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Art Realm Beasts(Fanmade expanded concept)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Trashiejunkyard, Sep 29, 2023.

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  1. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    I was pretty bored so I just pick some random concept in Wynncraft and just expand upon it cause why not

    this is purely headcanon and a lot recontextualized some idea like Death being realm beasts and how cutting the guardian tree could lead to other portal opening. And entire existence of beasts of war which is not fucking canon at all.

    Realm beasts are physical representations of the realm itself. An embodiment of the concept that the realm represents. These beings are high above such concepts that mortal known as emotion, hate, and more. In the Realm of Light case, it manifests Orphion, the light beast. Believing that balance should be maintained for everything in the world to function as they intended.

    Due to the Realm of light parallel to Gavel, Orphion can reach the mortals of Gavel. The elves of Aldorei, are an ancient race who lived long before villagers even settled their first civilization. Orphion taught them his way, and while many mistake his lesson for morality and self-lessness only few understand the true meaning behind his lesson.

    Opposing light is darkness. Dern Beast manifests as the representation of the realm of darkness which is known as Dern. Dern Beast never let itself known to the mortals of the physicality planes. Always lurking and stalking as it influences the course of history for its goal. Unlike Orphion, Dern Beast believes true balance should be unity by having darkness absorb the light, removing it from existence.

    For long, light and dark fought each other in the war called "The War Of The Realms" which shook not just the Plane of Influence but also the Plane of Physicality. The damage of this war reflects and shows up in the physical world as mortals unknowingly are in the crossfire of the war that they can't even comprehend, as the chaos ruptures and consumes the world slowly.

    Brought into existence by the ever-clashing between light and darkness, the realm of war was a chaotic and unstable realm that seemed to fall apart with every passing of its existence. Naturally, the realm tries to manifest its beast to represent it. However, due to the conflicting nature of the corruption, it mistakenly manifests two beasts that misshapen and deform a mixture of the opposing forces that manifest the realm itself.

    Finally brought to existence, the beasts of war scream in agony as the forces that manifest it threaten ripping themselves from the inside. The pain had caused these two beasts to go feral and fight each other at the moment of their existence. For they hate what they are and they are the same beings. Eventually, the realm of war has been ripped open through the physical world where corruption spills out and wreaks havoc into the outside where the two beasts' baleful influence seeks to destroy Wynn province.

    Despite being separate from the plane of influence, the Realm of Death has manifested its beast. Bluntly calling itself Death for that is its purpose. Literal-minded and stern, the beast would carry out its task by bringing the expired to its realm where they linger on until forgotten, from rotting mortals or language forgotten by the world.

    Its eternal tasks are eventually disturbed by the destabilization connection between realms. Corruption pours out into the material world like entrails where most mortals become corrupted and their souls twisted by otherworldly influences. Death's tasks now grow even more tiresome.

    The worlds of the plane of physicality and realms of the plane of influences are connected through a web-like connection and many anchors act as pillars to keep the whole web stabilized to keep the realms from collapsing and spilling their content into each other. Weaver was manifested to tending and maintaining the webs to avoid cataclysm that could occur if these webs become destabilized.

    Once the guardian tree has been cut down, it is the anchor that connects the web to the province of Gavel. The whole web falls apart as a set of terrible events soon follow. The realm of war collapses and spills into The province of Wynn like a plague. The realm of light is ripped open like a wound allowing creatures of the dark to enter and infect the beast of light. With the webs torn apart, Weaver is now left confused and strays in the remains of the webs as the war of the realm tears both the physical world and realms apart.
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