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Raw Fish

Discussion in 'Questions' started by sergeantoof, Oct 16, 2021.

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  1. sergeantoof

    sergeantoof Skyblock Refugee VIP

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    Hey guys,

    I was exploring the ocean (because the seaskipper said there was a troll east of mage island, little did I know it was a "troll"), and I found a little piece of land with insane backpackers (backpackers aren't actually in the wiki yet) and crazy fishermen (coords 1395, 54, -2784), and one dropped a Raw Fish (misc item). Looked on the Wiki and it was an item you could exchange for emeralds when the Craftmas Island was a thing. Does it have any use now?

    Exploring random places in Wynn is honestly really fun, especially in the ocean, and I recommend others do it too
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2021
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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