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Some way to make quest dialogue progress with right click again?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by pandade, Nov 16, 2021.

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  1. pandade

    pandade Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    So i just came back to play after some months of taking a break and not playing wynn and this new way of progressing the dialogue of quests that you have to press shift instead of right clicking is really annoying me, is there any way to revert to the old right click? i would be really happy if so.
  2. The Fool

    The Fool Nobody Wants to Know Him HERO

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    I'm sorry, but as of now that is not possible.

    About the dialogue system

    The dialogue system is central to the way Wynncraft plays. It presents a considerable challenge to design a system that is intuitive and works for everyone. The old way of delivering dialogue had some notable flaws, like the game at many times bombarding players with too much dialogue too fast. With the new system we wanted to make dialogue clearer and allow you to experience the story at your own pace. The new system also allows us to develop new features, like the dialogue options you might have noticed in the Festival of the Spirits!

    To explain some of the thought process as to why certain things are as they are, it has a lot to do with how Minecraft works as a game. We can’t detect when players press specific buttons, only if they are for example crouching. Without the delay between messages, players would accidentally skip multiple messages due to the length of a human pressing shift. There were other options, like right-clicking and using the F-key. However, those introduced other problems. Right-clicking would make fighting when dialogue is open very awkward and using the F-key in our opinion would be a worse option and potentially limit us if we wanted to add a new feature to that button in the future.

    We acknowledge that there are changes some people might find to be negative. We will never be able to make a system that is perfect for everyone and compromises will have to be made. However, that does not mean we do not want to improve upon what we have. We’re open to feedback, and finding solutions to problems.

    During the beta, we asked for feedback and one thing that was requested was a dialogue history. We added one, but since we were so close to the update it was implemented in a way that was not particularly user friendly but instead was faster to implement.

    We believe that the new dialogue system overall represents a positive change and improvement over the old system, however we recognise some features are currently frustrating such as shift clicking, dialogue history and having slowness, we are going to review this feedback and hopefully improve the dialogue system to be more user friendly in the future!
  3. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    You could bind crouch to middle click if you really want it on your mouse
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