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Some Tips For A Begginer?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by FindingDetlas, Sep 4, 2020.

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  1. FindingDetlas

    FindingDetlas Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    So i started playing wynn about a week ago and i really enjoy the game but i realized that i do not know anything about the game as i never played it before. All these professions, builds just confuse me. I am level 34 for now and i just do quests and search for loot chests and take things that either have more health or do more damage. So can anyone just explain things about the game itself and maybe give any tips that i could use later or just tell me armour and weapons i could use for now.
    P.s im an Archer
  2. penguinbnuuy

    penguinbnuuy penguinbnuuy HERO

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    Don't worry about professions, the early game shoves them down your throat when you really don't need them. Honestly, you're doing a lot right, you should do quests and search for loot, which you are doing. I also recommend dungeons, as they are incredibly fun (except Lost Sanctuary) If you feel stuck don't be afraid to look things up on the wiki. If that doesn't help there's some good guides on youtube (Olinus10 in particular makes great guides). If that doesn't help, don't be afraid to ask for help, be it on the discord, or in Detlas. One last thing, if you find a bug, be sure to report it in the bug reports section on the forums.
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  3. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    1. you got 6 class slots and 5 classes, to switch classes you type /class
    2. leveling combat levels is what low-leveled players do. Take things for more health and damage yes, but beware of those stats: negative HP regen (raw)/negative mana regen. These stats will shit your gaming experience if you don't know the playstyle of those gears, or if you don't have other gear to cancel out these stats.
    3. Profession is NOT a forced content, but an optional grind. The reason you get to combat level 34 is because of quests AND grinding mobs, but profession quests give way less xp than combat quests do. Other than that, profession is grinding. The reason people level up their professions is to craft gears which are generally more flexible and better (loot quality affects loots in chests, but there isn't any non-crafted that has loot quality)
    4. If you played an RPG before, you know what "build" means. If not though, "build" means equipped gears that synergises with one another and makes you more powerful. However in your level, just don't care about builds because the effects of low-level gears are negligible, except for those like Disco (boots), Mud, Mummy's Rag. You will know more as you progress in this game.
    FindingDetlas likes this.
  4. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    So firstly, professions are not necessary at all and you shouldn't do them on your first playthrough. They turn into a hell of a grind in the 60-80 range.

    Doing quests is fine, they're the main content of the game and it is recomenned to do all/most of them on your first playthrough to fully experience the game.

    There's a lot of different things you can do in Wynncraft, ranging all the way from exploring, running dungeons, doing quests, fighting powerful bosses, finding secret lore discoveries and a lot more. I can't really tell you a "correct" way of playing the game, as you can explore the world however you desire.

    For new equipment, don't just take those that give more damage/hp, look at the different stats. For example, if you want to cast a lot of spells, using items with more mana regen and spell damage over hp is a good idea. Different attack speeds and damage bonuses can make a weapon that has less damage to begin with much more powerful than one with just more raw damage. Good ways to obtain more powerful gear are looting chests, running dungeons, buying from the market, and just picking up items you get during your journey.

    For your level, a good set of armor is the Adventurer's set, it gives multiple good set bonuses. At level 45, you can grab the powerful bow Deadeye from a Boss Altar in the mesa, and I would recommend getting it. You can also try to make a build of your own, the website wynndata is very useful, as it has an item search system for every item in the game, a build calculator, a 2d world map, player statistic search, mana tables, and many more useful features.

    You could also ask for a low-level class build in the newbie construction site.
  5. Jj_TeRroR_jJ

    Jj_TeRroR_jJ Mechanical Owl CHAMPION

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    There's a lot of tips that can be given, but for a first playthrough, i'd go with some of the following:
    • Play the quests. Many give you emeralds or items, and the experience will usually cover around half of a level per quest. Many of the quests are also quite enjoyable to play. You don't have to do every quest, but many of them are very useful, some of which giving very useful items even for an endgame character.
    • Don't worry about specific builds until you get to the late to endgame levels [Level 90+ or so]. You will regularly rotate gear as you level up, and some unique and rare items can perform better than legendaries on-level. Just be careful that any gear you pick up doesn't hurt other items you are wearing (e.g: +Skilldamage and -Skilldamage will nullify eachother). People will regularly say that spells are more powerful than using your basic attack, so it may be worth considering looking at items with mana regen to accomodate heavy spell usage.
    • Don't hesitate to respec your skill points. As you get new gear, expect to need to shuffle skill points around to accommodate your gear, and you might find that respecing your points in a specific way might make you more effective.
    • Ignore Professions for now. While Professions seem like a big thing, they are 100% optional. You can easily get through the game without picking up any sort of tools or touching any sort of ingredient.
    • Try some dungeons when you can. Dungeons can be the most effective way to gain levels, and many players grind the endgame levels by repeatedly running corrupted dungeons. Doing dungeons on-level will get you plenty of experience, and if you do multiple runs can let you buy a useful item from the dungeon's shop, which can be very useful.
    Emogla3 likes this.
  6. ACMineCraft7

    ACMineCraft7 Newbie Adventurer

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    I have no idea
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