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Lore/Story The Wynncraft Chronicles |the Twins| I Need Suggestions!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Cloak, Oct 22, 2015.


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  1. Cloak

    Cloak |Casting Spells|Back From the Pit| VIP+

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    This is a first book in a series of stories that is named, The Wynncraft Chronicles, I am still currently working on the first book, The Twins (about me and my sister), and thanks to all who I asked to be in the books, Katelin, BeeMiner, ziyimonkey, juliom11, artix2005, and there will be many more to be added :) I need some ideas to be added to the book so give it a shot!
    He is what I have so far:
    The providence of Wynn, a place of great warriors, evil monsters, and wonders beyond imagination. This is such story, of a brother and sister, struggling to survive. One day while they were adventuring in Nivla Woods, "Try and catch up!" Said the brother. "No fair Matthew! I don't have lv 35 boots!" The sister proclaimed. "Well Katherine, guess what? I do!" Matthew shouted. As the two siblings argued as they walked into the forrest, they said to one another, "Do you think we could find a relic?" Katherine asked. "Probably not. I know that there is a green powder relic near here, but it's unlikely that we will find it." Matthew said. As they continued their travels they thought that they saw something in the distance, but they ignored it. As they went along the path they saw something real... A spider horde... "AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Katherine screamed. "I HATE SPIDERS!!!!!!!" Suddenly they all turned with their beady red eyes and charged at the two. "Run!!!" As they ran Matthew called his horse. "DUSTY!!!! DUSTY!!! HERE BOY!" As Dusty ran towards Matthew Katherine used her arrow storm spell and bought them some time. "Katherine get on! If you don't we die!!!" Matthew screamed. As the twins ran out at full speed on Dusty to Deltas they noticed someone. "Hey you!" Katherine called. "Yes." The stranger said. "I need help finding my friend. She just disappeared!" The stranger proclaimed. "Sure! Hop on!" Katherine said. As the newly formed part of three rode out of Nivla Woods they made it to the Deltas Suburbs, they noticed that there was no people in sight. "That's weird... There is usually at least one person here." The stranger said. "Hey we never got your name?" Matthew said. "Oh I'm sorry! My name is Bee."

    "So tell me how did your friend got lost?" Katherine said. "Well here is the story... One day while I was questing with my friend Ziyi, we got attacked by an army of weird monsters and mutated zombies... We jumped into the nearby river but she was swept away by the current and I never saw her after that..." "Wow, that's sad." Matthew said. "Don't worry! We will find her if it's the last thing we do!" And so the unlikely group of bickering siblings and a strange lady were off to help a friend in need. When they got to the Deltas south exit they found a golem. "HALT! YOU MUST NEED 3 EMERALD BLOCKS TO PASS!" A golem yelled with its electronic voice. "Do we have 3 EB? I have one." Bee said. "I have one as well." Matthew proclaimed. "I have one to!" Katelin exclaimed. "YOU MAY ALL PASS!" The golem screamed. As the three ran back towards Nivla they thought, what if the spider horde is still there?SCREEEAAAACH!!!!!!! A horrendous noise filled the Forrest as a giant, hideous spider queen and her minions filled up the entire clearing. "My lady." A spider guard said. "There seems to be three warriors approaching the gate into OUR forrest." "Yes. There seems to be three warriors, we shall kill them and dine on their flesh!!!! ATTACK MY ARMY ATTACK!!!!!!" The spider queen screeched. "Uh oh... I don't think that sound is good..." The group of three said. Suddenly the horde appeared, but this time, it was 7 times as large with all sorts of creepy bugs and monsters. "I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes..." Matthew said. "YEAH WELL GET OVER IT RUN DUSTY RUUUN."

    As the gigantic horde ran towards the noble heroes a giant wave of ice stuck the monsters in their places. "What did you do?!?!" Bee exclaimed. "I used my new spell Ice Snake!" Matthew said. And so the heroes ran out of the Forrest into Ancient Nemract. The group halted. "It's getting dark again. I think we should set up camp here." Katherine said. "Anyone got any campfire stories?" Bee said. "I got one! It's from my last quest... I was at the mesas of Rymek when suddenly I herd a huge bird scream! I looked up and I saw a huge bird of the Mesa Tribes legends... The Cokitrice... We had an epic battle and eventually I took the egg that this one researcher wanted to study.."
    "That was an epic story Matthew, but I have a better one... One day while I was at Selchar I met Tom. The end." Katherine said. "BORING!!!" Matthew screamed. "You moron!!! You will attract every undead resident of this awful place to us!!!!!" Bee screamed. "UUUGH!!! RAA!! HISS!!!! SCREACH!!!" The zombies said. "I guess we got to fight this time." Rogue said as he blasted a zombie with a fireball from his magic wand. "Good!" Katherine said as she blasted a zombie out of the sky. "I can practice my new Bomb Arrow spell!" Katherine shouted. "HEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!" "Oh no!!! I can hear Ziyi screaming!!!!" Bee said. "What are we waiting for! Let's do this!" Matthew said. As they ran towards the piercing cries they fought off the monsters valiantly and when they got to Ziyi they freed her from her prison. "Bee! Thank you for saving me! I was captured by those monsters when we were attacked, so I'm glad that you finally found me." Ziyi said. Now that Bee has found Ziyi the two set off to adventure! And so Katherine and Matthew went forth on a new quest! "Are we there yet?" Katherine asked. "Not yet." Matthew said. They traveled to the dangerous Ice Forrest of Nesaak and stopped. "Let's go!" Matthew said. "No! Your not level 40 yet you will get killed!!!" Katherine yelled. "I'm fine Katherine I've been there before!" Matthew replied. As Matthew walked into the Forrest Katherine saw the familiar shine of wolf eyes peering through the bushes...

    As Matthew ran into the Forrest he was knocked unconscious by a snowball of a evil snowman. "MATTHEW!!!" Katherine screamed. It was the last thing he herd... 5 years earlier. "Matthew!!!! Get your but down here your late for your Mage lessons!!!" "Yes Master Juliom." Matthew replied. "Today we are learning how to use your wand! First: hold it in front of you. Second: use your mind to channel its energy through you into the wand. And last of all: FIRE!!!!!" As Juliom said that a huge fireball erupted from the tip of the wand blasting the old training dummy to pieces. "Did I do good Master Juliom?" Matthew asked shyly. "That was perfect!!!! A few more years of training and you could be the next Bob!!!" Juliom said excitedly. "Matthew... Matthew... MATTHEW!! Oh good your awake finally!" Katherine said. "I found an old shack where we can spend the night WITHOUT you getting killed." Katherine said. "What happened to me?" Matthew said. "You got hit in the face with a snowball. Not your finest hour..." Katherine said sarcastically. "YOU GAVE ME A FLIPPING HEART ATTACK!!!! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!" Katherine screamed. "Ok ok fine don't be such a mom!" Matthew said. And so as they arrived at Nesaak in the morning they ate breakfast and went down to the bank to deposit some items and transfer their emeralds into EB.

    When they were in Nesaak they met up with a well known adventurer and Relic Hunter, Artix... "So Artix, can you tell me where the Relic Leggings are?" Matthew asked. "You have got to be the most insane, rogue, moronic person ever to ask that..." Atrix said. "Hmm... Rogue, I like it." Matthew said. "Well it's your own demise of you want to go there, so I'll take ya there!" Artix said. "I CAN COME TO RIGHT?" Katherine yelled from the other end of the room. "Yes you can." Matthew said. "Well it's settled! Well go tonight!" As the group went into the canyons of Rymek they spotted the Hermit's Hut, which is the way to get to the Relic and the Cokictrice. "Um Matthew, you did defeat the Cokitrice right?" Katherine asked. "Well... No I just ran and took the egg as I fell off the edge of the canyon." Matthew replied. CAKAAAAW! Suddenly a giant bird the size of a building appeared over them. "Welp, we're doomed."
    Procrast likes this.
  2. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    Damn cliffhangers...
  3. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    It's good, but most stories with game features doesn't really help you imagine the story. (e.g., "I don't have level 35 boots like you do")
  4. Cloak

    Cloak |Casting Spells|Back From the Pit| VIP+

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    Thx for the advise I'm having my sister retype it (caus im working on the rest of it) but I'm working on part two, or chapter two if u want to call it that, Mesa Mayhem (dat name tho), so any character ideas or plot twists will be great, the book will be 5 chapters long hopefully a and I sorta have an idea for the last chapter (it's sad but it'll work) so thx
    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
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