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Quest Help (fate Of The Fallen)

Discussion in 'Questions' started by LifeHappens, Mar 23, 2021.

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  1. LifeHappens

    LifeHappens Newbie Adventurer

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    Hey guys, sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong area, I'm new to Wynncraft and the Wynncraft forums, so bear with me.

    I died while completing the Fate of the Fallen quest (the nether bridge part) and have been unable to return there to finish the quest. Through a close inspection of the wiki and a couple of other forum threads it seems the solution to this problem is to retrieve the staff, go back in time through time valley, and then redo the rest of the quest. The first two steps worked and I was able to return to the past, however I am at a loss as for what to do next. When I go look for Theorick in the woods he isn't there, (yes im sure I have the right place unless the information on the wiki is incorrect) and when I go to the house he sends me back in time at nobody is there either.

    Any and all help would be appreciated!
  2. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    You have to go to the house Theorick recruited you in, he'll respawn and take you back to the Roots. Also, they changed it in 1.20 (or maybe 1.20.1, I don't remember exactly), you can talk to Telvu again and he'll teleport you to Time Valley whenever you want so you never have to walk there.
    LifeHappens likes this.
  3. LifeHappens

    LifeHappens Newbie Adventurer

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    I went to the house he recruited me in and nothing has happened.
    Nevermind, left and rejoined and that seemed to work. Thanks for the help!
    TrapinchO and ditsario like this.
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