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SPOILER Thoughts On Silent Expanse Change Log

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Sg_Voltage, Nov 7, 2019.


Top Three New Features


  2. Different Types of Quests

  3. Brand New Dungeon

  4. Fabled Items and New Perks

  5. Pouches and Gathering Changes

  6. Hunter Mode

  7. Please, Please Keep Mills in the Game They Look SOOOOO Cool

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  1. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    TLDR; Shaman looks fun, Mage is new best girl, particles nice, quests are always fun, dungeons haven't changed (Shocker!), fabled are good enough, pouch is nice, new gathering is a good change, but the mills look cool and should stay and hunter mode is a thing I guess. Would love to hear your opinions!

    Update is looking interesting for sure...
    Shaman looks fun, but at with a base of 40% defense, I don't think it's going to be much more. With totem out, the healing looks useful, and I can see the output being there, but I can't imagine trying to solo any tough boss fights. I think it's really going to depend on the base damage of the weapons to see how viable the class is, as fights against single enemies will probably be mostly done with base damage. By far the most interesting movement spell, though probably not as OP as teleport.

    I also think mage is officially the best class now. Heal didn't really change (Still 30%) and neither did teleport (Who tf is teleporting into large crowds to deal damage anyways?!?), but Met's buff is insane and ice snake might actually be a viable spell for dealing damage. Also, RIP archer :( , New uppercut combos might finally give warriors purpose in this world, and "nothing really happened to assassins other than a nerf to spin and maybe a nerf to multi, though less mana cost could be a buff too so idk."

    Edit: I was way off base with that last line, so whoops. Assassins have been nerfed a lot harder than I thought, which really sucks for assassin mains.

    New particles look good, but I hope the VIP classes have different ones or else there isn't really a point to playing a VIP class in the first place :/

    New quests are good, especially since they're high level. Loving the fact that they're different from what we've seen before. I hope there's an option to re-do the kill posts so we can get more XP since they drop more now (Won't be sad if it isn't the case though). I've been wanting gathering quests for a long time now so nice to see, though a guild for each profession to take daily quests from to get big boosts from would still be nice. Really excited to see what the memory lane quest is all about,

    Two new dungeons; Eh and Eh! (I'm Canadian so that means I'm excited). Don't really care for the corrupted dungeons, especially since most of the loot isn't very good and the stuff that's good only takes a couple runs to get. As for the new one, I think the idea of just fighting a boss is interesting and it will probably save me some time. I also 'think' 45/45 horse will be in the shop, so that's awesome (And sucks cause I'll need to train a 45/45 horse). As for the dungeons in general, I really think the fragment system is an outdated concept, so I hope we can see a new dungeon currency system and new items in the shops, though I'm working on a suggestion post for that (Here's to hoping for C-XP and P-XP scrolls!).

    Fabled items are cool. I had a few ideas in mind to fix the mythic problem, but I guess this works. I was also working on a suggestion for this, but I think this is probably a less controversial solution, so good on them. While I don't think it's the best solution, it's at least something. At this point, I'm just happy the devs care <3. Also, new item ID's, which is interesting. I'm curious about "Haul cost -1?" on the fabled item, wonder what that does

    Ing. Pouch is the best quality of life ever, now just add an emerald pouch and a scrap pouch and we'll be in business. Of course, I don't know how many items the pouch actually holds or if you can get more than one pouch and it's usefulness is entirely based on those numbers, but it's still probably a good thing.

    As for the gathering changes, sure. They're good, but I was actually a fan of the idea of weights. I thought it was an interesting system, so from that point of view, I think it's a shame that it's gone. The new system is better for sure, and I like that tools have durability now (I actually have a reason to use scrap) but I don't see any reason to not just buy multiples of each tool to lengthen gathering expeditions (Something to keep in mind I guess). All I really hope is higher level resources don't take a ton more durability. If they keep it the same as the weights before it (1,1,2,2,3...6) that would be fine, but anything more would be really bad in my opinion.

    As for getting rid of the processing mills, I hope they stay because personally, they add a lot of ambiance to the world. Maybe get rid of some, but I think they can be repurposed into something new, maybe recycling mills to convert gathered resources into gathering XP would be cool. Either way, I don't really know what they should do, but I do know I want them to stay.

    As for hunter mode, I think my opinion is mixed. PVP is something I've always wanted, but I'm not too sure about the execution. The fact that you drop ID'ed weapons is just bad. I know mythics don't drop, but the fact that you can lose any good legend you have is just really bad. If it was only emeralds and resources that dropped and there was some new PVP currency for a loot shop, I would be totally down for some PVP action, but if I can lose my super ID'ed weapons and armor, I just can't see myself playing this. Additionally, with a world so large, I rarely see people outside of Detlas and other cities to begin with, so with only a small population playing with this on, I can't really imagine actually having a PVP encounter in the first place. I don't know if they're removing the nether or not (Probably not) but now would be a good time to do it (Just saying).

    To clarify, I'm not saying there isn't any incentive to play in hunter mode, you can get loot and xp (of an unknown amount). What I am saying is there isn't really a reason to play as there isn't anything you can only get while in hunter mode. Maybe if there was a wilderness like area where you can only enter in hunter mode it would be cool, or I'm personally down for a currency system to buy some new cosmetics or PVP gear. Either way, I just think it needs a little spice to get people to play it, and I just don't think it's there.

    Overall, this update looks awesome, as always. I'm not going to pretend like Wynn doesn't have it's fair share of problems, but I've been playing this game literally a quarter of my life now so it clearly has something magic about it (Other than the mage and shaman) that keeps me coming back (I take long breaks but still). I remember back when the economy update change log came out I made a post about how I was looking forward to the Road to Dern, and I'm glad to say that this is the update I was looking forward to and I hope you all are just as excited as I am!

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts about my thoughts, or about the update in general, and let me know if I missed anything big, especially about the class changes, I've played them all to 100, but I only frequent my mage and archer.

    New Id's confirmed, and they're awesome. Looking forward to making a mobility archer build using the new spring and jump stuff. Gathering XP bonus and speed on equipment is also really good, I just hope the gear you get it on has high defense so you can actually use it on high level mats.

    From Salted:
    "You're right, here they are:
    - Spell Cost (in %)
    - Spell Cost (raw)
    (for every singular spell)
    - Max Sprint
    - Sprint Regen
    - Jump Height
    - Gathering XP Bonus
    - Gathering Speed
    - Loot Quality"
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
  2. Darkdragon902

    Darkdragon902 Command Block Addic-I mean Enthusiast VIP+

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    Idk if I'm the only one, but I think hunted mode seems pretty interesting. But, I mean, when I read the description I just thought of SAO so I guess it's not all good, lol
  3. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Yeah :(
    I just wish there was an actual incentive to PVP and maybe an arena in Cinfras to really give people a reason to (And a place) to fight each other in the regular world. I also think this is just going to devolve into large groups ganging up on solo players which really sucks.
    BqwaOLD likes this.
  4. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    Sounds like me reciting my grades XD

    Really nice thread though, and I agree with a lot of it. The only thing is with combat, which I was going to make a thread on. I can totally see some bratty lvl 103's farming kids right at ragni, and even though some of them may be experienced players, they will still not make it out alive, unless they are vanished assassins. Oh wait. I just remembered vanish got a big nerf, so that's not really viable. You got any ideas on how to dodge the poachers?
    SoulBurned and Sg_Voltage like this.
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Oh trust me, it’s not nothing and it is definitely a nerf
    Rimuwu, Sg_Voltage and Druser like this.
  6. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    A new quest called 'fight club' that allows you in to see people fight to the death, sort of like a mini-nether.
    The vanish though, no more pausing boss fights to chat with friends. RIP water assassin.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  7. Mr Gemdone

    Mr Gemdone Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'm really looking forward to the quest about Fruma since I really didn't expect to see anything Fruma-related in the update. I'm really excited for this!
    Dr Zed likes this.
  8. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I guess I'll need to play some more assassin before the hard nerf then :(

    I'll make sure to make an update in my post with what you said.

    Hopefully after Dern we'll start on a road to Fruma
    BqwaOLD likes this.
  9. RazorGuild


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    now keeps momentum from running, pretty useful actually.

    nah, imo 70% isnt enough to deal significant dps, meteor now has 500% for ref.
    Druser, coolname2034 and Stag2001 like this.
  10. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    P sure it gives more xp and stuff(if I’m remembering the changelog right)
  11. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    For teleport, I totally agree momentum is actually a sick change, especially since it can be canceled with shift, but I want to see how it works before I get too hyped about it.

    As for ice snake, I guess I think it's much more worth the mana now. Before I would always just met spam cause I only have 4/4 mr on my build, but now I can see myself using it during fights like the Qira to slow stuff down to make each of my other shots more accurate. That being said, I do agree that it isn't really a good DPS tool, but I don't really think it's supposed to be.
    There are so many other ways to get xp though, and with mages being practically un-killable if they have good builds and good skills, I just don't see it as a good way to grind xp.

    Like in Runescape, the intended reward is clearly other peoples gear, but I just can't see anyone playing it if that's the case. Nobody wants to stake tens of thousands of emeralds worth of gear into a system that isn't fairly balanced for PVP.

    Now, that being said, what can imagine is people with mythics putting on slayers or warchiefs and a mythic weapon of choice, along with mid range burner gear and getting into fights, but at that point, there isn't really any reward to fight people because for the effort it takes to kill someone to get some loot, you could have just farmed some emeralds and bought something better yourself.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that the system to support this kind of gameplay just isn't there. If there was some sort of unique reward system, it could be interesting, but without some sort of unique incentive, I can't see people playing it. I'll make sure to update the post to be more clear.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
    A Human and coolname2034 like this.
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