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Music Royal Walls - (sethprg) + Loop!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Seth_, Oct 10, 2017.

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  1. Seth_

    Seth_ I will compose your demise HERO

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    I'm cool so I decided to come back 7 months earlier. ;)
    However, music will be very slow in production! Maybe a song every month or so, I won't have much time to work. I've spent all my free time and stayed up quite late in the wee A.M. hours for the last two days to make something of true quality. This is probably the best song I've made as of now, even though it's a bit repetitive, and it repeats some parts a bit more than it should. I won't have any time after this (for the next week), as I have a few tests and a paper to write so I just churned this out as it, enjoy! P.s. I'm also going to MEN'S RETREAT WITH MY FRIENDS WOOO


    This is meant to play in the Royal Palace of Fruma!
    @XavierEXE @Selvut283 @KINGofAWESOME02 @Toxicdrule @Anthonino
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
    Procrast, XavierEXE, Tisaun and 2 others like this.
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