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Discussion in 'Questions' started by Moebird1, Oct 16, 2015.

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  1. Moebird1

    Moebird1 Travelled Adventurer

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    Whats the best gem farming area?
    Is there only one liquified gem merchant?
    Is there a use of rymek?
    Whats the easiest way to get pink wool?
    How do you do the lions den boss?
    What dungeon is best for a level 35 achour?
    How do you get better horses?
    Whats better about the better horses?
    How do you get to the jungle?
    Can someone help me with mage please i'm usually on 3:00 pm (eastern time)?
    What are parties?
    What does the friends option do?
    What is the arrow shield spell best used for?
    What does the mana thing do (from the item identifier)?
    What does dueling do?
    How do you get gold coins?
    Still where exactly are the giant rats for the quest? I cant find them.
  2. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    1. Its emerald and the pigmen cave near ragni
    2. I dont know but there were 2
    3. Alot
    4. In Rymek stated in no.3
    5. You need a friend to press two buttons behind a pillar
    6. Animal Dungeon
    7. Buying from players for breeding horses with other horses in the small crafting space
    8. Horses help you travel fast
    9. Through the great bridge in the snow area (look for the 2 statues)
    10. No can do
    11. Parties are parties , and you can share an even amount of xp between players in a party
    12. You can add friends, DUHH
    13. Nether, grinding and or bosses
    14. Mana is your hunger AKA What you use spells for, so it probably gives you hunger when you attack
    15. Dueling is for fun you can fight but you dont lose soul points
    16. Buy them
    17. In a cave on the farm look around, I'm guessing you just started wynn
  3. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    there are 2 le merchants, one in detlas and one in tol. technically there is a third one in selchar that converts old le to ne ones.
    to get to the liond den boss you only need to press one button.
  4. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Oh I havent been to ToL, I stated the one in detlas and the one that use to be in the VIP Town
  5. TrashcanMan

    TrashcanMan Hello I am here

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    There's one in Detlas and one in ToL
    Plenty. It's pretty good for grinding and there are some quests there.
    There's a pink wool merchant somewhere in Rymek, he sells one block for 12 EB (I think). Otherwise look for the super-rare Pink Sheep of Greatness in the Detlas sheep pen.
    Breed two horses by crafting them together in your inventory. I think it's 20% chance to get next tier, 50% for same tier, and 30% for lower tier.
    If you need help just say something in chat and there's probably somebody who will help.
    You get to share XP with each other
    If you friend somebody you get alerts when they log on
    Mana steal gives you mana when you attack stuff, mana regen makes your mana regenerate faster. Mana is hunger in case you didn't know.
    It's basically 1v1 PvP, and there's no purpose, it's just for fun.
    You buy them with real money in the shop. https://wynncraft.com/#store
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