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Lore/Story Recollection Of The Battle Of Citadel 65

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Terezi Pyrope, Mar 12, 2017.

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  1. Terezi Pyrope

    Terezi Pyrope gallowsCalibrator I Former CT I dead

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    Hello guys!
    So I've been incredibly inactive, mostly because school and sickness :c
    Anyway, I did some writing recently because I had a (kinda cool) idea, and I need to get back to Wynn :)

    Anyway, if you've gotten this far and decide to read it, please leave some feedback! :)

    Graphic violence
    If you don't like it, don't read it

    The following is a recollection of Karheen Placote (U 523 I, Sensor Managment), in rememberance of the Battle of Citadel 65, on Utyaka (Drul System), as he left on an escape pod.


    Across the battlefield, sensors showed dead bodies strewn over the ash coloured dirt. Most of the Changelings were significatly different to the dismembered human bodies littering the ground, though a lot of the organic matter had been reduced to bloody pulp, either by the human pulse rifles or the Changed biotic harpoons. There were a multitude of smoking craters surrounding the entrance to the Citadel, where a lone young soldier, battered and stained with blood, sweat and tears, took up the mounted heavy assault cannon, standing as a last bastion against the malignant attackers. A distant thundering sound marked the attack of the Changelings, hurtling through the charred battlefield with genetically engineered legs. The soldier breathed in once, the clamped his finger down on the trigger, sending a hail of sonic pulses into the ragged line of attackers. The first Changeling to get shot down is a H3-S model, a type of mobile unit equipped with a mind reading holo projecter, designed to cloak the unit as loved ones of the enemy, making it harder to pull the trigger. This time the soldier didn’t hesitate. The H3-S unit’s body exploded into fragments of muscle and bone as the dematerializing bolts tore through it. The rest of the Changlings barely noticed their comrade’s grusome death and pressed on into the oncoming spray of death. They too only made it a few steps before the pulses tore into them, ripping their bodies to shreds and littering the ground with scraps of pink flesh. The first three X3-G units thundered into view of the young soldier, who by now was oblivious to anything except for the oncoming assault. The X3-G units, about twice the size of the first wave of attackers, marched onward relentlessly, crushing their dead companions underfoot. The soldier emptied hundreds of blasts into them, but they merely shrugged them off as though they were sticks being thrown by a small child. The soldier turned and directed his fire towards a unit which appeared to be the weakest of the 3, but failed to notice the other two units approaching to firing range. The closest one lifted its arm and fired its two biotic harpoons, sending them whistling towards the man. The harpoons hit at nearly the same time, at such a velocity that the first one, which pierced his skull, tore his head clean off and pinned it to the wall behind him as the second spear shattered his spine and tore his body in half, splattering organs onto the ground. The dead man never felt a thing.


    Thanks to @Nepeta Leijon for helping me with grammar and stuff! (hard to believe I'm actually passing English right now :'c)

    Plasma~ and Nepeta Leijon like this.
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