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Re-resourcepack Issues

Discussion in 'Questions' started by creature, Jul 12, 2016.

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  1. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    Hello again people of the internet

    I've been away for a little while and I'm having resource pack issues again.
    What's happening is that once the resource pack is loaded entirely it doesn't actually do anything.

    I've had this before and that time someone gave me a download for the resource pack, so I've got the old resource pack for 1.8+ but as of now, I need a resource pack of at least 1.9+ so that I can see 1.9 things.

    When I try to use the current resource pack it says it's outdated.

    (I know how it's supposed to work so please don't say stuff like 'enable server resource pack in the options whenever you're typing the ip-adres', I've actually gotten it to work on several other computers. But the computer I'm using is a mac mini and as I'm sure some of you are aware that some macs simply don't work well with wynn's resource-pack)

    My question is: Does anybody have the download for the texture pack for a mac?
    And if so, is there anywhere they give the downloads to the texture packs? Because if I'd know that I'd still be able to go play wynn without begging for another texture pack link in another thread.

  2. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    I'm sure there is one, as someone has probably downloaded it then uploade it somewhere.
    I, personally, do not know where it would be.
    One alternate solution could be deleting the pack from the serverresourcepacks file, and redownload it in 1.9.
  3. orange0401

    orange0401 Fortified with Vitamin C HERO

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    get a standard 1.9 resource pack from the internet, and when you log onto wynn, it should automatically load for you if you enable server resource packs.
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