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The The Gift Of Giving (money And Never Recieving Anything In Return)

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by AdamJenaine, Nov 22, 2015.

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  1. AdamJenaine

    AdamJenaine "I will protect you, unto my doom..."

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    You may have heard me whine about this before.
    Yep. may sound foolish -- I payed for VIP. waited since the 13th. its been 9 days since my order was placed. yay.

    but -- today is different.
    "Why is it different?"
    well, there was this one guy from the office, and he's all up at you with "I believe you have my stapler...? see?"
    "I believe you have my money...? See?"

    and if I recall... Holy Shit! 34.30 and 34.40! WOOOWWW. Can I has my stuffz now. No? otay.
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