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World Swarms

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Alex1, Oct 22, 2017.


Should Swarms be re-added with these changes? (Read before voting)

  1. Yes (+1)

    42 vote(s)
  2. Maybe, with an alteration (+0.5) (comment below change)

    4 vote(s)

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Alex1

    Alex1 Alex HERO

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    Before you scroll down to the comments section and spam "this has been suggested so many times before", and "nope, causes lag automatic -1", please hear me out.

    1st off, the last time this was suggested was late June (I checked before posting), and that post really didn't suggest much, it was a very basic suggestion to re-add swarms, without adding any additional ideas

    2: Before you instantly comment "No, they were removed due to lag", read this quote from Salted during a past changelog for the game:

    "We made a good amount of mob changes in this update. The first one, you guys will probably not even notice! We completely rewrote how mobs work. If you didn’t know, mobs are the most resource heavy thing we have on our server. By themselves they can easily reach 50% of our server lag. Well not anymore! We made them insanely efficient. How efficient? We don’t know. We literally can’t test it. Our Minecraft client crashes because of the insane amount of mobs before the server even starts lagging."

    (Note, I didn't want to quote this using the forum system because I didn't want to accidentally notify Salted, but if you don't believe me, you can find the quote here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-gavel-expansion-changelog.97175/ )

    So there, now that I have that cleared, I can move on to the actual thread.

    Part 1: What were Swarms?
    Swarms were removed when the Mob Update came out, so people who joined after this update dropped are unaware of what Swarms were. Basically, Swarms were a random event, where a server-wide message would be broadcasted, stating "A swarm of monsters is approaching ((city)) in 20 minutes." When the swarm arrived, that named city would be 'swarmed' by mobs, that didn't do too much damage, and ranged in levels from 10 to 70. [75 was max level at that time].

    Swarms were an amazing event, that brought the community together, and provided ways for people to level up, without grinding. People of all levels attended, and everyone always had a good time, and was rewarded with XP. Swarms were removed due to the lag they caused, but if you read the above quote, that is no longer an issue. (For the server, at least)

    [Edit]: Here is a video of a Detlas Swarm, so you can get a feel for what swarms used to be like (credit to The Grox)

    Part 2: The Suggestion
    While it may be possible that the devs still have the old code for swarms, it is most likely outdated, and, swarms were an imperfect system anyways in their heyday. So, this is how they could be implemented, and made better.

    I: Mobs

    The Mob Update brought many new opportunities for mobs, as we all know. Mobs can use spells, can have different attack patterns, and even serve as friendly soldiers.

    One thing I want to get across immediately is that I intend these new Swarms to be more community-oriented, and "noob-friendly," so that level 5s in Detlas are not being instantly destroyed every second. For that reason, Swarm mobs will range from level 10 to level 100. All high level mobs would be melee-based as well, so that low level players who are hiding on roofs, or raised surfaces, could actually survive, while the higher levels join the fray in the city streets below.

    Example of Swarm mobs: (I didn't include health and damage values, because they would be arbitrary anyways, and exact balancing would come after the swarms themselves are implemented)

    Zombie Grunt:
    -This would be the most basic swarm mob, a zombie with armor that matches its level (leather - diamond). The armor the zombie is wearing would reflect its health and damage values. Nothing too special here

    Skeleton Archer
    -This would be a ranged swarm mob, a skeleton with a ranged weapon, and either leather or gold armor. For Swarms that take place in Detlas, or Nemract, these mobs would be level capped at 20. For other cities that are higher level, the levels of these mobs would be increased as well (otherwise, low level players would be sniped by these mobs and instantly die).

    PigZombie Brute
    -This would be another basic swarm mob, but it would have more health than the normal zombie grunts, and it would also have the heavy push spell.

    Spider Infiltrator
    -These mobs would be rarer, but would have higher speed, and deal less damage

    Zombie Mage
    -These mobs would be baby zombies, and would rush to other swarm mobs and heal them

    **Note, the level of these mobs would change based on the city the swarm is in. For a Detlas swarm, there would be no ranged mobs over level 20, while the other mobs could range from 10-100 (But lower level mobs would be more common). For a Swarm in a high level city, the minimum level of swarm mobs would also increase. (more on that below)

    II: Cities

    Swarms would differ depending on what city they take place in. For example, a Detlas or Nemract swarm would be similar in difficulty, while a Nesaak or Troms swarm would be more difficult. Here are the cities swarms would take place in:

    Detlas (Very easy, no high level ranged mobs)
    Nemract (same as Detlas)
    Almuj (A little harder, ranged mobs level 30-40)
    Nesaak (Ranged mobs level 40-50, lowest level for mobs would be 30)
    Troms (Ranged mobs level 50-60, lowest level for mobs would be 50)
    Cinfras (Ranged mobs level 60-70, lowest level for mobs would be 60)
    Rodorroc (Very challenging, more focused on difficulty than a community event, a majority of the mobs would be level 100, and ranged mobs would be level 90-95)

    Corkus (Would be a little different, will discuss in a later part)

    III: Boss Mobs

    At the end of every swarm, there would be a boss mob, that would appear on its own, when all other mobs have been defeated. The purpose of this boss is not to do a lot of damage (it would in higher level cities), but instead the purpose of it is to have a lot of health, varying depending on the boss:

    ***Note: All of these boss names / health values are subject to change, and are quite arbitrary, more of a conceptual part of this suggestion
    ***Note: Only one of these bosses would spawn per swarm, the reason that there are multiple is so that there is variety in the boss that spawns (Also some are designed to be more difficult, and for higher level players)

    Boss 1: Undead Overlord

    Full diamond zombie with monster spawner on its head (Like Chained Beast)
    - ~5 million health? (Note that there will be dozens of players here, so this value would probably be increased)
    -Spell: Heavy Push

    This would be a slow moving boss that would push back players, and hit them with a melee attack. This boss would be more common in low-level swarms, as low level players can easily avoid it

    Boss 2: Enraged Pigman
    Zombie Pigman with full diamond armor, and maybe a custom skull to make it look angry
    - ~4.5 million health? (A little less than Undead Overlord, because this boss also charges)
    -Spells: Heavy Push / Charge

    This would be another slow moving boss that would push back players, but also charge at random players, making it slightly more threatening and a little harder to kill

    Boss 3: Bonehead
    Skeleton with white-dyed leather armor, and an air bow
    - ~4 million health
    -Spells: none
    -Attack: Would rapidly fire ranged arrows

    Boss 4: Undead General
    Zombie in gold armor and a custom skull
    - ~4 million health
    -Spells: none
    -Attack: Would melee hit, but would also spawn undead soldiers (zombies with golden armor), around him constantly, (these mobs would not count towards kill counts or damage values)

    Boss 5: Corruption King
    Zombie with black-dyed leather armor, and a skull that has a crown on it
    - 10 million health
    - Spells: heavy push
    -Attack: Would melee hit, but would move slightly faster than players. Note that this boss is intended for Cinfras and Rodoroc swarms, as it is more difficult

    ***Note: Bosses would not have elemental damages and resistances, to be more fair, and so that players with the right build don't do double damage and automatically win on the leaderboards
    ***Note: Bosses wouldn't regenerate health

    IV: Swarm Rewards

    One issue with the old swarm system is that it didn't matter how many mobs you killed. If you joined the swarm, went afk on the roof of some building, and sat there for the whole event, you would be rewarded equally as someone who ran around and killed everything. So that's why I have added in rewards for doing well in swarms, (although everyone who participated would still get rewards, to accommodate for the lower level players who can't kill as many mobs).

    A: Leaderboards

    At the end of every swarm, there will be a leaderboard chat message, that displays the following statistics:
    Most killed mobs: (Player who killed the most swarm mobs)
    Most damage done to boss (Player who did the majority of damage to the boss)

    B: XP Rewards

    I'm not too sure how XP rewards worked with the old swarms, but I know that they scaled depending on your level (obviously). Anyways, XP rewarded would be given in a % form instead of a raw amount, and would differ depending on your level:

    1-10: (300%)
    10-20 (200%)
    20-30 (150%)
    30-40 (125%)
    40-50 (100%)
    50-60 (80%)
    60-70 (70%)
    70-80 (50%)
    80-90 (30%)
    90-100 (18%)
    100-101 (idk)

    **The player who killed the most mobs would gain an extra 10%
    **The player who did the most damage to the boss would gain an extra 5% (since it would probably be a level 100 or 90+)

    ***All of these percentage values are arbitrary, so please don't vote that you don't like this idea just because those values are too high, they would be balanced to appropriate values if this suggestion was added. The purpose of adding these values is to emphasize the range of experience gained, along with explaining how the XP reward would scale according to the player's level***

    C: Swarm Vouchers

    In addition to gaining XP, participants would also gain "Swarm Vouchers", that would have different levels, and could be redeemed at the "Swarm Merchant", that would have a shop in every city that could have swarms. (Note, all the rewards would be the same, no matter which city you are in)

    Vouchers: (Texture for Vouchers would be different colored player skulls)

    Participation Voucher (Black skull)
    -This is awarded to every player who participated in the swarm, and could be used to buy a Tier 1 powder, or a teleport scroll to the city the swarm was in

    Bronze Voucher (Brown skull)
    -To get a Bronze Voucher, a player must kill at least 15 mobs, (of any level), and could be used to buy a Tier 2 powder, or be redeemed for 1 emerald block, or a teleport scroll

    Silver Voucher (White skull)
    -To get a Silver Voucher, a player must kill at least 50 mobs (of any level), and could be used to buy a Tier 3 powder, or be redeemed for 3 emerald blocks

    Defender Voucher (Red skull)
    -To get a Defender Voucher, a player must kill at least 75 mobs (of any level), AND do at least 1% damage to the swarm boss. This could be used to buy 2 Tier 3 powders, or be redeemed for 7 emerald blocks. Or, this could be used to buy a unique level 50-60 weapon

    Golden Voucher (Yellow skull)
    -To get a Golden Voucher, a player must kill at least 100 mobs (of any level), AND do at least 2% damage to the swarm boss. This could be used to buy 1 Tier 4 powder, or be redeemed for 15 emerald blocks, Or, this could be used to buy a rare level 70-80 weapon

    Diamond Voucher (Blue skull)
    -To get a Diamond Voucher, a player must kill at least 150 mobs (of any level), AND do at least 5% damage to the swarm boss. This could be used to buy 3 Tier 4 powders, or be redeemed for 32 emerald blocks, Or, this could be used to buy a rare level 80-90 weapon

    Master Voucher (rainbow skull?)
    -To get a master voucher, a player must be on the leaderboards, either for the most amount of kills, or for doing the most amount of damage to a boss. (A player could get 2 master vouchers if they were on the leaderboards twice). A Master Voucher could be redeemed in exchange for 1 Tier V powder, 1 LE, or a legendary 90-100 weapon ((These weapons would be like dungeon weapons, and only be obtainable through swarms))

    **Note, all vouchers, and swarm weapons, would be untraeable

    ***Note, to reduce inventory clutter at the end of a swarm, players would only receive the highest level voucher they are eligible for, and the voucher 1 tier below it (A player who gets a master voucher would get a diamond voucher as well, but not anything lower than that, because they probably wouldn't need it anyways)

    V: Additional mechanics:
    * Being in a party would increase XP gained by 5% (note, this is not additive, but a modifier, so a level 70-80 would gain 52.5%, instead of 50%, this is to promote community interaction, (and maybe let people make new friends)

    * Corkus Swarms:

    In Corkus City, swarms would be about as difficult as they are in Cinfras, but the swarm mobs would be mechs instead of the undead.

    *Anti-afk mechanics

    If a player is AFK for more than 4 minutes during the swarm or during the 20 minutes before the swarm, that player would be kicked (since if not, they would just constantly die)

    There are a few ways to handle player deaths:
    When players die, they spawn in the next nearest town (A low level player dies in a Detlas swarm and respawns in Nemract, to prevent them losing their items)
    2: [Best Idea]
    No soul points are lost during deaths in a swarm, however, when you die, 20% of your mob kills are taken away
    When players get to 5 soul points or below they are kicked from the swarm

    Part 3: Conclusion
    First off, thank you so much for reading my suggestion!
    It took me a long time to think of all these ideas and write them down, so support would be greatly appreciated

    If you are planning to vote against the suggestion in the poll, put down in the comments what you don't like, and I will make an effort to change it.

    PLEASE comment below any additions you want to this, if you have an idea for other rewards for Swarm Vouchers, balancing suggestions, or suggestion of other bosses (etc.), I will be happy to read them, add them in, and give you credit for it

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
  2. SUPER M


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    great consistency there mate
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
  3. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    great idea i mean ive never even been in a swarm before so i think it'll be rly fun
    also in terms of lag and stuff, it should be ok cuz like in guild wars there could be like (well idk but like) a hundred or so mobs (or more)
    its not great but it works and yea most of the lag probably just comes from my potato computer anyway
    so yea great idea plz add and stuff
    although one thing im confused about (since ive never been in a swarm before) are the people teleported to a new world like in wars? or does it happen on just one server?
  4. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Good idea, but it’s never going to happen.
  5. Tsunderes

    Tsunderes A2 <3

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    Tsunderes used confusion.
    coolname2034 and SUPER M like this.
  6. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I think the general idea is good, but that the mobs that spawn should be more area-specific. For example:
    Why would the 'Corruption King' spawn in Rodoroc or Cinfras? They're both in Gavel, and there is no corruption in Gavel. I think the mobs should be more based around the city's surroundings, for example in Nemract you could have a bunch of Ancient Nemract citizens invade.
    JoshLegacy and coolname2034 like this.
  7. Alex1

    Alex1 Alex HERO

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    It is all on the same server

    This is probably true, but it's worth a shot, and they might have saved the code from the old system

    Here I am suggesting 3 different ways that constant death would be handled, I'm not saying that all 3 of those would be added (because that would be contradictory and make no sense), one of those 3 things would be implemented, which ever one seems to fit the best

    Ill fix/add to this later today. Do you have any ideas for bosses that could be in Gavel swarms because I would like to hear them, and I was struggling to come up with more bosses when I wrote this.
    coolname2034 and Dr Zed like this.
  8. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Good idea, maybe?
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    a video of it so people see how it was:

    you could add it to the thread or any video so peeps see it too
    SUPER M likes this.
  10. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    holy shit old wynncraft
    NITEHAWKX, Saya and Aya like this.
  11. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I guess stuff like an Orc chieftain in Llevigar, naga chieftain or some sort of swamp beast in Olux, uhhh... Idk.
    Most of my ideas are just a chieftain/leader of whatever the dominant enemy is in the surrounding area, without putting much thought into it right now.
  12. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Why not, tbh when you do the math, they are just 2 to 5 km far. this short distance can make the corruption spread though.
  13. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Yeah but no. There's no corruption in Gavel, the main 'evil force' is the decay. Also, minecraft doesn't scale very well to real life. Have you ever noticed that Steve is 2 metres tall, and from standing, can jump a metre straight up into the air. Someone has also calculated, I believe somewhere on these forums actually, the total weight Steve can carry. It's a lot.
  14. SUPER M


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    Few Eifel towers I belive.
  15. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    The swarms should/would only take place in Wynn. According to the lore, the swarms happen because the mobs are attracted to the high concentration of humans, or a high human to villager ratio. Having the swarms take place anywhere else wouldn't make much sense.

    Other than that though, I totally love the idea of Swarms finally being added back to Wynncraft. It would definitely give endgame players something to do.
  16. Alex1

    Alex1 Alex HERO

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    Yeah, I agree with this, but from a gameplay standpoint it would probably be better to rewrite the lore to include Gavel, or just ignore it and have them happen in Gavel, to add diversity.
  17. Jithvan

    Jithvan Well-Known Adventurer

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    Look quite fun tbh, maybe not for new players. Should be level balanced if reintroduced.
  18. Alex1

    Alex1 Alex HERO

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    What ended up happening during swarms was that low level players would hide on top of roofs, so they would never get damaged, while the high level players would run around on the ground level fighting the mobs; and since there would be mobs ranging from 10-100, then the low players could focus the low level mobs.
  19. Decap

    Decap Best dad bod of 2019 VIP+

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    OMG I loved swarms back then. These are great ideas, I would love for it to be added again
    Alex1 likes this.
  20. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    The other thing is that it provides a reason to even go back to Wynn. Most endgame players do things like Qira, Orange Wybel, Legendary Island, and CSST. Having something in Wynn would actually give players a reason to go back to towns like Ragni and Nemract, to fend off massive hordes of zombies. Plus, I don't think most of the towns in Gavel are even properly set up to host swarms, with the exception of maybe Olux.

    And rewriting the lore to include Gavel being affected by the swarms would be a literal rewrite of the lore. As in most if not all of the lore currently in game.
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