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Question About The Dominant Force Ingredient

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Alagator06, Apr 19, 2021.

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  1. Alagator06

    Alagator06 Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Hey, I have recently been grinding around Twain Lake, originally gathering ghostly essences for the boss altar nearby, until I stumbled across a possessed armour stand. The first one I killed dropped a dominant force, which seemed like a pretty decent thing to grind for. I began to look out for them a bit more, and dropped two more dominant forces on the next two consecutive kills. Since then I have revisited the area to grind more, and I must have killed tens more of the things, but not a single one has dropped another dominant force. Is there a reason for this, like a cap or something? or did I just get really lucky the first three kills?
  2. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    From my peraonal experience with grinding it you were lucky with your first ones
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