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Tips For Archer!

Discussion in 'Questions' started by mArauder, Jan 14, 2016.

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  1. mArauder

    mArauder Friendly Neighborhood Guy

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    I am Marauder657, and I am here to talk to you about... "Stuff"

    So I am kinda new, kinda old Wynn player. I have played with all classes, but not Archer.

    I am wondering what types of Builds I should use (might use thunder and air), and I'm also wondering if Archer is a good class to start with

    DankYa Very much!
    -Marauder [TheNoobOfRubiks]
  2. CheesePrince13

    CheesePrince13 Eternally Inactive HERO

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    To try and help, I think it would help to briefly summarize the class and its style first. The Archer is a class that focuses on an overall mid-range style. It's basic attacks go quite far, but spells work better and more effectively at a close range, which allows you to be fairly adaptable if you need to be. Its Escape spell also gives you a large speed boost at higher levels for an extended period of time, making it a good class to explore with. It has high DPS, as well multiple crowd control abilities, meaning that it's a good class to solo with as well. If you want to play that class, you largely want to build Dexterity for damage and Agility for evasion. This would indeed be a Thunder/Air build as you mentioned, although I personally may throw a few points in Water so that Mana Regen wouldn't be as much of a problem.

    What you want to be careful of with archer is being trapped in or forced into confined spaces with mid-high spawn rates. Despite having high Evasion and mobility, Archers have notoriously low defenses. This means that if you get trapped in a cave or a corner with too many mobs around you, death is likely imminent. Even if you dodge 70% of attacks, the 30% that reach you do close to their full damage, which can still be enough to easily kill you due to poor defenses. As long as you watch your positioning, Archer is a fun and easy class to play, as well as a good class to learn on.

    To anyone else reading who disagrees with anything I have stated here, I apologize, as I am a Warrior main, not an Archer. This does, however, mean that I am without bias since I myself do not play the class; therefore, this is, at bare minimum, a fair evaluation from a neutral third party.

    Hope you found something useful, and welcome back :3
  3. mArauder

    mArauder Friendly Neighborhood Guy

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    Thank you :)
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  4. joshua123_4

    joshua123_4 Lord of Chaos, Master of Destruction

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    I use archer mostly (my only high leveled class) and it's really effective. It is the class with the most range and its mythic weapon does the most damage out of all 4.

    And a tip about using archer against Amadel. If you haven't killed Amadel with other classes yet, I suggest using archer and killing the boss 4-8 times. You can get up to high places quickly and just corner Amadel from super far away. It takes about 10-30 minutes to kill Amadel Final Form though (I don't know if that is a long time.) And getting a mans steal set is really good.
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