an hour of arguing, the trio noticed something out of the corner of their eyes:

    The creature's eyes slowly opened.


    Everything must have 2 counters minimum. Avoid guaranteed-kill abilities, if you can. Counters don't need to be stated, they will be found eventually.
    State the action, not the result. I determine the result.
    Friendly fire is a random chance... be weary of this
    Damage is determined by severity and strength of the blow taken. Health is not fixed, but cannot be defined with a number.
    Gods are temporarily sealed instead of killed. My character and any inhabitants can either be revived or automatically revive through a lore mechanic.

    Very few locations are pre-written but almost entirely can be determined by a god or inhabitant. This world is not meant to have a map and is meant to be vast, unknown, and have a sense of danger. (If this gets going, I will put up a map I made based on my interpretation of my travels in-game)
    Inhabitants can engage each other in combat. If this is the case, I will run the fight just like any other.
    Things must be balanced. There is no perfect god nor inhabitant.
    Having a good or bad relationship with my character WILL affect your character ingame. If in game you constantly hinder my progress, know that anything I may do in revenge (or anyone, for that matter) doesn't affect my opinion of you OOC, though I can't speak for everyone.
    If you wish to speak OOC, please start the comment with "OOC:"

    EDIT: I forgot to edit this again. Apps have been open for months, but PM me stuff anyways. Please don't interrupt the thread with your app.

    Character Name:
    Blade, Bow, or Tome? (Choose up to two):
    Position in community:
    Additional Details and Lore:
    Relative location of settlement:
    Character Name:
    What you are and look like:
    Ability(ies): I understand this one can be a bit lengthy
    Blade, Bow, or Tome? (Pick your favored weapon(s) or if you don't care):
    What is your title as a god? (ie: God of the Hunt, Goddess of the Lands):
    Additional Details and Lore:
    Relative location of settlement (Last time, the gods had their own Mt. Olympus style thing, do with this as you wish):
    Extra notes:
    - Please be fairly active, especially if you are a god. If life happens, let me know. I might ask you if everything's okay if I don't hear from you for a while, but I won't push it very hard.
    - To distinguish my character from the host's responses to things not involving my character, I will be marking my dialogue in first person.
    Ex. "I... am NOT a demon, you freak!" I shout in the general direction of the forest. I won't pursue him... yet.
    - Make sure your character is a capable fighter. The first rift dropped the first of many. You don't know how they fight... until you fight them or see them fight, at least.
    - If you want clarification, ASK. It makes things easier on both ends.
    - Make a good backstory, but if you do, I beg you not to write a novel. A paragraph or less is preferable.
    - OOC knowledge stays OOC... unless the lines are blurred, in which case I'll probably give you the benefit of the doubt.

    Also, you can opt to kill my character at any time... after the beginning.
    We can start once we have three gods.
    (I may update the OP at any time. New things will be marked with a highlighted tag, edits will just be put in)

    @Robin and Reflet | Reflet, Goddess of Fire
    @Seregios | Eras, God of Darkness

    @Rogue | Matthew "Rogue" Redmas, Heir of Emeraldonia
    @Katherine | Katherine Redmas, Would-be Princess of Emeraldonia
    @Joshie | Joshua "Storm" Brink, Emeraldonian Hunter
    @Enhanced_Human | Mistake #13, Another Failed Attempt
    @I'm Illuminati | A-01 Experimental, Mercenary Prototype
    @FireMage | Aforl, Exiled Wizard
    @Possumness | Luphyx, Wizard of Light

    Fragments of ???
    Vesius, Terra Dragon of ???
    Ihra, Sage Dragon of ???
    Vei, Chrono Dragon of Might

    Fragments of ???
    Feiha, ??? of Jealousy
    Nyre, Vulcan Dragon of Greed
    Xephir, Cryo Dragon of Sorrow
    Two years ago, this started to answer one simple question; what next?
    Now, this is the largest thread on the Wynncraft Forums by a wide margin and one of the longest running RPs active.

    I no longer want apps here in my inbox. Come hang out with us and get some help jumping into the fray in the VR discord channel!

    An adventure starring a narcoleptic optimist with enough power to make the most tyrannical dictator cry. A mystery where nothing quite adds up. A fantasy story of hope, betrayal, and forgetfulness.

    Set in a completely original reality filled with warring factions, local and widespread cults, all-powerful gods, lesser gods, and (of course) dragons. Lots and lots of dragons.

    - More than 20 worlds sprinkled with relics, oddities, etc; all fully explorable. Travel from pole to pole and become known as anything from a mercenary with a heart of gold to an interdimentional emperor, along with whatever's in between.
    - 6 high gods, 4 even higher gods, and libraries chock full of legends.
    - 4 layers of reality, each with its own denizens and rules of existence.
    - Too much backstory for me to summarize in my lifetime (even though I've done it before)
    - 1 lazy but dedicated (overworked) and open host who plays too much Pacman.
    - Super flexible character creation that allows otherwise absurd power.

    Pardon the mess, the OP needed a serious rework after two years. It hurt my brain just looking at it, but I guess for old times' sake I'll leave it visible. You know, history is important or something.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
  2. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    Character Name: Halonzus
    What you are and look like: God of the sky. (That includes weather.) I look like an ordaniry human so I can change my appearance anytime.
    Ability(ies): I run all things sky-related. Or air-related.
    Blade, Bow, or Tome? (Pick your favored weapon(s) or if you don't care):
    What is your title as a god? (ie: God of the Hunt, Goddess of the Lands): God of the Sky
    Additional Details and Lore: N/A
    Relative location of settlement (Last time, the gods had their own Mt. Olympus style thing, do with this as you wish): I live on a series of floating islands in a dimension accessible only by me and those I allow.
    Kaelan~ likes this.
  3. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Character Name: Reflet
    What you are and look like: A humanoid goddess, usually assuming the form of:
    Note: I literally do this for all of the RPs I join.
    Abilities: Can control and summon fire, and split the earth (like fracturing the earth to let lava rise up basically). Her weapons are of the highest quality, as she and her followers are renowned as some of the best blacksmith. She heats up the air around her, is a fire magic wielder and a skill swordsman

    tl:dr: Controls fire related stuff. (Don't think that's too op...)

    Blade, Bow, or Tome? (Pick your favored weapon(s) or if you don't care): Sword and a tome (Bolganone :o)

    What is your title as a god? (ie: God of the Hunt, Goddess of the Lands): Goddess of Fire

    Additional Details and Lore: In the beginning of the world, Reflet was born of fire and ash from the earth's core. Her duty was to bestow legendary weapons to heroes she judged worthy. However, one of the heroes she selected betrayed her. This man used the hammer Reflet had forged for him to slaughter village after village, killing thousands and burning the countryside. Reflet was outraged and refused to do anymore business with mortals, retreating into the core of the earth in shame. Only her most loyal of followers have seen her since. Until now...

    Relative location of settlement (Last time, the gods had their own Mt. Olympus style thing, do with this as you wish): She lives in the core of the earth among her many forges, where the best of weapons are made. Her followers usually gather and form cities around volcanoes in mass amounts, for Reflet is only known the surface and greet mortals there.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
    Assassin4Lyfe and Kaelan~ like this.
  4. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Accepted. This'll be interesting...
    I noticed.
    Accepted, and I like the backstory. Neither thing I've seen is too OP.

    I mean...
    The first main "boss" can summon meteor strikes, you're both fine.

    Third god and we're good.
    blankman likes this.
  5. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I used to play fire emblem! Then I took an arrow to the knee (yes, I also used to play Skyrim too)

    Character Name: Eras
    What you are and look like: I am humanoid but certainly not human. A dark aura emanates from me. I also have wings so I can fly.
    Ability(ies): I can, as said above, fly. I can hide myself in a dark mist.
    Blade, Bow, or Tome? (Pick your favored weapon(s) or if you don't care): Tome
    What is your title as a god? (ie: God of the Hunt, Goddess of the Lands): I am the God of Darkness (NOT the god of evil. My God is not always evil)
    Additional Details and Lore: Eras is the God of Darkness. He lives in a land filled with darkness. His people can see without light and are very intelligent. However, he also has a darker side. He sometimes decides to create wars in his own land just for fun or randomly executes someone. At other times, he is loving and caring. He likes to be seen by his followers and his people, not to live in isolation. However, he does have 'Void Palace'. This palace is just ceremonial, though he may decide to give it other uses in the future...
    Relative location of settlement (Last time, the gods had their own Mt. Olympus style thing, do with this as you wish): He has a Void Palace. This is a palace which is situated in the void between... well, nobody knows if it is even between anything. This place is mysterious and anything can happen. His cult of followers have to venture through a wild and inhospitable land between the entrance and the Void Palace itself. Of course, this is if you find a way into the Void first...
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  6. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    In my lore, The Void is a recurring "dead zone" of sorts. If you're okay with ruling a small fraction of the Void (the part you know is near this world), that's fine. It would lead to some... interesting interactions.

    Accepted. I will start in a few hours to see if anyone wants to be an inhabitant. If nobody does, then gods may have to make second characters.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  7. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I'm so sorry, random crap popped up.
    And then just spiraled everywhere.
    And I have to go to sleep soon.

    ...Whatever. Let's begin.

    I slowly open my eyes, groaning as I sit up. You can see a rapier and three tomes attached to my robe in some way, shape, or form.
    My scales are as black as my robe, red details sticking out; nothing you've ever seen.

    I turn to each of you, looking more and more panicked as I do. I utter words in a language you can't understand before reaching for a green tome.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  8. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Yeah, that's fine. I meant like he controls a part of the world which none of the other God's control, then he also has a palace in the void and a portal near it. But the portal and the palace are separated by a part of the void he doesn't own, which is used to test someone who wants to join his cult.
  9. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Thanks for the clarification.

    ...I can definitely have fun with that.
    EDIT: The post above is for everyone, idk if that needed clarifying or not.
  10. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Eras says, "Should we kill it? I mean, it's heavily armed and could be quite dangerous.".
  11. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I look at you, confused. I flip open the tome and cast a spell at you, other hand resting on the rapier loosely.
    I look like I may try to run, continuously eyeing you suspiciously.
  12. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    "I'd rather keep it alive until we know where it comes from," I mutter in a low voice to the other gods. Circling the creature, I ask "Can you speak?"
  13. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    The spell spins to hit you instead.
    "Now I can... who are you? Who are they?"
  14. Cloak

    Cloak |Casting Spells|Back From the Pit| VIP+

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    Character Name: Matthew "Rogue" Drevur

    Race: Emeraldonian (more on that later)

    Ability(ies): is the only one able to touch the Emerald Acid Blade (a sword made of a green gem, that drips acid and burns through flesh [LIKE ACID])

    Blade, Bow, or Tome? (Choose up to two): Emerald Acid Blade, Amulet of Acid

    Position in community: Adventurer and Assassin, heir of Emeraldonia

    Additional Details and Lore: One day in the land of Emeralderaldonia, 10,000 years ago. the Royal family and all of the other families that survived decided to go into hiding, taking with them one piece of the puzzle to open the Emerald Vault buried deep beneath the ground... Now in the Present Day the Emeraldonian families are few in number, only 5 out of 5000 are left over the years.... But the Royal family lives strong as well, as farmers on the ruined island of Emeraldonia (More about that down below). Now the Kings 1st born and only son, Matthew, is sent out to reclaim their families heritage and reclaim the island by opening the Emerald Vault and get the superior technology needed to rebuild and defend the ancient land... But his father knows what is out there beyond the sanctuary of the islands ruins, so he trains him in the art of the Emerald Mage. He sets off across the Gallo Bridge to the mainland with his fathers sword, pet chicken Dave, his horse Dusty, and a sack of coins. Once gets to the center kingdom he sees a commotion, and a giant flash of light as a rift opens and somethings pops out! and the Three gods appear!

    Relative location of settlement: Ruins of Emeraldonia, a massive island in the southwest corner of the Ocean, with a tattered bridge connecting it to Mainland, it was ravaged during a war 10,000 years ago and was almost destroyed, today there is an archeological dig site to recover the ancient weapons of mass destruction that the old empire hid away....
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  15. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    (What type of tome are you using? Assuming tomes have types in this)

    "I'm Reflet, goddess of fire. That's Halonzus god of the sky, and Eras god of darkness, mortal. Now it's your turn. Tell us who you are and why you're here."
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  16. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    OOC: They vary. Color is more of a category for his world's tomes. Green tends to be support magic, red is usually tied to fire (but not always), and blue is tied to both water and air. Like fire, these are tendencies, not concrete categorizations.
    "I... my name is Vesius, um... I don't know why I'm here. Please... don't..."
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  17. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Creeping up behind the gods, you're just far enough not to be noticed. However, you can't hear anything from this distance. Dare you risk drawing closer?
  18. Cloak

    Cloak |Casting Spells|Back From the Pit| VIP+

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    i try to look closer
  19. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    From this position, you can't guarantee your safety to yourself, but you can make out a creature with wings and a tail. It looks almost demonic, but if it was, surely the gods wouldn't be reasoning with it...

    Whatever it is, it's life is in the hands of the gods.
  20. Cloak

    Cloak |Casting Spells|Back From the Pit| VIP+

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    "hmmm... maybe ill wait this out.. see what happens." i say to Dusty and Dave. "wonder what they will do with it..."