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Guild The Wynn Ninjas [twn] (lvl. 6) | Recruiting People +35

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by TheCreeperSPOMG, Aug 20, 2016.

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  1. TheCreeperSPOMG

    TheCreeperSPOMG Travelled Adventurer

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    Hi to everyone,

    We are recruiting people for our new guild "The Wynn Ninjas", we need people that are level 35 or more. Every rank, excepting the Owner (obviously) are accesible for every member of the Guild. But for being member of our guild, or upgrade your rank you should pay some taxes, and the minim level of each rank is different.

    * Recruit: (Lvl: +35) (Taxes: -)
    This rank, is the lower one, and the default one.

    + Rights:
    • Can contribute emeralds and XP.
    • Can join battles.
    - Obligations:
    • A fixed +10% of XP donations.
    * Recruiter: (Lvl: +35) (Taxes: +2000 XP donated & +6 EB)
    This rank, can recruit other members.

    + Rights:
    • Can contribute emeralds and XP.
    • Can join battles.
    • Recruit other members.*
    *If you want to recruit new members to the guild, you have must be sure that the new member is meeting the requierements.

    - Obligations:

    • A fixed +8% of XP donations.
    • A moderated use of your rank.
    * Captain: (Lvl: +40) (Taxes: +5000 XP donated & +12 EB)
    This rank can start battles, and rank members up to the "Recruiter" rank.
    Member of the Administration Council.

    + Rights:
    • Can contribute emeralds and XP.
    • Can join battles.
    • Recruit other members.*
    • Can start battles.**
    • Can rank up players up to "Recruiter" rank.***
    *If you want to recruit new members to the guild, you have must be sure that the new member is meeting the requierements. And give the taxes to a owner, or a chief he will pay you.
    ** If you want to start any battle you should have met before with the Adminstration Council (Owner, chiefs, and Captains).
    ***If you want to rank up members to Recruiter, you have must be sure that the new member is meeting the requierements. And give the taxes to a owner, or a chief he will pay you.

    - Obligations:
    • A fixed +8% of XP donations.
    • A moderated use of your rank.
    The Administration Council:
    • Owner: TheCreeperSPOMG [Lvl 55 / Ar]
    • Chiefs: BadBboy [Lvl 46 / Ma]
    This guild is Spanish, so the up ranked members probably dont speak English very well (as me), but we will speak English with any english member.

    If you want to rank up to Chief you should be very active! The Chief rank is (in our Guild) like Owner rank, so is not possible to pay for rank up.

    If you want to join our guild, you can reply to this post or add to friends any member of the Admin. Council, and send him a PM.

    MrSpomg | Owner of The Wynn Ninjas.
  2. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP+

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    good luck with your guild c:
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