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Top 10 | [ S2 E1 ] | Most Amazing Builds In Wynncraft + Mini Theory

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by i eat bees, Aug 15, 2016.

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  1. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    Well hello everyone, I haven't made a top 10 episode in quite a while now, So I've decided to just start a new "Season", Anyways let's get right into it!


    In this episode I've asked a few close friends and some people around the forums for buildings that should get on that list, So of course that all of them are going to be credited for suggesting the certain build.


    Wynn is known for one big thing among it's players, And it's the builds, Wynn is one if not the most high-quality built Minecraft server, And the building team led by Grian sure is doing a great job, The buildings really add into the game experience making you get lost in the world of Wynncraft, From extremely realistic-looking buildings that were highly thought into to magical and fantasy buildings that would probably never be able to exist, Wynn has it all, So here are...

    Top 10

    Most AMAZING Builds in Wynncraft
    [Episode suggested by @Moe_Ronickah]

    Number #1
    The Roots of Corruption,
    While the area is involved only in 1 quest (Temple of Legends) it sure does look sick, From extremely detailed spikes to some really interesting block-mixing of netherrack & soulsand, It really gives you the message of "Corruption" and would probably be the first thing in most of the Wynncraftians's Minds when someone says the word "Corruption".

    Number #2
    The Almuj & Nesaak Barracks,
    Both of these buildings sure do hold some secrets, Discovered by a lot of players when Gavel come out, Both of these buildings were added after the Gavel update along with the Tavern Prison, No one knows what's their current point, But a lot of people think they're going to be involved in a quest or in the story line in the near future, Forgetting about all the mystery part, Both of the places are highly detailed and "Realistic", It seems like whoever made them really thought about everything, Giving us a lot of clues about what their future point might be [Find information & Theory here].


    Number #3
    Tower of Ascension, I'm pretty sure that we can all agree that this building is legitimately the best looking in Wynncraft, Tower of Ascension is taking a part in one of the hardest quests in the game for it's level (The quest is named Tower of Ascension, Of course), With the use of a lot of slabs and stairs, This tower has an amazing shape, And reaches an insane height.
    Suggested by: Chun_Gaming

    Number #4
    The Entire Light Realm Area, The area might be taking a part of only 1 quest currently, But sure does have a lot to do with the lore, It's fairly big and we're expecting to have more content there soon enough (I'm just assuming because of the size of the map, Was never confirmed or approved as far as I know), The use of mixed stained glass in the giantic plants all around the area makes it feel extremely magical, And is in my opinion the best-looking area/world in Wynncraft.

    Number #5

    Currently has a lack on content but is expected to have more content in it soon enough with a confirmed new quest in the close update, Is by far the most amazing looking town in all Gavel, Located in the middle of Canyon of the Lost, Really is a "Pain" to reach, But it's worth it when you see the builds, The farms, The trees, The houses, Everything looks so rusty and simple, Makes it feel like you're in a quiet and peaceful village from the medieval times.

    Number #6
    The Detlas Hourglass,
    Might seem very simple at first, But is one of the most interesting and mysterious features in Detlas, Loved by a lot of players for uhm... Specific reasons, And talked about in the quest "Sister City", Now, While making this thread I've realized something, And I'm going to make a mini-theory about it right now.

    Mini theory:
    So- In the quest "Beyond the Grave" when you enter one of the rooms you see a hourglass, And death says that it shows how much time the world has left, In the quest "Sister City" the NPC says that "The hourglass is running out of sand" and he needs you to go to Selchar and get more, At the start it doesn't seem weird, But when thinking, How come the hourglass is running out of sand? It's not supposed to go anywhere, In normal hourglasses you just "Flip up" the hourglass to make it running again, Which doesn't seem possible in the building, I believe that this is a reference to the world of Wynncraft "Ending" that would be probably featured in the Story Line and has been referenced a lot around the map and quests, What if the reference to "Flipping up" the hourglass means a new start? Are both of the hourglasses in Detlas and Death's Realm linked? This is really something to look into, Let me know what you think in the comments, I'm pretty sure I'm onto something.

    Number #7
    The Door of Time,
    Has been there since well, Ever, It is obviously the most mysterious building in Wynncraft, Have been confirmed to take a part in the Wynncraft Story Line, And is talked about only once in the quest "Suspended Flowers", In one of the dialogs the NPC says that everything around the door seems to slow down, Definitely something to look into, But I guess that as a lot of staff members have already said... Only time will tell.

    Number #8
    The outside of the Guild Hall,
    There isn't really much to say, I'm sure we can all agree that from the outside, This place is legitimately perfect, With the amazing looking clock and some perfectly shaped buildings, I can only imagine how long this part of the building took to make.

    Number #9
    The inside of Cinfras's Airport base, This place is probably the one with my favorite inside-design, Featured in a fair amount of quests, The way that everything looks so messy but also organized at the same time in it is perfect, And it sure does have some seriously interesting features.

    Number #10
    The statue behind Kandon-Beda, Also a pretty mysterious building, Is believed to take a part in a future quest, It doesn't have a lot of stuff that seem to be connected with the lore, But oh boy, It's probably the best-looking Statue in Gavel & Wynn.
    Suggested by @ShadowMage1


    Well, This is it for this episode, I really hope you've enjoyed, This episode took me an insane time to make, I was really happy to be able to use my ingame-photographing skills too, So tell me what you think about the pictures, Cya'll in the next episode.


    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
    _Docks, Kaelan~, Microvac and 11 others like this.
  2. hexapod

    hexapod Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    icebreaker likes this.
  3. Bio

    Bio Father of Class Builds Section VIP+

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    (Correct me if I'm wrong but) I think you spelt Thesead wrong ;)
  4. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Bio likes this.
  5. Fightinator

    Fightinator The Protector of the Realm

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    Nice effort bro! Its nice, just by looking over it
  6. Stycore

    Stycore some random golem CHAMPION

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    I love the theory, but this should be sand :)
    XavierEXE and Bio like this.
  7. Eric Yang

    Eric Yang RIP Mincreafterkid12|THE LEGEND NEVER DIES

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    I love time valley. nice list1!!11
  8. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    You forgot this build

  9. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    None of the dungeon builds are on here? The current dungeons may be lacking in gameplay, but they look incredible.
    Ryuu and XavierEXE like this.
  10. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    I don't like the look of the Silverfish dungeon. The rest are all good, but not really ToA level.
  11. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Best 10 chars message.
  12. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    About the theory the entire death realm reminds me of the discworld's death world.
    dead zeffe likes this.
  13. dead zeffe

    dead zeffe Guest

    Really good work Mutton gg! :D
    Really good work Mutton gg! :D
    DerVillager likes this.
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