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The festival of the Heroes Guide (Events)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RiderTest101, Mar 19, 2022.

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  1. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    DISCLAIMER: This post is a part of my main post - The Festival of the Heroes Guide. This section only covers the World Events and Minigames taking place in Detlas.

    Every 7 hours in REAL TIME, there will be a performance in Detlas by Aster. Each Performance will tell a story about either Bob the Warrior of Wynn, Siegfried the Warrior of Gavel or Tisaun the Tromsian Hero.

    After the Performance Event is over, players present from the start will get a special boost based on the stories Aster shares with us. The boost follows a certain cycle, so you can check back to know what boosts you want.

    [EDIT 1: I was wrong. The boost effects don't follow a cycle. They are randomized. Below is what I used to think the cycle was like.]
    [Edit 2 : I have now edited the cycle, now that I have confirmed that the Performance Festival Worker told us the cycle from the beginning]
    -> +50% Combat XP -> 30% Walk Speed and Sprint -> +50% Loot Bonus -> +30% Gathering XP Bonus -> 30% Melee and Spell Damage -> 35% Gathering Speed -> +15% Loot Quality -> +25% Elemental Damage ->

    Each story is the same no matter which time you are present for the same effect. Here are the Performance Event effects and their stories in order:-
    [1/6] Aster: Right! Here we are, then! Thank you all for joining me here today.
    [2/6] Aster: I'd like to begin with a few words about this province's great hero - Bob.
    [3/6] Aster: As many of you in the audience may know, Bob spent his life defending our cities from the corruption.
    [4/6] Aster: But! Bob's skill in his arts did not come from nowhere, of course. He trained for many years to reach the mastery we all know him for!
    [5/6] Aster: And, just like him, every one of you in the audience has that potential to reach mastery. To work hard, and become your best self.
    [6/6] Aster: So take that initiative! Take the lessons learned from our heroes, and work to achieve greatness! Thank you for your time.
    !] You feel inspired by the recent performance!
    [+50% XP Bonus for 120 minutes]
    [1/6] Aster: Oh, I see a great many faces in the crowd today! Excellent. Welcome, all!
    [2/6] Aster: Today I'd like to speak about a hero who is, perhaps, less known than Bob. Tisaun, who defended Troms against a horde one thousand strong!
    [3/6] Aster: As the stories go, he alone went up against that swarm of undead, with naught but a shoddy breastplate and sword.
    [4/6] Aster: And yet, despite his disadvantage, he managed this feat without a scratch! He struck quickly and outsped the enemy, and slew the traitor who led the assault.
    [5/6] Aster: The lesson to take from this story is that strength does not solely come from your equipment. Strategy, skill, and speed play a great part in one's success in battle!
    [6/6] Aster: I believe any one of you in this crowd can find that skill within yourselves. So go out there, and remember Tisaun's story! Thank you for your time.
    [!] You feel inspired by the recent performance!
    [+30% Walk Speed for 120 minutes]
    [+30% Sprint for 120 minutes]
    [1/6] Aster: Hello, hello! Good to see you all today.
    [2/6] Aster: A greatly essential thing for any hero to keep in mind is what one might find while adventuring! Treasure, perhaps?
    [3/6] Aster: One example of such is Siegfried, Gavel's resident hero! Throughout his adventures, he has claimed many riches from all over the province.
    [4/6] Aster: However, a good hero knows not to be greedy! Siegfried donates all his findings to the people of Gavel, who he defends on a daily basis.
    [5/6] Aster: Many others have followed his example in their adventures, and the world is a better place for it!
    [6/6] Aster: So remember - no matter your strength, you too can be a hero by spreading the wealth you find! So why not go find some now? Thank you for your time.
    [!] You feel inspired by the recent performance!
    [+50% Loot Bonus for 120 minutes]
    [1/6] Aster: Good day, everyone! Lots of people today, huh?
    [2/6] Aster: Let's get right into it - Bob is a very known hero! Many know of his mastery of his four weapons, and the arts that come along with them.
    [3/6] Aster: With such a story, you may think that his proficiency with his weapons is the extent of his strength. He trained hard and long, and came out on top.
    [4/6] Aster: I would like to challenge this notion. Training isn't just about how you handle your weapon - It's primarily about bettering yourself however possible.
    [5/6] Aster: Such improvements may have come through weapon mastery, but they also come through many smaller steps you can take! After all, Bob himself did not only master his weapons. He mastered himself.
    [6/6] Aster: And you! Every one of you present today can also work to better yourself, however you can! Take those smaller steps every day, and find mastery. Thank you for your time.
    [!] You feel inspired by the recent performance!
    [+30% Gathering XP Bonus for 120 minutes]
    [1/6] Aster: Ahem. Hello, everybody! Are you excited for today's performance? I certainly am.
    [2/6] Aster: Today I'll be telling you all about the exploits of Tisaun! A hero well-known for his great defense of Troms.
    [3/6] Aster: Of course, he didn't just stop there. Before and after his triumph at Troms, he and many others put much work into the formation of guilds!
    [4/6] Aster: Tisaun and his guildmates were not great heroes from the very start. They began as regular soldiers, and worked hard to reach their current status!
    [5/6] Aster: And with the formation of guilds, Tisaun hoped to create a world where anyone willing to fight could become a real hero! And, truly, is that not the world we live in now?
    [6/6] Aster: So, as I bring this to a close, remember - anyone can be a hero if they put the work in. That includes all of you in the audience today! Thank you for your time.
    [!] You feel inspired by the recent performance!
    [+30% Main Attack Damage for 120 minutes]
    [+30% Spell Damage for 120 minutes]
    [1/6] Aster: Ah, here we are again. Hello folks!
    [2/6] Aster: Today I bring you all a story about this province's great protector, Bob. A story unlike most told of the man.
    [3/6] Aster: While a large part of his work involved fighting off threats, a smaller part dealt with the aftermath. Many a time cities would be damaged in undead attacks...
    [4/6] Aster: And in the aftermath of destruction, everyone was expected to help out! To repair, to rebuild stronger than before. Even our great hero Bob!
    [5/6] Aster: Despite the difficulty of the work, Bob took to it with pride. Rebuilding, fortifying, all of it important work! And so he toiled along with everyone else, preparing for what would come next.
    [6/6] Aster: The moral of the story is that being a hero isn't always fame and glory... And yet, every part of that work remains important. Thank you for your time.
    [!] You feel inspired by the recent performance!
    [+35% Gathering Speed for 120 minutes]
    [1/6] Aster: Well, well! I see a few new faces out there. It's good to see people attending!
    [2/6] Aster: I imagine mopst of you are familiar with Siegfried, yes? The Hero of Gavel! Many of his feats are told across the land, and for good reason!
    [3/6] Aster: I, myself, have met the man once or twice. It's quite inspiring how he manages to be a great hero, yet also remains down to earth.
    [4/6] Aster: One important tip he gave ,me at one of our meetings was to seek out high quality equipment. A well-made pair of leggings has saved his life many a time, so he says!
    [5/6] Aster: And now, I have passed this information on to you all! Equipment plays an important part in a hero's journey, on top of one's own skills.
    [6/6] Aster: So, then, go out into the world! Remember your equipment, for it will serve you well! Thank you for your time.
    [!] You feel inspired by the recent performance!
    [+15% Loot Quality for 120 minutes]
    [1/6] Aster: Yes, yes, hello everyone! My, this is certainly a crowd.
    [2/6] Aster: As it so happens today I'll be speaking aboput Bob! The Wynn Province's beloved hero, gone, but not forgotten.
    [3/6] Aster: He was in many ways a master of his arts, and used them well to defend our province.
    [4/6] Aster: Something he excelled in was his use of varied elements in both offense and Defense. Allegedly, his weapons each made use of all five elements!
    [5/6] Aster: And from this, a lesson can be learned. Making good use of elements, even if not to the extent that Bob did, is key to one's success!
    [6/6] Aster: So remember, find a balance in elements! Whether you invest in one, or select many to excel in, I trust you may succeed. Thank you for your time.
    !] You feel inspired by the recent performance!
    [+25% Earth Damage for 120 minutes]
    [+25% Thunder Damage for 120 minutes]
    [+25% Water Damage for 120 minutes]
    [+25% Fire Damage for 120 minutes]
    [+25% Air Damage for 120 minutes]

    Carnival Games
    At the carnival area, there will be two minigames for you to try. One is the Roulette Wheel while the other is Blackjack. Feel free to pick your poison by talking to the Festival workers stationed at these games.

    Roulette Wheel Festival Worker (446, 67, -1614)
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Hey there! How'd you like to try your luck with the wheel?
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Well, alright! You'll have to let me know how many coins you'd like to bet.
    Enter the number of Silver Festival Coins you want to bet (min 1, max 64) or type 'cancel' to cancel:
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Changed your mind? That's alright, feel free to come back later!
    [1/1] Festival Worker: So you'd like to wager x coins... Alright! Which color would you like to bet on?
    [1/2] Festival Worker: Betting on orange? Here goes, then! Let's see if you chose wisely!
    The roulette spins...
    [2/2] Festival Worker: Oh, tough luck! Hopefully you'll have better luck next time. Thanks for playing!
    [2/2] Festival Worker: Congratulations! You guessed correctly, so your wager has been doubled. Thanks for playing!
    [+x Silver Festival Coins]
    [1/2] Festival Worker: Betting on green? Here goes, then! Let's see if you chose wisely!
    The roulette spins...
    [2/2] Festival Worker: Congratulations! You guessed correctly, so your wager has been doubled. Thanks for playing!
    [+x Silver Festival Coins]
    [2/2] Festival Worker: Oh, tough luck! Hopefully you'll have better luck next time. Thanks for playing!
    [1/1] Festival Worker: No worries, here are your coins back! Just let me know if you'd like to try your luck later!
    [1/3] Festival Worker: Oh, I sure can! It's really simple, actually.
    [2/3] Festival Worker: You put in a wager of up to 64 Silver Festival Coins, and then bet on a color. If you win, you'll double your wager!
    [3/3] Festival Worker: Both colors have an equal chance of being rolled, so it's a fair game of luck! If you'd like to play, just speak to me again.
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Alright, well, you know where to find me!

    Blackjack Festival Worker (440, 67, -1624)
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Well, hey there! Fancy a quick game of blackjack?
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Alrighty! Let's play some blackjack!
    Enter the number of Silver Festival Coins you want to bet (min 1, max 64) or type 'cancel' to cancel:
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Not feeling up to playing right now? No worries, just drop by later!
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Right... So you're betting x coins, then! Let's get started.

    You: ???
    Dealer: ???

    The goal of the game is to get as high as possible WITHOUT reaching above 21! If you're over, even by 1, or the Dealer gets a higher number than you, it's GAME OVER!

    After the first two cards are dealt, you will have two options - Either to Hit or Stand.
    Hitting will let you collect as many cards as you want.

    You: Hit!

    After hitting, you will be dealt with another card and the Dealer will again give you the option to either Hit or Stand.
    Standing will let you stand with what you have.

    You: Stand!
    Score: ??

    After standing, the Dealer will have his option to either Hit or Stand.

    X Bust! X

    You win!
    You've doubled your bet!

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Congratulations! You've won this game, so your bet has been doubled. Thanks for playing!
    [+x Silver Festival Coins]
    You: ?? | Dealer: ??

    You win!
    You've doubled your bet!

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Congratulations! You've won this game, so your bet has been doubled. Thanks for playing!
    [+x Silver Festival Coins]
    X Bust! X

    Dealer wins!
    You've lost your bet...

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Ah, tough luck! Looks like the cards weren't in your favor this time around. Thanks for playing!
    You: ?? | Dealer: ??

    X Bust! X

    Dealer wins!
    You've lost your bet...

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Ah, tough luck! Looks like the cards weren't in your favor this time around. Thanks for playing!
    You: ?? | Dealer: ??

    Your bet has been returned.

    [1/1] Festival Worker: Hm... Tough game for us both, it seems! Well, since neither of us won, here are your coins back. Thanks for playing!
    [+x Silver Festival Tokens]
    [1/6] Festival Worker: Hm? Oh, sure. The rules are simple! I deal two cards face up to you, and two fards to me - one face up and one face down.
    [2/6] Festival Worker: You can then hit and get another card as many times as you want, or stand and end your turn. The aim is to get the value of your hand as close to 21 as possible!
    Festival Worker: Number cards are worth what they say, all picture cards are worth 10, and an ace can be worth either 1 or 11, whichever works best for your hand.
    [4/6] Festival Worker: Go over 21 and that's it - you're bust! Stand with your current hand and it's my turn to hit or stand to try to beat your hand.
    [5/6] Festival Worker: And if you get a blackjack - that's an ace and a picture card or a ten - you automatically get double your money back!
    Festival Worker: Sound fair enough? Alright, just speak to me again to play!
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Not right now? No worries - come back another time!
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
    Etherweaver likes this.
  2. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    Cool, very cool.
  3. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager QA GM CMD CHAMPION

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    they do cycle, your order is just wrong
    Leafish likes this.
  4. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Wait a minute... I just realized. Is the order based on what the Performance Festival Worker said in his dialogue?
  5. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    @Lex! I have a problem. Code keeps repeating itself even though I've deleted it. Please help. I've been stuck trying to fix this for nearly an hour now...

    This is the full text of dialogue options I had before it got corrupted with repeating code:
    Roulette Wheel Festival Worker (446, 67, -1614)
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Hey there! How'd you like to try your luck with the wheel?
    [SPOILER="[1] Sure, I'll spin."]
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Well, alright! You'll have to let me know how many coins you'd like to bet.
    Enter the number of Silver Festival Coins you want to bet (min 1, max 64) or type 'cancel' to cancel:
    [SPOILER="If you typed in 'cancel' or took too long..."]
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Changed your mind? That's alright, feel free to come back later!
    [SPOILER="If you typed in a number..."]
    [1/1] Festival Worker: So you'd like to wager x coins... Alright! Which color would you like to bet on?
    [SPOILER="[1] I'd like to bet on orange."]
    [1/2] Festival Worker: Betting on orange? Here goes, then! Let's see if you chose wisely!
    The roulette spins...
    [SPOILER="If it lands on green..."]
    [2/2] Festival Worker: Oh, tough luck! Hopefully you'll have better luck next time. Thanks for playing!
    [SPOILER="If it lands on orange..."]
    [2/2] Festival Worker: Congratulations! You guessed correctly, so your wager has been doubled. Thanks for playing!
    [+x Silver Festival Coins]
    [SPOILER="[2] I'd like to bet on green."]
    [1/2] Festival Worker: Betting on green? Here goes, then! Let's see if you chose wisely!
    The roulette spins...
    [SPOILER="If it lands on green..."]
    [2/2] Festival Worker: Congratulations! You guessed correctly, so your wager has been doubled. Thanks for playing![/SPOILER][SPOILER="If it lands on green..."]
    [+x Silver Festival Coins]
    [SPOILER="If it lands on orange..."]
    [2/2] Festival Worker: Oh, tough luck! Hopefully you'll have better luck next time. Thanks for playing![/SPOILER][/spoiler][/SPOILER][/SPOILER][/SPOILER][/SPOILER][SPOILER="Dialogue"][SPOILER="[1] Sure, I'll spin."][SPOILER="If you typed in a number..."][SPOILER="[2] I'd like to bet on green."][SPOILER="If it lands on green..."][SPOILER="If it lands on orange..."]
    [SPOILER="[3] I've changed my mind."]
    [1/1] Festival Worker: No worries, here are your coins back! Just let me know if you'd like to try your luck later![/SPOILER][SPOILER="[3] I've changed my mind."]
    [SPOILER="[2] Could you tell me how to play?"]
    [1/3] Festival Worker: Oh, I sure can! It's really simple, actually.
    [2/3] Festival Worker: You put in a wager of up to 64 Silver Festival Coins, and then bet on a color. If you win, you'll double your wager!
    [3/3] Festival Worker: Both colors have an equal chance of being rolled, so it's a fair game of luck! If you'd like to play, just speak to me again.[/SPOILER][SPOILER="[2] Could you tell me how to play?"]
    [SPOILER="[3] Not today, thank you."]
    [1/1] Festival Worker: Alright, well, you know where to find me![/SPOILER][SPOILER="[3] Not today, thank you."][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
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