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[tips] How To Win (almost) Every Game In Clash Royale

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Zelefant, Mar 24, 2016.


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  1. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    So I wanted to give a little guide that is Goblin Arena-friendly and Legendary-friendly.

    If you don't know what Clash Royale is, it's a new game by Supercell (creators of Boom Beach and Clash of Clans). It's free, and it's a 1 on 1 battle strategy 'card game' where you place down your troops and they attack for you.

    This guide works for all arenas, no matter if you are Goblin Arena or Legendary Arena. This trick was given to me by one of my clan members and it helped me get "un-stuck" in Bone Pit when i was stuck in a loop of battles defeat-victory-defeat-victory and helped me get to Barbarian Bowl.

    Play on the defensive side.

    When you play on the offensive side, you tend to use a ton of Elixir, resulting in you having zero Elixir when your opponent launches a huge attack using Giants and a ton of Epics, meaning you're screwed.

    If you only attack on the defensive side, sure, you might get a lot more Draws. You want to balance your defense with offense, but not balance it at the same time. That probably makes no sense. Let me break it down for you.

    Let's say your opponent uses a Prince and a Valkyrie.

    Princes eliminate PEKKAs fast, and the Valkyrie eliminates Skeletons and Skeleton Armies fast. You have to use the troops that the Prince and the Valkyrie are weak against. Once one is eliminated, use whatever card that the eliminated character was strong against. (ex. for Valkyries, Skeleton Army; Princes, PEKKA)

    The fights are usually determined by luck of how strong they hit, but depending on the troops placed it can be twisted easily.
    One thing you should do it when defending one side of the arena, place Goblin Huts, Barbarian Huts, or Tombstones down on the other side of the arena. This makes it so you are not only defending your area of the arena, but also attacking the person at the same time.

    One last thing:

    Let's talk about Elixir.

    Elixir is the cost of your troops. When placing your troops, it uses Elixir. The amount of Elixir you have is crucial to your fighting style.

    Depending on how you balance defense/offense, you want to keep your elixir at a certain level. For me, as long as it is between 7 and max (10) elixir. You may want to keep it really low. A way I was told to do it is to place low-costing troops somewhere in the battlefield if you want low elixir or certain kinds of troops for a huge attack.

    Hope this helps.
    The Timelord likes this.
  2. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Why ?

    bump :(
  3. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    Super helpful!
    Zelefant likes this.
  4. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I don't play clash royale; it feels like a clone of PvZ versus mode...
    and I broke my ipad...
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