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Discussion in 'Questions' started by Kriknos, Oct 24, 2021.

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  1. Kriknos

    Kriknos Travelled Adventurer

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    Just started playing on the server yesterday and the first thing that I noticed is that I spend a lot of time running back to town to empty my bags. I am finding my bags fill up before I can complete one quest. So is there some way to increase on character storage? I had hoped I could go to the "Store" here and for $5 or $10 buy a character storage upgrade. Even looked at buying a "Rank" but that doesn't appear to give any storage upgrade either.

    In vanilla Minecraft you can go out for hours before you need to worry about your bags filling up. Wynncraft looks to have roughly the same number of inventory slots as vanilla Minecraft, but unlike vanilla mobs drop significantly more stuff, and most of it does not stack.
  2. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Nope. But if you have a lot of emeralds, you can use emerald pouches to store them. You also have an ingredient pouch to store ingredients.
  3. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    Nah, u just gotta be careful with what u pick up.
    Quest items are needed and can take up a lot of space, but they could be stored in the bank til they r needed.
    Emeralds can go inside of an emerald pouch
    Ingredients are not really that useful until u do profs endgame, I personally don’t pick them up
    Normal items you should drop, and I would not worry about unique stuff either, as they aren’t that good

    Doing smth along those lines can give you a lot more open space, just u gotta make sure to throw out that unecessary stuff if you accidentally pick it up
  4. Nosnevetsekim

    Nosnevetsekim <--Tickler of Fancy--> CHAMPION

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    Your options for storage are as follows: Inventory (fixed storage, Ingrediant Pouch (fixed storage), Emerald Pouch (storage increased as tier increases), and your bank (expandable).

    You can find or buy higher tier emerald pouches, which will allow you to carry more currency and only takes up a single inventory spot.

    Your bank can be increased by spending Emeralds to unlock more pages, but it may still get filled up rather quickly and can be expensive to expand.

    The best thing for you to do is focus on item management. For example, I don't keep any gear that doesn't have bonuses, aren't part of a set, or can't turn a profit on the market. I also don't keep any potions, and have everything sorted to track what I have.

    After you do a quest, look at the quest items and untradable items. Verify if they have any future use by utilizing the Wiki. If they can't be used for another quest or traded to a vendor get rid of them. Also look at your crafting ingredients. If you don't care about making items (it's a lot of work, and no reward until later on) then sell those items for less than market value to get rid of them quickly. You can sell crafting ingredients to the blacksmith, but the player market will turn a slightly higher profit.

    One benefit of purchasing a rank is that you can unlock extra market slots, meaning you can set up additional trades to liquidate your storage faster.

    I hope this helped.
    Nukewarmachine and Ninja_VK like this.
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