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Guide The experience of collecting all t3 ingredients: My terrible guide on collecting tier 3 ingredients

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by g17fcH_3D, Jul 19, 2021.


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  1. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    It's not an essay, it's more akin to a forum post. And guess what, later is now. Time to write this conglomeration of all t3 ings into one messy post.

    __________ This is a breaker like __________
    WARNING! MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS ABOUT WYNNCRAFT QUESTLINES, AREAS, AND LORE! A couple of days ago, I finally acquired all currently available tier 3 ingredients in the entirety of Wynncraft. It took several years (2 years on and off ever since the 1.18 economy update), and now it's time to write up a full conglomeration of all possible obtainable t3 ings, how to get them, notes, and possibly my experiences with obtaining them. To be honest, this post was never a plan from the start but since some Wynncraft information sites have not updated ingredients as fast as other sites this post will hopefully serve as a minuscule guide towards collecting them all. Note that all of these ingredients were collected during the 1.20.3 Wynncraft update. If you are from a future hotfix this "guide" might not be of use to you anymore. If you want to skip to the good bulk use the search box command and search up "The Good Bulk." Important note: I am by no means a professional about exact information regarding everything. It's best to regard this post as a "general" guide controlled by one individual.

    Now time to start telling yall about my expe"BUT WAIT I HAVE A QUESTION STRANGER ON THE INTERNET! WHAT IS AN INGREDIENT LET ALONE A TIER 3 INGREDIENT, HOW CAN I GET AN INGREDIENT, AND WHAT ARE INGREDIENTS USED FOR?!?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Well random person I created to conveniently change topics, let me introduce what in Bob's name is a tier 3 ingredient.

    __________ This is a breaker like __________

    Introduction: What a Tier 3 ingredient is

    To know what a Tier 3 ingredient is we first must know what an ingredient is and what they are used for.

    An ingredient is a material that can be used in the crafting mechanism introduced and taught in the tutorial. There are several kinds of crafting stations that you can use ingredients in throughout the world in Wynncraft. These crafting stations include Armouring Stations, Tailoring Stations, Cooking Stations, Scribing Stations, Weaponsmithing Stations, Woodworking Stations, Alchemism Stations, and Jeweling Stations. Most of these stations you can find near merchants which are closely associated with the station's profession (EX: Armouring and Weaponsmithing stations near blacksmiths). To know how to use ingredients, please find somewhere else. This is a post about obtaining and experiencing t3 ings, not how to craft. If you want A Comprehensive Guide to Professions click here. If you want more help with Professions and things like that join the Prof Disord. If someone in there wants to put the discord link here go ahead. Note the MATERIALS ARE NOT INGREDIENTS. Materials like oak logs and trout oil are not ingredients. Ingredients are collected somewhat differently and in a variety of ways.

    Now that we have learned what they can be used for, we now need to know how we can obtain them.

    In Wynncraft, there are four main ways of obtaining ingredients: Mob drops, Gathering, Merchants, Quests, and Chests.
    • Ingredients have a chance to drop from select enemies we can find throughout the map. Most enemies are hostile mobs, but some can drop from neutral and passive mobs. Most of these mobs are found outside major cities but some mobs which drop ingredients can spawn in cities like Ragni. Boss altar mobs can also drop such ingredients, most of them being rarer and valuable ingredients.
    • Ingredients can also be bought/gathered, sometimes exclusively, by areas around the provinces. However, only one tier 3 ingredient can be purchased via merchants. All other purchasable/gatherable ingredients are lower level.
    • Ingredients can also be bought via the Trade Market in major cities but be prepared to exchange your time and luck with a possibly LARGE hefty price tag (ex: grinding bottled fairies for several hours vs. paying 20sih le).
    • Ingredients can also be obtained via quests the player completes. It does require creating another class (rip players who have all 106 classes), but you can also buy quest ingredients on the Trade Market instead.
    • Finally, Ingredients can also be found in loot chests through the map. However, some ingredients are exclusive to mob drops which makes it impossible to obtain all ingredients via lootrunning.
    OK, we've talked about what are ings, how we can obtain them, and what they are used for. But WHAT exactly are t3 ings, the basis of your post. You've danced around this concept for too long.

    Alright, so Tier 3 ingredients are rare ingredients that can be dropped by mobs or purchased via merchant or trade. The rarity of the ingredients is dependent on the c o l o u r e d stars the ingredient has next to its name. In total there are 4 types of obtainable crafting ingredients: Common, Unique, Rare, and Legendary (according to color). There are no Mythic ingredients but if there were, I request that they require Major Identifications.
    • Common (Tier 0) ingredients have [✫✫✫] completely grey or no colored stars next to their name. These Tier 0 ingredients are fairly common and easily obtainable.
    • Unique (Tier 1) ingredients have [✫✫✫] one yellow star next to their name. These Tier 1 ingredients are somewhat rarer than Tier 0 ingredients, but still fairly obtainable.
    • Rare (Tier 2) ingredients have [✫✫] two magenta stars next to their name. Tier 2 ingredients are very rare, but many are commonly and exclusively obtainable by rare mobs decorated with a [​IMG] magenta flower decal near their nametag or boss altar mobs.
    • Legendary (Tier 3 [the basis of our forum]) ingredients have [✫✫✫] all their stars next to their nametag. These Tier 3 ingredients are extremely rare (rareness up to I believe a 0.05% chance in common mobs) and can be exclusively dropped by regular mobs, mobs decorated by the aforementioned magenta flower next to their nametag, or boss altar mobs. ALSO, TIER 3 DROPS FROM RARE MOBS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. I REPEAT NOT A 100% GUARANTEED DROP CHANCE. It's best you have Loot Quality and Loot Bonus to grind these.
    Now that our introduction program is over, we can now thankfully move onto my experi"HOLDUP!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU DID IT!!!!! WHAT ARMOURS DID YOU USE, ANY CONSUMABLES YOU USED?!?!?!?" T _ T ........ Fine, I'll tell you what I used to get them all, imaginary player I made up.

    __________ This is a breaker like __________

    Methods to my Madness: Armours and other things I did to obtain the ings

    "Well clearly since you collected all the rarest ingredients you must have had the maximum possible loot quality, loot bonus, and luck a player can possibly muster right?"
    Welllllllllllll, no. Like I said somewhere in the first few paragraphs there items were obtained through the span of two years. That means at some point in time the Silent Expanse update was not out, making it impossible to use loot quality. In addition to loot quality not being obtainable, I only recently got loot quality gear just before 1.20. For loot bonus, I did not use diamond dust. And like loot quality, I only recently obtained the good loot quality gear but this time it was after 1.20.2. Thusly, I had used my regular adventuring gear to obtain some of the ingredients. Mob totems were used to deal with the pesky rare T3 ings later so ...... #notsponsored Go support Wynncraft by buying a rank for Mob Totems! #notsponsored

    I mostly used previously adventuring items to obtain the T3 ingredients, but this does not mean I used adventuring armor forever. I did move on to using LQ and lb gear to farm these ingredients. So the best way to grind for ingredients is to maximize your possible LQ and LB. Morph Set also works because 100% loot bonus but no loot quality so. your choice. The kinds of armor I used are inside this spoiler box:
    none of these are for sale either https://imgur.com/a/w8lSzFu

    If you are grinding common mobs for Tier 3 ingredients use Mob Totems to accelerate the process. If you are grinding rare mobs use /class to clear the area if no rare mob spawns, come back and wait for a few minutes, and repeat until rare mob spawns. Just make sure nobody else is in the vicinity.

    Now that that's done we can finally get into the complete complications of listing all t3 ings. Oh Grook this will take a while.

    __________ This is a breaker like __________

    The Good Bulk: All Tier 3 ings, locations, drops, experiences, whatever

    This is going to take a while. In total 125 Tier 3 ingredients are obtainable through the provinces, WynnData says there are 126 total collectible ingredients but just look up Panda King's Crown and you will see the issue (there are two if you don't want to look btw). How the listings will be ordered: they will be sequenced by ascending level order in a spoiler's tab, going 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, and so on. Within those tabs will be the ingredients in an Imgur post, the list of items respective to the spoiler's level range, and notes which are the same in the Imgur post. If you are looking for one ingredient in particular, better notes on their locations, and an easier viewing experience of anything Wynncraft items-related, I highly encourage you to use Wynndata.tk to find any item you want and its level.

    As the title says, the items which will be listed are going to be provided next to their photograph: their name, what they are dropped by, relative (not exact) cords/area found in, and my personal subjective notes/experiences obtaining them (the last part will be the longest).

    Remember that this is post is as of the 1.20.3 Wynncraft update. If there is an update or hotfix later this will most likely be outdated/changed to fit the new update. My consensus on how to obtain the ingredients is kind of shooty (based on lackluster personal experience) so take those with a grain of salt.

    I would like to thank @dukioooo , the creator of WynnData, for providing WynnData, the editors on the Wynncraft Wiki, as well as several other individuals I will credit later. Without them, this conglomeration would not have happened.

    Now let us begin this mess. Also if you would like, guess which Tier 3 ingredient I got last.

    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 1-9 https://imgur.com/a/zzm1KC4

    Name: Royal Cake Slice
    How to obtain: Completion of "Cook Assistant," Killing Bob the Zombie, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Ragni
    Notes: Most likely a player's first T3 ingredient as it's part of the "2nd tutorial." Short and sweet (pun intended) ingredient, not that hard.
    EDIT: does not give from "Cook Assistant" anymore. why ct team did this idk it was fitting with the quest.

    Name: Sturdy Flesh
    How to obtain: Killing Zombies, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Emerald Trail, Nivla Woods, Generally low Lv areas with Zombies.
    Notes: Not much to say here. Fairly easy to obtain via loot chests. In fact far better than grinding

    Name: Luxurious Silk
    How to obtain: Killing Spiders, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Nivla Forest, relatively around -250, -1600
    Notes: Got from loot chests, not that bad. Honestly, this is a great accessory ingredient akin to vim veins or flipped lapis.

    Name: Defender's Stone
    How to obtain: Killing Defender of the Plains
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within the Emerald Trail near the tool merchant.
    Notes: The Defender of the Plains is a Rare Mob so expect to wait a while for it to spawn. Go hide in a tree or someit.

    Name: Old Treasure
    How to obtain: Completion of "Underwater," Loot Chests. Killing Cave Crab
    Best grind spot via mobs: Does not drop from mobs. Within the cave regarding the quest "Underwater."
    Notes: A fairly easily obtainable ingredient that sells for some LE on the market. It's not too hard to obtain and you can obtain multiple. I do know why they go for so high tho (looking at you, tstack ring). Note try to credit Glitched Pixels#6294 on the Prof Discord

    Name: Corrupted Fragment
    How to obtain: Killing Suburb Residents, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere Suburb residents spawn, generally around 120, -1550
    Notes: I have never gotten this from mob drops, only loot chests. Probably one of those rare drops.

    Name: Vibrant Augment
    How to obtain: Completion of "Potion Making," Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: does not drop from mobs
    Notes: Not that bad of a grind. Do quest and done.

    Name: Mana Extract
    How to obtain: Killing Defender of the Plains
    Best grind spot via mobs: Same as Defender's Stone, near the Emerald Trail at
    Notes: I actually bought this. YES it does not count as grinding BUT it does mean I have obtained it. THEREFORE it counts. Rare Defender of the Plains reeeeee.

    Name: Blood of the Nivlan Beauty
    How to obtain: Killing Nivlan Beauty
    Best grind spot via mobs: Nivla Woods, it's hard but they spawn further from the roads.
    Notes: The hardest part of this grind is that they can spawn anywhere in the forest. Just camp in a spot and pray to Salted.

    Name: Nivlan Honey
    How to obtain: Killing Bee Hives
    Best grind spot via mobs: Northern Nivla Forest
    Notes: I've usually spotted these from the northern Nivla Forest area. It's a good item as well but a hard and rare grind like Nivlan Beauties.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 10-19: https://imgur.com/a/Bu1QLgV

    Name: Familiar Essence
    How to obtain: Completion of "Deja Vu"
    Best grind spot via mobs: Does not drop from mobs
    Notes: Reset a class/do quest, obtaining not hard just don't throw it away. Obtaining wasn't hard

    Name: Glowing Tree Sap
    How to obtain: Killing Bee Hives and Nivlan Beauties
    Best grind spot via mobs: Northern Nivla Forest, away from the main paths
    Notes: Not that bad, same hard grind, at least you can grind the other two T3 ings as well.

    Name: Corrupted Beef
    How to obtain: Killing Enraged Corrupted Cows
    Best grind spot via mobs: North of the Nether Portal, just before the Wall at 325, -1425
    Notes: This grind is not that bad. Rare mob so stand on a building and wait. /class occasionally.

    Name: Relic of the Future
    How to obtain: Killing Time Anomaly
    Best grind spot via mobs: Best spot is allegedly in Time Valley near Asher's House's Tree, -420, -1180
    Notes: As of 1.20.2 I'm not sure they spawn anymore. 1.20.2 increased the Time Valley levels Lv. 25 while Time Anomaly is Lv. 15. They might not spawn anymore due to that difference. The Wynn Team might have moved the Time Anomaly to Little Forest or Pigman Ravines, but that seems ludicrous. (EDIT: THEY DO EXIST IN LITTLE WOOD AND THE ABANDONED FARM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)

    Name: Platinum Grook Egg
    How to obtain: Killing Enraged Corrupted Cows
    Best grind spot via mobs: North of the Nether Portal, just before the Wall at 325, -1425
    Notes: EGG (same as Corrupted Beef)

    Name: Canyon Parsley
    How to obtain: Killing Time Anomaly
    Best grind spot via mobs: Best spot is allegedly in Time Valley at -420, -1180
    Notes: Hey, remember when I said Time Anomaly might not spawn? Remember when I challenged yall to guess what Tier 3 Ingredient I got last? Did you expect it to be this one? I bet not. This was the last one I got and I purchased this one from a guildmate. I would like to thank @MidasTheGilded (AlchemistOfNight) for selling your Canyon Parsley. Without your contribution, this forum would not have happened.

    Name: Coastal Shell
    How to obtain: Killing Turtles
    Best grind spot via mobs: In a cave at 308, -1851 that spawns Turtles. If you have Mob Totems use them.
    Notes: WynnData claims that they are obtainable via Loot Chests but they have never happened. When I got coastal shell I honestly screamed. Standard long common mob grind.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 20-29: https://imgur.com/a/zlKPEJu

    Name: Blighted Brain
    How to obtain: Killing Skelemancers
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within Ancient Nemeract at 190, -1935
    Notes: The grind was not as hard as others, just a rare mob to grind.

    Name: Volatile Matter
    How to obtain: Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Incompatible sorry
    Notes: Get lucky/lr load wynn

    Name: Unsettling Soul
    How to obtain: Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Incompatible eeeeeeee
    Notes: I feel like they should drop by something near the Nether Portal but no, just loot

    Name: Electroplasm
    How to obtain: Killing Ghost of Saints Row, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Farm OUTSIDE Saints Row around 400, -2070. Farm inside and your crafter armor will regret it.
    Notes: You c o u l d farm the rare mob but I find it much easier to /lr load wynn

    Name: Glimmering Coin
    How to obtain: Killing Highwayman, Highway Bandit, and Steppe-Lurker
    Best grind spot via mobs: Best sit on the house near 680, -1888
    Notes: I ain't grinding a 0.05% drop from the common Highway Bandits and Steppe-Lurkers. Rare spawn Mob

    Name: Loin Heart
    How to obtain: Killing Pride Male Lion in the Lion Cave, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: The end of Lion Cave just North-East of Breminglar, at 768, -2213
    Notes: Do Not Grind This Mob. Take the chest and go, you will probably get the heart from the chest before getting it from the lion who spawns ONCE every time you appear.

    Name: Sun-Stained Skin
    How to obtain: Killing Highwayman
    Best grind spot via mobs: Same as Glimmering Coin
    Notes: WynnData claim they drop from Crazy Cat (understandable) and from Possessed Armour stand (questionable) while the WynnWiki claim they only drop from Highwayman. Better just to grind a Highwayman cuz Glimmering Coin good. Also, did anyone else misread this as Sun-Tanned Skin?

    Name: Salted Salmon
    How to obtain: Killing Skelemancer, Ghost of Saints Row, and Bonesy (best mob name btw).
    Best grind spot via mobs: They can spawn anywhere in Nemeract but I find the best spots to be in Ancient Nemract.
    Notes: Both WynnData and the WynnWiki are correct. I don't know about that Cat Lady tho. Grind them Rare mobs.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 30-39: https://imgur.com/a/afF0poy

    Name: Coagulated Soulmass
    How to obtain: Killing Soul Corrupter
    Best grind spot via mobs: Southern part in the Nether Portal Ravine near 260, -1260
    Notes: This ingredient is stupid good why does it not sell in bulk on the market? Rare Mob Btw.

    Name: Fiery Essence
    How to obtain: Killing Nether God
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within the Roots of Corruption, can be anywhere then Blazes spawn.
    Notes: Not that bad, Rare mob, /class, get in them roots and pray

    Name: Haros' Broken Badge
    How to obtain: Killing Haros in the Rotten Passage boss altar, Saints Row
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Zombie Flesh to enter the Rotten Passage.
    Notes: Not a rare mob but an optional boss. Just make sure Haros' lackeys don't kill Haros.

    Name: Spark of the Oasis
    How to obtain: Killing Wayward Vagabond
    Best grind spot via mobs: It's in the desert Wynndata has the best cords for this. 1106, -1831
    Notes: I don't remember if I bought or found this rip notes, Rare Mob too

    Name: Stolen Pearls
    How to obtain: Killing Rymek Bandits/Citizens, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Rymek, they are everywhere in Rymek
    Notes: Two choices. A 1/2000 chance or Loot Run Desert. Your choice. Very expensive ingredient btw.

    Name: Weathered Idol
    How to obtain: Killing Withered Quasinobility
    Best grind spot via mobs: In the Desert, Wynndata has the best cords but I prefer 1054, -1751
    Notes: If u are low level prepare to die and be sad. Rare Mob and does stupid high damage.

    Name: Bat Heart
    How to obtain: Killing Diurnal Canyon Swooper
    Best grind spot via mobs: At the Lower Mesa near the giant waterfall. 1195, -1597
    Notes: Despite the mob having the word Diurnal (During the day/daily) I highly doubt wynn would have a feature like that. Rare mob so pray for that sweet spawn.

    Name: Limestone Core
    How to obtain: Killing Limestone Machination
    Best grind spot via mobs: Like Wynndata claims, spawns around the Sand-Swept Tomb.
    Notes: Rare mob, it will most likely spot you before you spot it.

    Name: Spirograph Tablet
    How to obtain: Killing Withered Quasinobility
    Best grind spot via mobs: Same as Weathered Idol, around 1054, -1751
    Notes: I had first initially bought this on the Trade Market and was like, "I'll never find this ever out in the wild, Ha Ha!" Plot twist, I did when attempting to get Weathered Idol. Fun.

    Name: Lunar Charm
    How to obtain: Killing Lunar-Related mobs on Half-Moon Island, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Half-Moon Island, there everywhere.
    Notes: I have two metaphorical pills. One pill makes you grind Lunar mobs for a 0.05% chance, the other makes you obtain it from random Loot Chests whenever you least expect it. You are allowed to take both.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 40-49: https://imgur.com/a/dMsLfSl

    Name: Delifishious (the wordplay is great and I don't take wordplay that well)
    How to obtain: Killing Delifishious
    Best grind spot via mobs: It's in the ocean, between the Sea Skipper Skien port and a small island North West of there.
    Notes: THE PUNS WHYY! But in all seriousness, it's not that bad just island-hop between the two islands and pray for that Rare Mob.

    Name: Foul Fairy Dust
    How to obtain: Killing Twisted Fairy Devourer
    Best grind spot via mobs: In Llevgar plains at the pond near -2075, -4860.
    Notes: If you are grinding for them Bottled Faries this will most likely spawn for you. It ain't that bad alone since you are around the plains a lot and grinding for them Bottled Faries. Might as well find kill that rare mob as well.

    Name: Ancient Heart
    How to obtain: Killing Ancient Resurrected Orc
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around the first stretch of road out from Llevigar near -2030, -4747
    Notes: They spawn as frequently as them Twisted Fairy Devourer, they that Rare Mob, most likely gonna spawn as you farm Bottled Faries.

    Name: Archaic Medallion
    How to obtain: Killing Ancient Resurrected Orc
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around the first stretch of road out from Llevigar near -2030, -4747
    Notes: They spawn as frequently as them Twisted Fairy Devourer, they that Rare Mob, most likely gonna spawn as you farm Bottled Faries.

    Name: Bottled Fairy
    How to obtain: Killing Sweet Fairy
    Best grind spot via mobs: The first stretch into the Llevigar Plains from Llevigar. They spawn around ponds with sand.
    Notes: It's as bad as the folks in the Wynncraft/Professions discord claim, a 0.05% chance to drop and they spawn about two per pond you visit. I feel like I got lucky only having to grind for a few hours (probably like 7ish hours) but it good drop to have. If you don't feel like grinding you could always spend about 25 le for one. There are drops worse than this one tho. Also not my last grind t3 ing pog.

    Name: Lost Heirloom
    How to obtain: Killing Twisted Fairy Devourer
    Best grind spot via mobs: In Llevgar plains at the pond near -2075, -4860.
    Notes: Read notes for Foul Fairy dust, it's literally the same Rare Mob.

    Name: Large Lapis (Lapiz as I usually like to spell)
    How to obtain: Killing Hungry Wedingo, Yeti, or Treant Bahser/Sorcerer/Archer
    Best grind spot via mobs: West Nesak Forest (It's a forest not plains for Bob's sake) and North Twain Lake.
    Notes: It's a fairly easy grind as multiple rare mobs can drop it. And if you are grinding for them around North Twain Lake keep an eye out for Possessed Armour Stands just south of you.

    Name: Soul Stone
    How to obtain: Killing Hungry Wedingo, Treant Bahser/Sourcerer/Archer, and Possessed Armour Stands
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere in West Nesak Forest and the Twain Lake
    Notes: Same as Large Lapiz notes. If grinding Possessed Armour Stands go stand on a lilypad. Not that bad of a grind from Rare mobs.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 50-59: https://imgur.com/a/wKFWZM3

    Name: Dominant Force
    How to obtain: Killing Possessed Armor Stand
    Best grind spot via mobs: Darker areas of Twain Lake and Twain Mansion, best stand on a lilypad.
    Notes: (That one T-pose music plays) Grinding Dominant Forces ain't that bad and you might also find some Treants near the northern parts of Twain Lake. Tho it Rare Mob so prepare to wait.

    Name: Eye of The Beast
    How to obtain: Killing The Beast/The Unfettered in the Prison of Souls boss altar, Twain Lake
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss, grind Ghostly Essence to enter the Prison of Souls
    Notes: This is an optional boss, wasn't that bad. Don't grind this the lower your level is since it is difficult.

    Name: Death Whistle Leaf
    How to obtain: Killing Death Whistle, Pink Pelulite, and Blue Cyclone. Completion of the quest "Death Whistle"
    Best grind spot via mobs: They can spawn anywhere southwest of Olux so run around the area.
    Notes: I got this one from a Blue Cyclone so yes, despite it not being the Death Whistle itself the Death Whistle Leaf can drop from any Rare Mob flower.

    Name: Galvanic Stone
    How to obtain: Killing Crystalized Flare, Galvamber, and Vulcantern
    Best grind spot via mobs: Best to Volcano Upper (should have been East Volcano) and go to -810, -3733
    Notes: Crystalized Flare is a Rare mob while Galvamber and Vulcantern are common mobs. If you stay and grind the common mobs the Crystalized Flare is most likely to spawn. Two grinds for the price of one!

    Name: Festering Face
    How to obtain: Killing Festering Fleshmass
    Best grind spot via mobs: Same like the Rare Flowers, South and West of Olux. no general spot. Try grinding near those swamp spiders they tend to spawn near them.
    Notes: Imagine if Wynncraft was a 4K Tripple AAA game with high fidelity graphics up the wazoo. This ingredient and its rare mob would look nightmarish. Have a good night's sleep.

    Name: Red Crystal Dust
    How to obtain: Killing Crystalized Flare
    Best grind spot via mobs: Volcano Upper (East Volcano) and go to -810, -3733.
    Notes: Grind this along with Galvanic Stone so u aren't bored. Rare mob btw.

    Name: Mangrove Root
    How to obtain: Killing Festering Fleshmass
    Best grind spot via mobs: South and West of Olux. Grind near them Swamp Spiders.
    Notes: Hey a not horrific drop from a nightmarish rare mob. You will most likely get this along with Festering Face.

    Name: The Grootlsang's Heart
    How to obtain: Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: It loot chest exclusive tho
    Notes: Aren't there multiple Grootslangs? Also, there might be a rare mob relating to the Grootslangs but I can't remember.

    Name: Sentient Slimeball
    How to obtain: Killing Ijabo Molsk
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within the dense Troms Jungle around -565, -785
    Notes: It dat rare mob once again, stay around the areas there. Also, say high to Mama Zomble for me.

    Name: Ancient Coins
    How to obtain: Killing Ijaba Molsk and Jungle Fetish, Loot Chest
    Best grind spot via mobs: within the Troms Jungle around -565, 785 or -666, -800.
    Notes: First cords are for easy rare mob Molsk, second cords are for 0.05% chance Fetish. Also, loot chests go brrrrr.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 60-69: https://imgur.com/a/F1UIyvz

    Name: Aqua Vitae
    How to obtain: Killing the Olux Plague Doctor in the Plague Laboratory boss altar, Olux Swamp.
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Cursed Venom Sacks to enter the Plague Laboratory.
    Notes: The Plague Doctor is a strong optional boss, even for higher levels. The only issue here is the time grinding Cursed Venom Sacks from them spiders around the Olux Swamp to enter.

    Name: Aquatic Beauty
    How to obtain: Killing Drowned Sarnfic Citizen
    Best grind spot via mobs: Inside the sunken Sarnfic City at -109, 6, -3220. Requires completion of the quest "Beneath the Depths."
    Notes: A 0.05% common mob drop chance to drop for you, a 0.05% common mob drop chance for me. It's not that long and arduous. Plus you can also grind Naval Stone as well.

    Name: Lashing Hellfire
    How to obtain: Killing Infermyrial Stalker
    Best grind spot via mobs: Just West of Gelibord in the Dark Forest, -1150, -5300
    Notes: If you are Loot Running Dark Forest or just happen to be strolling by the area you will most likely encounter this Rare mob of a beast.

    Name: Naval Stone
    How to obtain: Killing Drowned Sarnfic Citizen
    Best grind spot via mobs: Inside the sunken Sarnfic City at -109, 6, 3220. Requires completion of the quest "Beneath the Depths."
    Notes: A 0.05% common mob drop chance to drop for you, a 0.05% common mob drop chance for me. It's not that long and arduous. Plus you can also grind Aquatic Beauty as well.

    Name: Tungsten Chunk
    How to obtain: Killing Bladestorm Idol, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around the Dernel Jungle, near -700, -325, or -900, -400, or -800, -315. Too messy? The cords generally locate the Western, Southern, and Eastern areas of the Fountain of Youth.
    Notes: Hop between the areas for the rare mob or Loot Run Troms.

    Name: Ironwood Scale
    How to obtain: Killing Mahogany Colossus, Kobalscale Moth, or Bladestorn Idol
    Best grind spot via mobs: If Mahogany Colossus then south of Dernel Jungle Lower. If Kobalscale Moth or Bladestorm Idol then South of Dernel Jungle Mid near the Tungsten Chunk cords.
    Notes: oh god it's late at night and I can't remember anything uhhhhh, Good luck you have lots of spawn chances from these rare mobs.

    Name: Thermal Replication
    How to obtain: Killing Vulcor Adrenophage in the Magmastream Core boss altar, Volcano Lower (West)
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Mineral Cinders to enter the Magmastream core.
    Notes: An optional boss that frequently jumps/charges around. It's also a good grind for Red Crystal Dust and Galvanic Stone if you are grinding Mineral cinders in Volcano Upper (East).

    Name: Decaying Heart
    How to obtain: Killing Dark Forst mobs, Loot Chest
    Best grind spot via mobs: Dark Forest
    Notes: I haven't grinded mobs for the 0.05% chance so I can't recommend good cords. I would prefer Lootrunning Dark Forest/Kander Forest/Light Forest/Light Realm.

    Name: Kerasot Sporehead
    How to obtain: Killing Kerasot Toxifont
    Best grind spot via mobs: In Dark Forest around -1068, -5229
    Notes: For some reason, this rare mob almost always spawn whenever I go Lootrun Dark Forst. Hmm.

    Name: Mahogany Heartwood
    How to obtain: Killing Mahogany Colossus
    Best grind spot via mobs: Dernel Jungle Lower, around the Lv. 73 areas.
    Notes: I cannot remember for the life of me. Rare mob that spawns around the edges of the lv. 73 part of Dernel Jungle.

    Name: Shattered Dawnlight
    How to obtain: Killing Infermyal Stalker or Kerasot Toxifont
    Best grind spot via mobs: Both are in Dark Forest. For Infermyal Stalker around -1150, -5300. For Kerasot Toxifont around -1068, -5225.
    Notes: Both are Rare mobs but I've always gotten them from Kerasot Toxifont more than Infermyal Stalker. Your choice who to grind not mine.

    Name: Iridescent Elytra
    How to obtain: Killing Kobalscale Moth
    Best grind spot via mobs: West, Southwest, South, and Southeast of the Fountain of Youth.
    Notes: I swear these moths drop nearly everything. Stay around the Fountain of Youth if you want to find this Rare Mob easily.

    Name: Squid
    How to obtain: Killing Darkened Squid
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around Dead Island near 750, -3955
    Notes: They are a common mob so expect that 0.05% chance drop. This grind was probably the most fun I had grinding for that rare drop.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 70-79: https://imgur.com/a/cdFxnZv

    Name: Large Titanium Chunk
    How to obtain: Killing Revenant of Skien in the Altar of Sanctification boss altar, Dernel Jungle
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Skiens Badge to enter the Altar of Sanctification
    Notes: Multiphase optional boss that likes to punch people. For a while (like the first year) of the grinding this boss would not work, but now it does and you can obtain it.

    Name: More-Pearlescent Jewel
    How to obtain: Killing Grand Magus in the Arena of Legends boss altar, Temple of Legends.
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Broken Amulets to enter the Arena of Legends. Requires completion of the quest "Temple of the Legends."
    Notes: Multiphase optional boss and is most likely the second boss altar you find (first being the Tribal Sanctuary).

    Name: Subsuming Darkness
    How to obtain: Killing Blade of Shade in the Challenge of the Blades boss altar, Kander Forest
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Werewolf Tails to enter the Challenge of the Blades.
    Notes: I misread this as submissing darkness. Multiphase and multiplying optional boss. Just don't be overwhelmed by his edginess.

    Gilded Bark
    How to obtain: Killing Auresc Bough which spawns from killing Auric Foliage.
    Best grind spot via mobs: All about Light Forest, best spot at -900, -4777
    Notes: This rare mob is not that important regarding the cords of their spawn. They can honestly spawn anywhere but they are mere collateral compared to what people truly grind in Light Forest.

    Unicorn Horn
    How to obtain: Killing Sacred Unicorn
    Best grind spot via mobs: Light forest, the ponds and lake around -900, -4777
    Notes: I would like to thank @Omeeeeega (Omeeeeega) for sharing information about Sacred Unicorn spawns. They did claim that it was Speghetti#0928 who truly gave out the Sacred Unicorn spawns but anxiety says "no you can't dm them because you are scared now." I would like to thank you both for these Rare mob spawn locations.

    Obelisk Core
    How to obtain: Killing Obelisk of Inversion
    Best grind spot via mobs: I have no idea, near Lexdale and the church south of it I guess???? -600, -5350 (EDIT: North Viscara Pits in Kander Forest)
    Notes: I know they spawn but I don't know the best area they spawn after the 1.20 update. I got my cores before 1.20 from killing the rare mob but now I have seen no evidence of where they spawn, only hearsay and evidence from other people. After nearly 7 hours of waiting, I have given up on looking for them. If you have clear photographic evidence please comment with the photograph. (EDIT: OMG SOUTH OF LEXINDALE PRISON AT VISCERA PITS NORTH! tHANK YOU TO #TTripledYou#0038 ON DISCORD)

    Luminous Rune
    How to obtain: Killing Ellida Whale, Sacred Unicorn, Auresc Bough (kill Auric Foliage first)
    Best grind spot via mobs: For Unicorns and Bough go to -900, -4777 in light forest. If Ellida Whale then go to -805, -6242 in the Light Realm, and requires the completion of the quest "Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light."
    Notes: They drop from all rare mobs in the Light Forest and only from that rare mob in Light Realm.

    Blessed Heart
    How to obtain: Killing Ellida Whale
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within the Realm of Light (Azure Frontier) at -805, -6420. Requires the completion of the quest "Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light."
    Notes: Out of all the ROL rare mobs this one was the one that appeared the most. But that probably won't mean it will be the fastest ROL rare mob for you.

    Evolving Spores
    How to obtain: Killing Kandrekk Archwrath or Obelisk of Inversion
    Best grind spot via mobs: For Kandrekk Archwrath farm around the southern part of the Kander forest at Kander mines, about the Fungal Grove, or North Viscara Pits. For Obelisk of Inversion read Obelisk Core description.
    Notes: It's finding the damn mobs for this grind since they can spawn nearly anywhere and I have no good confirmed places for one of the two Rare Mobs.

    How to obtain: Killing Troggo the Pigsbane
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around areas north of Lake Gylia, close to many Gert Camps and Jitak's farm. -180, -5474.
    Notes: Dude Pigsbane is JACKED. Just LOOK at this rare mob's ABS. Also, I got this from a while ago and they are kind of rare. Stay and Pray.

    Depth Gem
    How to obtain: Killing Gylia Beast
    Best grind spot via mobs: About and inside Gylia lake near -36, 5360, or -163, -5137
    Notes: This rare mob is super elusive and strong for being lv. 78. So just prepare to wait a while.

    Primordial Soul
    How to obtain: Killing Plains Guardian
    Best grind spot via mobs: About Cinfras County behind the Letvus Airbase, -100, -4670
    Notes: If you ever grind Waterfall you might come out to spot this rare mob as well. Good ingredient as well as a good grind.

    Etheric Fern
    How to obtain: Killing Gylia Beast
    Best grind spot via mobs: About and inside Gylia lake near -36, 5360, or -163, -5137
    Notes: Same notes as Depth Gem, except this one was way harder to obtain than depth gem.

    Ritual catalyst
    How to obtain: Killing Kandrekk Archwrath
    Best grind spot via mobs: South West Kander Forest or the Fungal Grove.
    Notes: This dude got 4 arms but he ain't smart. Rare mob that can spontaneously spawn anywhere.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 80-89: https://imgur.com/a/ajNFreD

    Name: Azure Blossom
    How to obtain: Killing Blue Antifloret
    Best grind spot via mobs: In the Realm of Light at -777, -6064. Requires the completion of the quest "Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light."

    Name: Chromatic Bloom
    How to obtain: Killing Chromancer
    Best grind spot via mobs: Can spawn all across the Realm of Light except for the Nexus of Light. Requires completion of the quest "Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light."
    Notes: They honestly spawn anywhere and can come at you anywhere. Keep your eyes peeled for this rare mob.

    Name: Major's Badge
    How to obtain: Killing Major, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere within the Military Base. May need completion of the quest "General's Orders."
    Notes: I've only got these via Loot Chests and never grinding that common mob. Grinding this terrible ingredient would be a pain similar to grinding a Bottled Fairy.

    Name: Roots of Eternity
    How to obtain: Killing Master Regenerator
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within the Realm of Light (Azure Frontier) at -805, -6420 or -888, -6161. Requires the completion of the quest "Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light."
    Notes: Multistage rare mob. stay, wait, pray for it to spawn, grind some other mobs, it spawns, kill it.

    Name: Mega Fern
    How to obtain: Killing Luu Luu Snake or Bush Boar. Loot Chest
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere in the Corkus Forest for Bushpigs. Around -1577, -3263 for Luu Luu Snakes.
    Notes: It's a common mob 0.05% chance or Lootrun for these. I would prefer lootrunning.

    Name: Parasitic Abscission
    How to obtain: Killing Paramite
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within the Realm of Light around -790, -6130. Requires the completion of the quest "Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light."
    Notes: Probably the most noticeable rare mob in the Realm of Light since it shoots several projectiles. If you have beaten NOL it's basically a mini version of The Parasite.

    Name: Suspicious Shrubs
    How to obtain: Killing Chromancer, Paramite, and Ellida Whale.
    Best grind spotvia mobs: Requires the completion of the quest "Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light." Chromomancer can spawn anywhere, Ellida Whale spawns around -806, -6240. Paramite spawns around -790, -6130.
    Notes: If you are grinding any rare mobs in ROL you will most likely find these.

    Name: Piquant Pork Fillet
    How to obtain: Killing Bushpig Matriarch or Bushpig, Lootchest
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere in Corkus Forest works, Cork Fort South seems to work the best.
    Notes: The Matriarch is a rare mob, regular Bushpigs are common mobs so 0.05% chance, but lootrun tho.

    Name: Elephelk Trunk
    How to obtain: Killing The Elephelk or the Elefolk.
    Best grind spot via mobs: If The Elephelk then around 530, -5000. If the Elefolk then around 350, -4670 to 340, -4555. Both are within the Canyon of the Lost.
    Notes: GRIND THE ELEPHELK RARE MOB, NOT THE ELEFOLK COMMON MOB. Grinding the common Elefolk leads to crafted regret.

    Name: Mountain Heart
    How to obtain: Killing The Elephelk or Crystaline Behemoth
    Best grind spot via mobs: About the Canyon of the Lost near 530, -5000 if farming The Elephelk. if Crystaline Behemoth then around Ranol's Farm and Thesead Suburbs. either 755, -5333 or 800, -5410.
    Notes: It's The Elephelk Rare mob so expect to wait a while. Might also drop from Colossus Spawn and the Crystalline Behemoth but needs testing.

    Name: Colossus' Shard
    How to obtain: Killing Colosuss Spawn
    Best grind spot via mobs: Just outside of Thanos Entrance and The Hive's entrance about 435, -5275.
    Notes: If you are grinding Rice for professions might want to farm around here since the rare mob spawns around there. Sad it doesn't drop from TCC rewards tho rip.

    Name: Autonomous Core
    How to obtain: Killing WW-105 Ravager Automaton, U-454 Stabot, or Bushpig Matriarch.
    Best grind spot via mobs: WW-105 Ravager Automation can spawn literally anywhere around Corkus except in the Avos Territory. U-454 Stabot spawns anywhere around the Fallen Factory's Dirt-like areas. Bushpig Matriarch spawns in Corkus Forest South.
    Notes: Killing most rare mobs about Corkus will net you this ingredient. Not that bad of a grind just rare drops.

    Name: Rocky Mind
    How to obtain: Killing Crystalline Behemoth
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around Ranol's Farm and Thesead Suburbs. either 755, -5333 or 800, -5410.
    Notes: You might encounter this rare mob out of nowhere while lootrunning COTL or just doing quests. If grinding this rare mob then just stay high and pray high.

    Name: Panda King's Crown
    How to obtain: Killing Giant Panda King
    Best grind spot via mobs: Near the Bamboo Forest south of Adorel Arch at 160, -4360.
    Notes: Fun fact: if you try to find more details about this item on WynnData you will learn that there are two of them and if you try to learn more details the website glitches out. Anyways, rare mob so prepare to wait.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. 90-99: https://imgur.com/a/Bt1lppD

    Name: Incremental Mapping Module
    How to obtain: Killing T-55 Elusive Surveillance Camera
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around the Fallen Factory or Relos.
    Notes: As most robotic rare mobs around Corkus they can spawn anywhere except in the Avos Territories. T-55 will be extremely hard to kill but easy to notice since it runs FAST and can lag your game as it spews spoke particles as it flies away from you. Best spot would be around -1608, -2734.

    Name: Overheated Processor
    How to obtain: Killing WW-105 Ravager Automation
    Best grind spot via mobs: They can spawn anywhere around Corkuz except any Avos Territory.
    Notes: This rare mob can spawn anywhere so keep your eyes peeled and wait.

    Name: Glacial Anomaly
    How to obtain: Killing Frosted Guards or Cryostone Golems, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Frozen Heights within Lower Molten Heights at 1423, -5448
    Notes: You could grind them common drops for that 0.05% chance or Loot Run for one.

    Name: Pegasus Feather
    How to obtain: Killing Pegasus
    Best grind spot via mobs: They can spawn nearly anywhere about the Sky Islands. I recommend near 900, -4593.
    Notes: Rare mob that can be anywhere. Best go to that shiny white island near Ahmsord.

    Name: Tempered Core
    How to obtain: Killing Lava Spitting Limus
    Best grind spot via mobs: Lower Molten Heights about 1414, -5120
    Notes: Literally as I'm writing this paper, this rare mob spawned and did not drop the ingredient. Remember, t3 ings are not a guaranteed drop.

    Name: Serpent Fang
    How to obtain: Killing Luu Luu Snake
    Best grind spot via mobs: Just north of Corkus at -1577, 3263
    Notes: Common mob so keep killing for that 0.05% drop chance. Good poison btw so get to killing.

    Name: Linear Accelerator
    How to obtain: Killing MM-05 Tactical Unit
    Best grind spot via mobs: They can spawn anywhere in Corkus except in any Avos Territory
    Notes: Rare mob and fun story. So when I first saw this item in WynnData I came up with an idea. Crafted Cataclysm, just put 3 linear accelerators, 2 antique metals, and one unicorn horn into crafting and voila crafted Cata! I tested the damages in Wynnbuilder and it was over regular Cataclysm with the exception of requiring 40 more dex and 3 t6 powders. It was the perfect scheme, if not for the fact that Wynnbuilder's crafted cata I made was a lie. Truthfully at the time (its now updated to show the real damages), Wynnbuilder did not input the new stats for Linear Accelerator and Crafted Weapon damage changes from the 1.20.3 update, showing the 1.20.2 stats. Once Atlas Inc updated Wynnbuilder to show real crafted weapon damages I was swiftly shown that Crafted Cata indeed does less damage than normal Cata. fun

    Name: Pride of the Heights
    How to obtain: Killing Pyroclastic Hydra or Lava Spitting Limus for an Unrefined Mysterious Metal. Unrefined Mysterious Metal can then be traded for Pride of the Heights in Maex. Requires completion of the quest "Dwarves and Doguns Part IV."
    Best grind spot via mobs: If Pyroclastic Hydra then at Upper Molten Heights near 1355, -5140. If Lava Spitting Limus then at Lower Molten Heights near 1414, -5120.
    Notes: You have two choices on grinding these rare mobs. This is the only tier 3 material that you are required to buy/trade from a merchant to have.

    Name: Draconic Bone Marrow
    How to obtain: Killing Pyroclastic Hydra
    Best grind spot via mobs: At Upper Molten Heights around -1355, -5140.
    Notes: Fishing for that Molten Eel and Molten Stone and then whoops a giant rare mob spawns. Might as well kill it.

    Name: Contorted Stone
    How to obtain: Killing Dernic Lurkers or Umbral Sentinels, Loot chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: The mining area and the first Olmic housing within Silent Expanse. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Beyond."
    Notes: Either grind them common mobs for a 0.05% chance or grab them via loot chests. I prefer lootchests.

    Name: Platsteel plating
    How to obtain: Killing U-454 Stabot
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere in the dirt-like areas about the Fallen Factory

    Name: Soulfire Matterweave
    How to obtain: Killing Pyroclastic Hydra
    Best grind spot via mobs: At Upper Molten Heights around -1355, -5140.
    Notes: Fishing for that Molten Eel and Molten Stone and then whoops a giant rare mob spawns. Might as well kill it.

    Name: Ocea Steel
    How to obtain: Killing any Angel mobs, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere in Sky Islands like Temple or Swamp Island.
    Notes: Get that 0.05% common mob drop or go Lootrun.

    Name: Cursed Wings
    How to obtain: Killing any Angel mobs, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere in Sky Islands like Temple or Swamp Island
    Notes: Get that 0.05% common mob drop or go Lootrun.

    Name: Farcor's Trust
    How to obtain: Killing Rukh
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere around Temple Island or at 1313, -4488.
    Notes: Rare mob will run from you. Sometimes even off the islands despite knowing it will die this way.
    Tier 3 Ingredients Lv. +100: https://imgur.com/a/8X38EYO

    Name: Adamastor's Faceplate
    How to obtain: Killing Adamastor in the Aerie of the Recluse boss altar, Corkus Mountain
    Best grind spotvia mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Turtle Shells to enter the Aerie of the Recluse
    Notes: An extremely strong optional boss who can fly so high that they get stuck into the ceiling, or multi-hit you so much that you are sent out of the arena.

    Name: Aspect of the Void
    How to obtain: Killing Umbral Singularity
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within the Void at either at 13966, -3915, or at 14190, -3939, or at 13959, -3676, or at 13970, -3788. Requires completion of the quest "One Thousand Meters Under."
    Notes: Oh my word they spawn nearly everywhere in the non-quest void. If you ever see a massive void in the void prepare for the rare mob to fire thousands of projectiles.

    Name: Black Hole
    How to obtain: Killing Void Spirula
    Best grind spot via mobs: Within the Void either at 13970, -3788, or at 13959, -3676, or at 13693, -3955. Requires completion of the quest "One Thousand Meters Under."
    Notes: They are practically everywhere. Just go grind Voidstone within the void and you will most likely find this rare mob.

    Name: Borange Fluff
    How to obtain: Killing Orange Wybel in the ?̵̨̛͙̱̥̳͕͎̯͔̫̹̓͛̇̓́͛͗͒̓̿̅͝ͅ?̵̨̨̙̜̪͙̻͓̪̈?̸̧̡̯͇̦̙̫̜̙͒̓̆̇́͜?̷̡̧̨̡̛̻͎̤͖̼͖̦̞̯̝̙̓͗̐̃̔́͊̌̌̃̑͋̊̀̑͛̐͜͝͠ͅ?̷̧̺̫̥̓̄̐̉͛̽̄̂͐̈́̈́͊͗̕̚̚͝͝?̴̢̧̨̹͓̰̰͚̳͙̰͓͙̭͚̤͖͕̲̺͊͝?̵̡̭̲̘̪͍͔̱̳̮͗̎͗̎͐͂̈́̀͊͋̚͝:̸̧̲̲̞̻͈͉̫͈̮͓̻̅?̷̛̳̤̪̟̬̘̤̀̒̄̽̄̆́͝͠?̴̦̠̰͖̟͈͔̳̪̝̩̝̽̅̒̑͂̀̔̚?̷̡̛͚̟̪̞͖̪̰͈̼͚͉͈̤̈́̎̽͋̒̿͂̾̍͜͠ͅ?̵̨̭͈̯͖̩̱̩̹͆͜ͅ boss altar, Wybel Island
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Wybel Fluff to enter the ?̴̢̧̢̹̰̻̙̻̩̳̻͙͂́̾̌̓̍̔̃͛̔́̃̈̚͜͠͝ͅ?̸̦̺̠͚̝͗̌̔͒̓̇̈̑̊͐͊̌͂͘?̵̨̱̣͚̜̪̮̖̬̱̈̑̃̓͗̽̂͆͋̉̔̿̚̕͝͝?̶̛̞̯̖̺̗̩̝̦̺̦̬͈͊̌̀͒͠?̴̘̜͎̼͉̮̦̩̪͈͇̳̘̭̻̙̤͗̊͆͗̚͠͝?̶̛̘͙̤̠̈́͋̽́̀̍͐̆̚͠?̸̛̯̞̫͎̭̩͗̎̇̍̀̉̈̃̂̂̔̌͛́͘͝͠͝ͅ:̸̢̛̲̅͒̾͒̌̂̿͋͗́̊́͑̀̌͜͠?̴̧̛͕̯͉̮͚̦̀̎̿̃̈́͛͝?̷̟͋̏̀̏̀̍͂̄̂̚?̷̢̛͎̙̺̹̗̘̻͙̎͌̄͑̑̍̇̏?̶̧̰̠͓̲̞̮̖̿̈́̎̄͛̾́͒̓̀̕̚̕͝͠
    Notes: An extremely strong and popular optional boss. Maybe you've seen them as a pet from higher-level players. damn spoilers

    Name: Engorged Ocuslus
    How to obtain: Killing Blinder, Blinders, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Can spawn anywhere in the Eyeball Forest, generally around 875, -555. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Beyond."
    Notes: When evolution goes too far that we have so many eyes that they are and cause blindness. rare mob btw, or 0.05% chance, or Loortun SE.

    Name: Deep Ice Core
    How to obtain: Killing Minokawa
    Best grind spot via mobs: All about Sky Islands, generally around Temple Island.
    Notes: The worst part about this rare mob is that they can either glitch out and only spawn the blocks and not the mob, or they can fall into the void.

    Name: Urdar's Stone
    How to obtain: Killing Adamastor in the Aerie of the Recluse boss altar, Corkus Mountain
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Turtle Shells to enter the Aerie of the Recluse
    Notes: An extremely strong optional boss who can fly so high that they get stuck into the ceiling, or multi-hit you so much that you are sent out of the arena.

    Name: Skybound Remnant
    How to obtain: Killing literally every rare mob in Sky Islands. Check other ings for their locations.
    Best grind spot via mobs: Sky islands in Temple Island or the Void.
    Notes: Just grind any rare mob in Sky Islands or The Void and you have a high chance of finding this.

    Name: Doom Stone
    How to obtain: Killing Atomic Gunk, Lootchests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around the Toxic Wastes near 920, -888. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Further."
    Notes: Not that bad of a rare mob grind and it's a fairly easy find if you are Lootrunning.

    Name: Gunkfueled Core
    How to obtain: Killing Atomic Gunk
    Best grind spot via mobs: Around the Toxic Wastes near 920, -888. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Further."
    Notes: It's a giant slimeball of a rare mob. it would be hard to miss this mob.

    Name: Vim Veins
    How to obtain: Killing Face of Fear
    Best grind spot via mobs: Spawns about the Eyeball Forest near 850, -417, or 1019, -500. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Beyond."
    Notes: This material from the rare mo is extremely useful for generally any build. High recommend 10/10.

    Name: Coalescence
    How to obtain: Killing Panic Zealot in the Bottomless Pit boss altar, Path to Darkness
    Best grind spot via mobs: Boss altar boss so grind Soul Essence to enter the Bottomless Pit. Requires completion of the dungeon Eldrich Outlook.

    Name: Glow Bulb Seeds
    How to obtain: Killing Vortexian Voidgap and Void Valley mobs, Lootchests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Void Valley, somewhere around 1200, -1000. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Further."
    Notes: Rather grind Vortexian Voidgap because it is rare mob and can drop Vortexian Event Horizon. Also R.I.P. Glow Bulb Cave, thou shall be missed.

    Name: Plane of Nonexistence
    How to obtain: Killing Void Hole?, Loot Chests
    Best grind spot via mobs: Anywhere in Void Valley. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Further."
    Notes: WynnData claims you can grind these from Void Holes?. I'm not gonna test that since they are a 0.05% common mob drop. What I do know is that I have 2 stacks of these things because of Lootrunning.

    Name: Gaze of Darkness
    How to obtain: Killing Vortexian Voidgap, Face of Fear
    Best grind spot via mobs: if Vortexian Voidgap then Void Valley, somewhere around 1200, -1000. If Face of Fear then around the Eyeball Forest near 850, -417. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Further."
    Notes: I don't see why people don't use this more often. Grind the popular rare mob, wait for dxp weekend, go on a massive profession party by giving people gathering speed. it's wonderful.

    Name: Vortexian Event Horizon
    How to obtain: Killing Vortexian Voidgap
    Best grind spot via mobs: Void Valley, somewhere around 1200, -1000. Requires completion of the quest "A Journey Further."
    Notes: BOB this is expensive but IT'S SO GOOD. TSTACK RING AHOY!!!!!! rare mob btw.

    __________ This is a breaker like __________

    Conclusion: Oh Bob It's finally over

    It's over. It's finally over. This took so many days, so many hours, one week, all the meanwhile I could have been doing something else. But you know what. I don't regret it. I don't know what to say at the end. It has been a long piece in the making and will most likely be outdated in later updates (unless I feel like updating it but that will take a while since the project is now lagging whenever I type). Oh, I remember! If you feel like notifying any mistakes or pointing out any addons please post comments and photographs for evidence and I will hopefully update the page.

    __________ This is a breaker like __________

    Oh yeah, I presume that is true. Well, I probably have listed the people already somewhere in the post but ok. A proper list of those who helped. If I forgot to @ the people I should cite then I am truthfully sorry but it is late and I cant remember everyone who helped me.

    @dukioooo For maintaining and updating WynnData
    @MidasTheGilded For helping acquire the last T3 ing
    Those who update the Wynncraft Wiki, I don't know specific mentions but yall are great!
    @Omeeeeega and Speghetti#0928 for Unicorn Horn Locations
    Those who are associated and assist within the Professions Discord
    And of course, the CT, Mod, GM, and Admins who make this game possible.

    Post credits from edits:
    @I_Liek_Turtlez for revealing that you cannot get Royal Cake Slice from "Cook Assistant."
    TripledYou#0038 on discord for Obelisk of Inversion locations on Prof Discord
    Glitched Pixels#6294 on discord for updated Old Treasure info

    Uhh... how to end it now. Idea!

    idol man say ddust.JPG

    Inkedpart 2 of idol man_LI.jpg

    Inkedhahahahah no the trinity of oppinions_LI.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
    Pradadox, Alphatox, Infinite and 13 others like this.
  2. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll CHAMPION

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    New speedrun category :flushed:
    g17fcH_3D likes this.
  3. SomeRandy

    SomeRandy Well-Known Adventurer

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    What did it cost?

    starx280 likes this.
  4. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    fyi, loot bonus and loot quality have the same effect on mob drops so unless you have very good lq armor you might as well just use lb stuff
    FAZu likes this.
  5. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    Sir you have done a great deed for the wynncraft community. Was it worth it?....... an answer for another day I suppose ;0_0

    We salute you o7
    g17fcH_3D likes this.
  6. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    You dont get royal cake slices from the quest anymore lol
    g17fcH_3D likes this.
  7. g17fcH_3D

    g17fcH_3D Some idjit CHAMPION

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    Edit: yeah u right. just did it and can confirm did not give cake. why did they undo this i don't know. will update forum and credit you for this.

    starx280 and Nukewarmachine like this.
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