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Race, Jump, And Explode Through These 14 New Realms Maps

Discussion in 'Minecraft News' started by Minecraft News, Feb 4, 2016.

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  1. Minecraft News

    Minecraft News Travelled Adventurer

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    It’s been some time since we last checked in on new maps for Minecraft Realms, so let’s get into it! Here are a bevy of new adventure maps, survival starters, and minigames ready for you to play right now!

    Half Heart Race by Team Wooloo

    Since the 2015 Minecon speedruns, it seems there’s been a bit more interest in going really fast in Minecraft. This map lets you do that with up to ten players! Are you up to it, with just a half of a heart of health? For an overview of the challenges you’ll face, take a look at this handy map panorama.

    Jump Arena by NateT_Bird

    Jump Arena is rooted in Minecraft, but feels like its own game. Custom textures and command blocks add new features from double-jumping to confetti guns. Run, jump, earn coins, and find all of the secrets in this challenging map!

    Total House Bombover by Team Wooloo

    Much of your time in Minecraft is probably consumed by creating a home for yourself, but blowing things up can prove to be equally satisfying. In this game, you’re given a set amount of TNT, and the level is complete only when you’ve blown up every last block. Ten levels await you; I recommend stick around for the last one too.

    The Genius Machine by The VoxelBox

    The Genius Machine is a short, sweet, single-player experience. It was created during a weekend game jam, and uses features like custom models and voice acting to show off what a master builder can do with Minecraft. My favorite part? The talking microwave. It’s weird, and you should definitely give it a go.

    Entrapment by SlicedLime

    Coming from the mind of real-life game maker SlicedLime, we have Entrapment, a game about setting devious traps for your opponents. The twist here is that every so often, you switch play areas with the other team, creating the need to think far in advance. Don’t get caught in your own lava moat!

    3D Minesweeper by TheAl_T


    If you were to look at just one wall of this game, it’d appear to be a pretty standard game of the PC classic, Minesweeper. Back up a bit, however, and you’d see that all six sides of this cube are playable areas, right down to the tricky corners. We don’t often accept maps that try to re-create other games so closely, but after looking into it, it turns out that we’re good pals with the folks that own Minesweeper! This map is cleverly designed and runs smoothly. Try it for yourself!

    Wayward Wonders by M0ndy

    One of the most popular adventure map types is Complete the Monument, where you locate various blocks throughout the land, then return them to a central monument. This take on the genre involves navigating twelve different real and fictional architectural marvels. Even as a more compact version of the original, this map is huge, and is one of the largest maps we’ve published to Realms.

    Surviving and thriving

    Call them what you will- survival spawns, world templates, starters- these maps give Minecraft veterans a little boost when starting a brand new world. Check out the images below for a teaser of what each world has to offer, then go test them out in Realms!

    Jungle Retreat by Nobleman, Paaaaaaat, Vek


    Winter’s Hearth by Nobleman, Paaaaaaat


    Zanafar Salt Mines by Pixelbat


    Staalhamer by Springstof


    Tranquil Temple by K1ll1er, ImLeeRii, Mouldy_Burrito


    Flower Island by Emoluvjd2


    Sparrenhout by Springstof


    Future content

    It’s been a pleasure seeing what kinds of features mapmakers can come up with to create new experiences in Minecraft, and they’ll only get more complex and immersive in the future!

    Keep in mind that while the upcoming Minecraft version 1.9 will bring new tools and toys for mapmakers, it’ll also retire some maps which use features that have changed. Before Realms upgrades to Minecraft 1.9, if you’re using one of the included adventure maps and haven’t yet completed it, we’ll let you know in-game how to download and continue playing. After that, we have a bunch of brand new adventures that take advantage of the upcoming features!

    Have fun!

    Marc - @Marc_IRL

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