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Serious T H E W E E K E N D (+ 2 Years On Wynncraft Forums!)

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by ActualAnthonino, May 14, 2019.

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  1. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    About two years ago today, I join the Wynncraft forums, mainly to do a ban appeal to get my account back.
    While of course I got my account back, I wasn't really 100% sure why I got banned in the first place.

    Because it was something about "dungeon glitching" I thought it was because I got to a point in CSST where the "RUN" part was already fallen down and I was unable to get over it.
    This, of course, was not the reason.

    If you remember about two years ago, there was a glitch in CSST that gave the players MUCH more XP than the intended (about x2 or x3 I think) without even having to kill the boss.

    So, I sadly got wrapped into this with a CSST party on the server I was on.
    I got there, and being the idiot I was, didn't pay attention to chat to people most likely saying things about how the dungeon gave more XP or something like that. (at that point I hadn't even been able to get through the dungeon ONCE and I wanted to return to my safe space of CDS)

    No one wanted to join me in CDS, so I just stayed doing CSST until we reached the glitched "RUN" part and then I just left to a different server to see if it would be fixed and it wasn't.

    After than, I think I just went back to what I was doing before and left without a second thought.
    Because I didn't even know that there WAS a glitch I didn't know I wasn't breaking the rules.

    So yeah, that's about it.
    Sorry if this comes out as me going "I didt do wong, I was just supid!" because I honestly should've been paying attention.

    Anyway, hoped you enjoyed this read and to another 2 years on the Wynncraft Forums!

    Ta-ta & Fairwell
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