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The Prodigies United

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by The Ender Dragon, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. The Ender Dragon

    The Ender Dragon The Dragon of Wynn

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    My name is EnderDragonXX and this is the official guild page for the Prodigys United (Its intentionally mispelled :P)​

    Our guild is new but growing quickly. We only accept members lvl 45+ who play on the server frequently. If you are going to be away for more than a few days, please tell someone in the guild so you aren't kicked for inactivity.

    In terms of donations, we do not require any emerald donations, though they will help you to rise in the guild ranks. We ask that all members set their xp donation to a minimum of 15%. Again, donating more than the minimum will earn you trust and good will among the other guild members


    • 100k xp and 3000 emeralds donated
    • Been a member for at least 3 weeks
    • 200k xp and 10000 emeralds donated
    • Been a member for 2 months
    • There are no specifics to achieving this rank. If you have been an active captain, gained several recruits, and done well in the guild overall, then you will be promoted to Chief
    We're not a strict guild that demands results and kicks for no reason. We are a group of Wynners, and our main goal is to have fun together. If this isn't the guild that suits you, then thats fine. But if you want to wynn with us and have fun, this is the guild for you.

    -Highest lvl
    -How much you come on
    -How long you have played Wynn for
    -Time Zone
  2. Meelock

    Meelock Feeling a little bit depressed. VIP

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    -IGN: Meelock
    -Highest lvl: 58, archer (leveling up REALLY quickly in gavel)
    -How much you come on: atleast once a day, usualy more!
    -How long you have played Wynn for: 2 years... yeah... why don't i have vet yet! ;{
    -Time Zone: PST

    ps. wynners... really...

    pps. do /forum in game so that it says you're vip.

    ppps. why is it showing me as steve!!! oh and i can donate 1 le right off the bat, but the xp.... may take a while.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
  3. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    Yo, don't mean to be rude, but you could you change the name? It's the same word as the title of my lore -
    *Realizes you can't change guild names once you've made it*
    - Ah. Right. Never mind then ;-;
  4. Meelock

    Meelock Feeling a little bit depressed. VIP

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    ok i'm thinking, if you aren't going to accept me then i'll find another guild... just saying

    ps. currently im in a guild where one person is only every on, but atleast its better then nothing. please say if you have room/are online, then i'll leave the guild.
    - meelock
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