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Lore/Story Stories From The Provinces #1

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, Dec 20, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    you may know me as the writer of Whinton and evils of the provinces well that series is dead so heres my new series Stories from the provinces also stated from some school work but these stories will take longer for me to write
    Stories from the provinces #1​

    The elf and the cave of the stinky dragons​

    One day in adorei valley, a elf was brewing some potions of wisdom, but it needed some wisdom berries. Which the elf knows that the wisdom berries grow in a cave in the canyon of the lost, so the elf take his bow and puts on his expedition gear and heads to the cave.

    As he got close to the canyon some trollhunters appear and tries to attack the elf, but the elf pulls out his bow and shoots them all, they all die. Then the elf goes deeper into the canyon when he was near volmors tower, some bandits ambushed him, he pulls out his bow and shoots them in the head, they all die then he continues down the path.

    Then he gets close to the cave he is a bit scared, because the dragons are very very stinky, he might pass out before he reaches the berries, as he arrived at the cave entrance, he yells into the cave is anyone home. Then a dragon poked its head out and says, if you're here for wisdom berries come back next week.
  2. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    this is shit

    the entire thin is made of run-on sentences wwords are reused ad infinitum and the punchline isnt funny at all

    and thats only a fraction of all my complaints

    go back to 2nd grade wwritin kiddo
  3. HalfCat_

    HalfCat_ Supporter of Catania HERO GM Builder

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    You don't have to be so mean. Although I have to agree it isn't very good. Some grammatical errors and the joke isn't funny. Try reading other stuff for inspiration on how to get better.
    deserted_drago6 likes this.
  4. deserted_drago6

    deserted_drago6 God Mage Rayshyroth's Apprentice VIP+

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    I would say the same, but I think he's partly joking. Being mean makes it a little bit more comical. Although for the person who did write it, it is quite rude.
    He also reminds me of that Simpson character who says "You may remember me from..."
    This dude

    I have don't remember this dude from the stinky dragon or Whinton, whatever on earth those are.
    Also I don't think he knows how to distinguish "an" from "a".
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
    HalfCat_ likes this.
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