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Buying Specific Wand

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by SPYROHAWK, Jan 4, 2016.

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    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Hey, I am looking for a wand, but not any wand. I have a few specific requirements.

    I am lvl 45, so keep that in mind.

    I want a wand that has at least one of these requirements, if not more


    high attack speed

    high water, air, normal, or thunder damage

    high int, dex, or agi stat increasing

    high explosion chance

    speed boost?

    mana steal


    so yeah, if you guys have any offers, show me the items and the price. I am not super rich, so please try to keep the prices in the eb range. I trust the community will not try to scam me!
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