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Guild Recruiting For Kinda New Guild (chestnut Brigade)

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by teej, Feb 20, 2016.


Will you join this guild?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. teej

    teej yayah is gay VIP

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    Hey friends, I made a guild for some reason. You can join if you want, just message me or Ahmsord in-game. However, there are a few conditions that you must meet if you are to join Chestnut Brigade.

    1.) Have a chestnut horse, obviously. Not having one would defeat the purpose of being in the guild. If you lose your horse (i.e. accidentally breeding it with a brown horse during a horse breeding session [happened to me before]) then you will have 1 day to get it back. Each increasing rank in the guild will have an additional day to get a new horse.

    2.) Be an active player. Even if you only get on once a day, try to be active. I'll be as active as I can (with school and all) but if we see that you haven't been on in over a week(ish), then we'll most likely kick you.

    3.) Be mature and respectful to your guildmates. If you see that they need help with a boss or a quest, go ahead and help them out. Respect the players in the guild.

    The second and third rule are more of a guideline, but the first one is an absolute requirement. Hope to see you in the guild!
    Another side note, if you have Skype and wish to talk then I would be happy to add you! I feel like playing Wynn with other players really makes it fun.
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