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Guild Silencewillfall

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Conquerer400, Dec 2, 2015.


What Class(es) Do You Think You Will Have the Most Fun With in Gavel?

  1. Archer/Hunter

  2. Mage/Dark Wizard

  3. Warrior/Knight

  4. Assassin/Ninja

Multiple votes are allowed.
Results are only viewable after voting.
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  1. Conquerer400

    Conquerer400 Gavelactic Overseer

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    Hello everyone,

    SilenceWillFall [WHO] is a level 14 guild built from the ground up since they were introduced by a few players who were newbies back then. Over time these players grew to understand much of Wynn and how it works, eventually gathering so much skill and experience that some made it to level 75. Now these players are reasonably active in Wynn, with a proud triumph of causing a massive guild disturbance lasting several days coined "The Schism" before the system broke. These players join Wynncraft every once in a while to farm and improve their lower leveled classes, preparing for a brilliant Gavel experience. Please post your username, activity level (daily, a few days a week, weekly, sporadic, very low), your preferred class, its level, and your second best class in the comments below to apply to our guild. We'd be happy to know any particular Wynncraft achievements you have accomplished as well. However, you must be a friendly player willing to help others; be polite and respectful. Also, donations are not required as we are just a small group of players looking to push into the future of Wynn, Gavel, and Dern together. Or, If you're interested in allying with us, we'd be happy to support your guild's expansion.
    • Guild Leader: Cosmic400
    • Guild Lieutenant: KextractoR
    • Spots Available (will change): 8
    • Allies (will change): NightShade [NSS]
    If you're reading this post just to read it and have nothing to do, at least have a Merry Craftmas :saltedhigh: and a Happy Star Wars!

    Silence Will Fall When The Question is Asked.


    -=[PS]=- This goes without saying, but please continue to be the amazing supporters of Wynncraft that you are. It makes all our times on Wynn that much more fun and the builders and GMs all really appreciate your enjoying their server. We know that they're working so hard to give us Gavel, and that they want to see it completed as much as we do. So, go ahead and post a comment below supporting these awesome people and all the work they do for us. Huge shoutout, guys, we love you all for spending your time on doing what you do. Let me be one to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who's been a part of the server: player, moderator, GM, or what say you because it's let me have one of the best gaming experiences in my life.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  2. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    inb4 Doctor Who fans come
    Yamipanda, Conquerer400 and Drew1011 like this.
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