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Any Class Some meme builds I made because I was bored

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by MooseWhisker, Dec 19, 2022.

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  1. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    Are any of these builds good? No. They're all pretty terrible.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > Far Cosmos
    > Dark Shroud
    > Crusade Sabatons
    > Prism
    > Prism
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Immolation []
    > (Has Tomes)

    This build gives the most amount of skill points possible, with a total of 595 including tomes. It's not super viable, as though it has decent EHP, it has 0 sustain and low damage. The best bet here is to go hard into summoner with regeneration in order to be able to heal without potions. I would recommend maxing out intelligence for cheaper spells and higher mana, as the most mana sustain you'll be getting with this is 5/3 mana steal with no mana regen. Overall, a pretty terrible build.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > CancerÖˇ
    > Leo
    > Second Wind
    > Statue
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Clockwork
    > Charm of the Magma
    > Guardian [f6f6f6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    "Damage? What's that?" This build gives the most amount of health I was able to find, and reaches scary amounts of EHP. The downside is that it deals really bad damage, has horrible mobility, and doesn't have the hpr to keep up with such a beefy hp stat. The very definition of a 'do nothing' wall. Another bad build.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Dune Storm
    > Delirium
    > Leictreach Makani
    > Revenant
    > Kaze
    > Kaze
    > Follow the Wind
    > Necklace of a Thousand Storms
    > Stratiformis [a6a6a6]

    306 walking speed + Grappling hook + stormy feet + frenzy = movement go brrrrr. Middling damage, bad sustain, paper thin.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Dune Storm
    > Delirium
    > Leictreach Makani
    > Revenant
    > Kaze
    > Kaze
    > Follow the Wind
    > Necklace of a Thousand Storms
    > Warp [a6a6a6]

    Negative mana and health regen + terrible ehp = unusable build. This has the absolute maximum walk speed I was able to get with over 500% though.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Azure Halo
    > Dreamcloud
    > Atomizer
    > Scale of Seiryu
    > Raging Wind
    > Raging Wind
    > Double Vision
    > Diamond Steam Necklace
    > Warp [a6a6a6]

    Decent mana regen and (barely) positive health regen with okish EHP means this build is, at the very least, useable. Add on 300% walk speed, 5 jump height, -250 raw teleport cost (with blink and time dilation), and you've got a build with crazy mobility. It's damage is terrible though. Warp is so hard to build around.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Gale's Sight
    > Stillwater Blue
    > Rapids
    > Corkian Jet Boots
    > Photon
    > Photon
    > Prowess
    > Renda Langit
    > Fatal [w6w6w6]

    Yet another mobility build. 100% walk speed, 5 jump height, 1 mana teleports, high mana regen, with blink and time dilation, means this build can get around. The downfall is the paper thin defenses with no sustain. At least it has not horrible damage (still pretty bad though).
    WynnBuilder build:
    > CancerÖˇ
    > Booster Plate
    > Atomizer
    > Corkian Jet Boots
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Double Vision
    > League
    > Olympic [a6a6a6]

    20 Jump height go brrrr. Let your minions on the ground do your fighting for you (summoner). Also has 130% walk speed with good ehp and sustain. Totem flying is also easy because both totem and haul cost 1 mana.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > The Modulator
    > Matryoshka Shell
    > Neutrino
    > Leadlights
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Aurora
    > Megabyte
    > Contrast
    > Singularity [a6a6a6e6e6e6t6t6t6w6w6w6f6f6f6]

    Do you like wasting your money on powder? Well then this is the build for you! I recommend a pure arcanist build, as the super slow attack speed is not conducive to ophanim or winded, but your meteors do decent damage.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Call of the Void
    > About-Face
    > The Golem
    > Revenant
    > Impudent
    > Mirror
    > Clockwork
    > Altum Spatium
    > Sreggad [e6e6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    I have genuinely no idea how to even begin to build the skill tree for this build. It's centered around having 1000% in both thorns and reflection, but all of the assassin archetypes are centered around not getting hit. It has really good ehp, ls, and hpr. This build requires 8 skill points worth of tomes to be distributed to strength, defense, and agility.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Call of the Void
    > About-Face
    > The Golem
    > Revenant
    > Impudent
    > Mirror
    > Clockwork
    > Altum Spatium
    > Narcissist [e6e6e6]
    > (Has Tomes)

    An interesting healer concept. Your totems heal you while your thorns + reflection along with your summons do the bulk of the damage. This build is further held together by the good hpr and ehp. Of all the builds on here, this is likely the most viable (though it's still bad). It also requires 8 skill points from tomes to be distributed among strength, agility, and defense.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2022
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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