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Guide The Festival of the Heroes guide

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RiderTest101, Mar 7, 2022.

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  1. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Hello there, people of the internet. It's me again, the guy who made the guide to the Blizzard Festival. I'll be busy in real life soon, so some stuff might not be updated as fast. I'll try to update this as frequently as I can, but no promises.

    UPDATE :- In case I don't finish this thread before the Festival ends, I have put @NoSoul in charge of updating the festival guide on her own thread. You can find it here.

    [1/5] Aster: Yes, yes, set that up over- Oh, hello there! You must be here for the festival, yes?
    [2/5] Aster: Welcome to the Festival of the Heroes! We've prepared numerous festivities for you to enjoy around town while we're here.
    [3/5] Aster: To the northwest you can find a set of games to play and prizes to win! Or, you could participate in the Scavenger Hunt! If you'd like more details, feel free to ask me.
    [4/5] Aster: Or, of course, you could view one of our scheduled performances! As a matter of fact... we may even have a special guest show up later in the event!
    [5/5] Aster: Regardless, there's plenty for you to do and see while you're here. We hope you enjoy! If you have any questions, I'll be here to answer them.
    [1/1] Aster: Ah! Hello again! What can I do for you today?
    [1/5] Aster: Oh, of course! Let's see... The Scavenger Hunt. Every day over the course of this event, we will hide three reward boxes around the provinces! You will be given clues to point you in the right direction.
    [2/5] Aster: Each box will grant you a minor reward, and you will be given greater rewards for every twenty boxes you find. To claim those, come speak to me.
    [3/5] Aster: To start off... There are three boxes hidden around Detlas! If you can find them all, you'll receive a reward, and will be able to search for the rest!
    [4/5] Aster: To help you locate them, take this starter set of Scavenger Seekers. They'll point you in the direction of the nearest location. If you'd like more, you can purchase them at the Carnival area!
    [+8 Scavenger Seekers]

    Scavenger Seeker [1/1]
    Right-Click to use

    Cooldown: 10 seconds

    Point towards the nearest undiscovered Scavenger Hunt location.

    Unique Item
    Festival of the Heroes 2022
    [5/5] Aster: So, with all that out of the way, would you like to hear any hints to start you off?
    [1/3] Aster: The hint's right here, on my list. Just let me find it...
    Aster will tell you a hint where to go next.
    [3/3] Aster: There you have it! Would you like to hear another?
    Aster will tell you another hint where to go next.
    [1/1] Aster: Sounds good. Happy hunting!
    [1/1] Aster: Alright, then, off you go! Happy hunting.
    [1/1] Aster: Of course! Let me know what you'd like to know about the Scavenger Hunt.
    [1/1] Aster: Well, it looks like you've found every box we currently have! There'll be more to find in XX hours.
    [1/3] Aster: The hint's right here, on my list. Just let me find it...
    Aster will tell you a hint where to go next.
    [3/3] Aster: There you have it! Would you like to hear another?
    [1/3] Aster: The hint's right here, on my list. Just let me find it...
    Aster will give you another hint.
    [3/3] Aster: There you have it! Would you like to hear another?
    [1/3] Aster: Yes, yes, a hint. One moment...
    Aster will give you another hint.
    [3/3] Aster: I believe you've heard every hint now. Happy hunting!
    [1/1] Aster: Sounds good. Happy hunting!
    [1/1] Aster: Hm... It seems as though you've found all 60 locations! Congratulations! I have no hints left for you, in that case.
    [1/1] Aster: Let's see... It seems you've found every box we currently have out! X boxes in total.
    [1/1] Aster: Let's see... You have found x boxes, and there are still x boxes left to find around Detlas!
    [1/1] Aster: Let's see... It seems you've found every box we currently have out! 60 boxes in total.
    [1/1] Aster: Hm... There'll be more boxes to find in XX hours!
    [1/1] Aster: Ah, of course, the Scavenger Seekers. You can purchase more at the Carnival Area to the northwest!
    [1/3] Aster: Well, let's see here. You'll receive a minor reward for every single location you find...
    [2/3] Aster: But, you'll also receive a larger reward for every twenty boxes you locate!
    [3/3] Aster: Keep searching! I'm sure you'll earn something new in no time.
    [1/2] Aster: Yes, you certainly may! Let me check my list here...
    [2/2] Aster: Ah, yes! It seems you are eligible for 3 rewards. Here you are! Take these, you've certainly earned them.
    [+1 Charm of Twilight]
    Charm of Twilight
    Right-Click to use

    Cast Time: 2 seconds
    - Cooldown: 5 seconds

    On use, changes the world time to Sunset.

    Rare Item
    Festival of the Heroes 2022

    And so the sun will set over yet another great adventure.
    [+1 Ministrel's Tuner]
    Minstrel's Tuner
    Right-Click to use

    Duration: 5 minutes
    - Cooldown: 10 minutes
    - Range: 10 blocks

    Grants positive effects to nearby players on use.

    +25% Sprint Regen
    +25% Soul Point Regen

    Rare Item
    Festival of the Heroes 2022

    Inspiration may come in many forms, yet music may remain the most familiar.
    [+1 Hero's Mask]
    Hero's Mask

    Health: +700
    Fire Defence: +20
    Air Defence: +20
    Earth Defence: +20

    Combat Lv. Min: 50

    +5 - 15% Main Attack Damage
    +5 - 15% XP Bonus
    +5 - 15% Walk Speed
    +5 - 15% Soul Point Regen

    [0/2] Powder Slots
    Legendary Item
    It bears the visage of a great hero. Thank you for participating in the 2022 Festival of the Heroes!
    [1/1] Aster: Alright! You know where to find me.

    This option is a little iffy if you either scroll to it with your mousewheel or press the number on your keyboard. Try to click on this option instead, to spare the headache and confusion.
    [1/5] Aster: Well, as previously mentioned... There's the Scavenger Hunt, of course! Plenty to do with that whole event.
    [2/5] Aster: Of course, there are performances every so often - I'd suggest attending as many as you can! Though of course, you can learn more with the fellow nearby.
    [3/5] Aster: There's the Carnival Area to the northwest! We still have a few games open, I believe. We were originally going to have more, but... well, circumstances didn't allow for it.
    [4/5] Aster: Hm... I believe we also invited some experts to speak on certain topics! Though, I'm not sure where any of them have gone. You'll find them around, I'm sure!
    [5/5] Aster: And... I suppose that would be it! I hope you enjoy your time around here.
    [1/1] Aster: Right, let's see... This festival of ours will be around for another XX days!
    [1/2] Aster: Hm... I don't see why not!
    [2/2] Aster: Which item of yours would you like me to tell you about?
    [1/2] Aster: Ah... I- Hm. I believe... No, sorry. I'm afraid I don't recognize this item.
    [2/2] Aster: It... It certainly holds power, I can tell you that much. I-... I couldn't tell you what type, however.
    [1/3] Aster: Ah, of course! Our festival's emblem. This is, I suppose, a participation reward. For attending this festival we worked hard to put together!
    [2/3] Aster: I wrote the inscription, and I firmly believe in the message it presents. Anyone can be a hero, anyone can tell their story.
    [3/3] Aster: ...Yes, anyway. Thank you for attending!
    [1/2] Aster: Yes, the Charm of Twilight. It's a rather basic magical trinket, but it's very effective!
    [2/2] Aster: I have my own charm for personal use. Sometimes you need a sunset to set the mood for an adventure!
    [1/2] Aster: The Minstrel's Tuner... That, as it so happens, is an item I'm less familiar with! From what I recall, similar instruments have been used by bards all across the world.
    [2/2] Aster: Music played by it motivates those who hear it, and drives them forward! It's very potent magic, and now it's yours!
    [1/2] Aster: The Hero's Mask! This one is fairly simple. It's been enchanted to surround the user with a magical aura that grants them great strength!
    [2/2] Aster: Something similar to the strength Siegfried himself wields, I would imagine.
    [1/2] Aster: A trophy coin? Well, you've certainly mastered the Carnival Games then, haven't you!
    [2/2] Aster: A fine achievement, all things considered. Display it where any and all can see it!
    [1/1] Aster: Well, alright! You know where to find me.
    [1/1] Aster: I'll see you around!
    [1/3] Aster: Ah, hello! It seems you've found all three boxes in Detlas! Congratulations.
    [2/3] Aster: That means you'll now be able to search for the remaining locations! Additionally... You've earned this reward, here.
    [+1 Emblem of the Heroes]

    [3/3] Aster: All that being said, is there anything I can do for you today?

    Another stackable Emblem. Yay! Keep this up, Wynncraft Devs!
    [1/1] Aster: Ah! Hello again! It seems you're eligible for x rewards from the Scavenger Hunt! Let me know if I can help you with anything.

    The dialogue options are the same with the regular Dialogue option if you talk with him normally...


    Festival NPCs

    Scavenger Hunt

    Every day, there will be three prizes hidden all around the world. The prizes that lay inside are random. These prizes also stack if you haven't collected them. Be sure to get them before the festival ends!

    Scavenged Item 1 [Area: Detlas (429, 79, -1542)]
    [2/3] Aster: Ah! "Within this city's bounds, near a place of arrival - seek the administration!"

    Scavenged Item 2 [Area: Detlas (419, 81, -1616)]
    [2/3] Aster: Ah! "Near the festival games a shady trader has made his home. You will find your treasure there."

    Scavenged Item 3 [Area: Detlas (531, 67, -1640)]
    [2/3] Aster: Right, of course. "Inside the place where our loyal soldiers train, a surprise awaits you!"
    Scavenged Item 4 [Area: Maltic (-563, 54, -1927)]
    [2/3] Aster: Ah! "Hidden atop this small town's well, you may find a secret!"

    Scavenged Item 5 [Area: Ragni (-895, 69, -1537)]
    [2/3] Aster: Ah! "Your search will bring you to a memorial for those who have been lost, within a city of beginnings."

    Scavenged Item 6 [Area: Pigmen's Ravines Village (-608, 89, -1442)]
    [2/3] Aster: Right, of course. "A seller of healing within the ravine will bring you to your prize."
    Scavenged Item 7 [Area: Tempo Town (-244, 71, -1175)]
    [2/3] Aster: Right, of course. "Atop a crumbling tower, overlooking a town accosted by time."

    Scavenged Item 8 [Area: Ternaves (828, 76, -1652)]
    [2/3] Aster: Right, of course. "Within a multileveled stable, seek your prize above."

    Scavenged Item 9 [Area: Detlas Suburbs (315, 75, -1618)]
    [2/3] Aster: There it is! "A humble apple farmer hides this day's treasure."
    Scavenged Item 10 [Area: Nivla Village (-292, 76, -1378)]
    [2/3] Aster: There it is! "A trader of rare bowls will lead you to your goal."

    Scavenged Item 11 [Area: Elkurn (-8, 74, -1247)]
    [2/3] Aster: Right, of course. "Hidden within an old church, situated near the Roots."

    Scavenged Item 12 [Area: Almuj (934, 68, -1951)]
    [2/3] Aster: There it is! "Seek the man of identification within a city of the sands."
    Scavenged Item 13 [Area: In the Little Wood (-639, 100, -1076)]
    [2/3] Aster: There it is! "You may find this day's treasure in a little cabin in the woods!"

    Scavenged Item 14 [Area: Pirate's Bay (523, 36 -2105)]
    [2/3] Aster: There it is! "Held by a ship within a small cove, infested by bandits of the sea!"

    Scavenged Item 15 [Area: Bak'al's Destruction 3 (-726, 49, -1960)]
    [2/3] Aster: Right, of course. "A secret lies near a ruined house, destroyed by Corruption's herald."
    Scavenged Item 16 [Area: Nemract (202, 39, -2168)]
    [2/3] Aster: Hmm... "Near an ever-shifting house, your reward awaits your arrival!"

    Scavenged Item 17 [Area: Rymek (523, 36 -2105)]
    [2/3] Aster: There it is! "Seek out a seller of rare and colorful fleece to find today's prize!"

    Scavenged Item 18 [Area: Nesaak (-726, 49, -1960)]
    [2/3] Aster: Right, of course. "This surprise rests by a valuable relic, displayed for all to see!"

    [The Scavenger Hunt section of the tread will be covered by @NoSoul in her version of the Heroes Festival guide. The rest will be updated occasionally, so check back every now and then]
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2022
    H1ld, Dawnpath, Quackrs and 18 others like this.
  2. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    2022-03-07_18.20.33.png 2022-03-07_18.20.52.png 2022-03-07_18.21.30.png first hint is 429,79,-1542
    second hint is 531,67,-1640
    last one is like 419,81,-1615
    csapka, luckeyLuuk and Bixlo like this.
  3. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Scavenged Item 4 - on top of Maltic's well
    Scavenged Item 5 - Gazebo on the left of the Ragni castle, near Otium
    Scavenged Item 6 - Inside the potion merchant's house in Pigman's Ravines
    luckeyLuuk and 13threemc like this.
  4. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    edit: ok i found the coords
    Scavenged Item 4 - -564 54 -1928
    Scavenged Item 5 - -896 69 -1537
    Scavenged Item 6 - -611 89 -1443
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2022
    csapka likes this.
  5. Arisings

    Arisings Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    what is day #3
  6. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    315, 74, -1620 for the apple hint
    828 76 -1650 for the stables hint
    -243 71 -1175 for the time hint

    Attached Files:

  7. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    Scavenger Item 4's hint is severely misleading, he says "over a well in THIS town" when it's actually in Maltic
  8. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Sorry for not updating this yesterday. I was busy with real life.

    Might be more busy soon, but I'll try to make up for it
  9. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    i havent checked yet, but im pretty sure the locations for today are bowl merchant in nivla village, elkurn church, and item identifier in almuj

    edit yeah i was right
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2022
    MrTopper likes this.
  10. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    Typing it here, you can add it to your guide later :)

    Scavenged Item 13 [Area: The little Wood Cabin next to Temple of Time (-639, 100, -1076)]
    Scavenged Item 14 [Area: Cathedral Harbor Ship (523, 36, -2105)]
    Scavenged Item 15 [Area: Coastal Trail Corruption Spike (-726, 48, -1962)]
    Nukewarmachine, csapka and MrTopper like this.
  11. csapka

    csapka *hungarian weeb noises* VIP+

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    hey ty for the guide so far, but here "Scavenged Item 6 [Area: Pigmen's Ravines Village (608, 89, -1442)]" the x is -608 not positive
  12. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    I'm going to be away for at least 6 days, so there might not be more thread updates until then.

    I'll try to at least touch up some of it before my big exam in a few weeks.
    Leafish likes this.
  13. Zuko

    Zuko Skilled Adventurer

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    Does anyone know day 6?
  14. Leafish

    Leafish slowly going insane from loot running HERO

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    day 6:
    #16 at the "Dwelling Walls" quest near nemract at 202, 39, -2168

    #17 behind the pink wool merchant in rymek at 1329, 33, -1265 (idk how you were supposed to get that from the clue, had to use the scavenger seeker things)

    #18 near theorick's staff in nesaak at 89, 74, -839

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
  15. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    RedTreeRacoonHD likes this.
  16. W202

    W202 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    dude your "day 6" is broken
  17. RedTreeRacoonHD

    RedTreeRacoonHD Assasin VIP+

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    W202 likes this.
  18. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    Typing it here, you can add it to your guide later :)

    Day 7
    Scavenged Item 19 [Area: WynnExcavation Site A, Outside the structure entrance (1120, 65, -1773)]
    Scavenged Item 20 [Area: Bremminglar, Next to NPC Gregor (724, 71, -2097)]
    Scavenged Item 21 [Area: The great bridge, Nessak Entrance (-253, 69, -692)] 2022-03-13_10.00.59.png 2022-03-13_09.55.11.png 2022-03-13_10.08.54.png
  19. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    updated to here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-festival-of-the-heroes-guide-v2-0.298827/#post-3512472
  20. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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