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Pvp Was Not Slain By 1.9

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Zelefant, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Dual wielding, the End, wings, so many cool changes in 1.9!

    So why are you people hating them?

    1. Golden Apples

    No, I'm not persinally fond of this change myself. But are you a factions player that hates getting killed by enemy factions, the huge ones, who have 1000 g-apples in their inventory? No one wants to be raided in Factions. This change only affects UHC and Factions, but UHC more. There is a way though, with some of Jumla's magical powers that we call coding, to fix that.

    2. Shields

    They block 66% damage if not attacking from side or back. How can you not appreciate them? Besides, if you put a Mojang banner on a shield, you can intimidate your opponents by showing you've survived long enough to get a Notch Apple.

    3. Combat Cooldown

    This is probably the nightmare of every player with fast enough internet to destroy others in PVP. Can you stop complaining that your amazing internet doesn't get you a free win? All PvP in 1.8 is just a test to see if you or your opponent have a better connection to the server. In 1.9 PvP, you could have the worst internet ever and still kill someone with Verizon's highest connection.

    4. Elytra

    You run around your creative world, and realize you want to fly in survival.

    Here, use a bukkit plugin!

    But I can't host servers. You can only appreciate Elytra if you have the patience to build a tower into the sky and set your spawn point there. Like me. Then, you can fly as if you're playing Mario 64 WITHIN Minecraft. Amazing, Minecraft's an emulator!

    *mind blown*

    But that's not all. The wings are great in a machinima, as the player can swoop down and kill the opponent.

    5. SERVERS


    The reason we have PVP.






    If yo udon't care that you can turn it off, why are you hating 1.9 in the first place?

    Player collision is a gamerule
    You can set attack speeds on weapons
    You can also set their strength
    Jumla's magic powers can fix gaps
    And just use shields as a replacement for blocking with swords.

    No, I'm not ranting. I don't want to start a flame war either. Just please stop hating 1.9 when there's really no point in doing so.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2015
    kioph, Tepgam, Kuroi and 6 others like this.
  2. Mighty Burger

    Mighty Burger voids warranties

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    Some of the information here is incorrect. For example:
    Shields only block 66% of the damage. It just doesn't seem like it, because there's a bug where you don't hear the hurt noise and your screen doesn't shake. Spawn a zombie, use a shield, and look at your hearts as they silently and slowly go down. It only blocks 100% of damage from arrows.
  3. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    i read it blocked 100% :/
  4. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    1. Nothing to complain here. Though I feel as if they were a little over nerfed, who uses Gapples normally anyway? (Oh wait, Hypixels Hunter's Healing...shi-)

    2. They don't actually block 100% of damage, only 66%. Though they do block arrows completely (and refelect them) but I must admit, this is the most overlooked parts of 1.9.

    3. This is what I find most confusing about Anti-1.9ers. The cooldown of swords is the same as the no hit peroid, so you still deal the damage at the same rate.

    "They removed spam click! That's dumb!" "Yeah, but you still deal damage at the same rate, so nothing really changes apart from you not hitting and doing no damage." "Yeah but spam clicking takes no skill!" what the hell do you want? You hate the new system, but then say spam clicking takes no skill!?

    I've also seen a lot of people saying that 2 people with axes will deal more damage against 1 person with alternating attacks. Firstly, it takes a lot of teamwork to sync up your attacks, and secondly, nobodies going to stand there and get attacked, they'll be dodging or running off.

    4. All I need have to say here is ELYTRA. ARE. AMAZING.

    5. Player and Mob collision? Nostalgia overload, lets teach these youngsters about the golden times. Want your spam click back? Haste.
    kioph, Rawb, Relflow and 1 other person like this.
  5. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Thank you for agreeing. I need to fix the shields.
    Nepeta Leijon likes this.
  6. 9314265068

    9314265068 Bunch of Numbers

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    Replies are in red.^

    Actually the cooldown of swords is 0.6 seconds. The damage immunity time is only 0.5 seconds. You hit slightly slower then before.

    Umm, I'm not sure who you saw arguing, but most people I've seen who don't like the cooldowns actually do think spam clicking takes skill.
    And to a certain degree, it does.

    Just because it takes a lot of teamwork to sync attacks, doesn't mean it's not possible. It still increases effectiveness of teams.
    Also, nobody would just stand around in 1.8 when there is a team against them either, so that part is invalid.

    I've been playing since mob collisions, and let me tell you, it wasn't pleasant being knocked around while trying to farm animals or when you're on a high area with a friend. The amount of times I got stuck up a ladder with someone was just annoying.
    Haste doesn't fix it without adding more problems. Unless you want the side effect of being a human mining drill, this isn't a good solution.
  7. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    1. Golden Apples arent bad, its the fact that they have a cooldown time. read again.
    2. How easy is it for you to keep up with the times? They fucking removed armor nerfs.
    3. My friend ( cough cough idk if he calls me a friend) has the fastest internet i nthe world. He can destroy every player on the biggest pvp servers easily. He told me when he tried 1.9 PvP, he was killed so quickly. Don't say false info if you don't know if it's true.
    4. Would people care if something was turned off, so that they can enjoy their amazing internet? People would disable anything just to be the king of pvp again. especially those people with amazing internet.
    5. At statement is invalid, i don't think people would care if player collision was turned off for themselves if it turned off for everybody.
    6. We can use MCStacker, there's a reason it exists...
    7. Like I said, the golden apples arent the worst part of this, its the fact that elytra breaks so fast
    8. Just because shields block more than swords doesn't mean that it will destroy pvp.

    Maybe you guys will stop hating when you get to feel how the people with bad internet did. At least I'm practicing for 1.9.
  8. 9314265068

    9314265068 Bunch of Numbers

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    First and foremost, don't act so hostile to someone explaining why they dislike parts of 1.9, All I'm stating is my opinion on the points you raised.

    1. This is incorrect. So far, only Ender Pearls and Chorus Fruit are the only consumables which have proper cooldowns. Also you didn't mention in your post anything about such a feature, right or wrong.
    2. They've removed 1 out of 3 armour nerfs. There was armour being less effective overall, armour being less effective when under half durability, and armour being less effective when taking high damage.
    So far, the armour being less effective when under half durability nerf was taken out. The other 2 are still there.
    3. If you think I'm saying false info tell me then, do you have to use a shield in a time-related manner to block attacks effectively, and to attack when you enemy isn't blocking?
    4. I don't have "amazing internet" when it comes to servers I play on. But I still want some parts of 1.9 disabled. Mainly because it causes a large variety of disadvantages to everyone with problems. (In other words, it helps people without the problems)
    5. I think you might've misunderstood me. Turning off collisions for you also disables you from pushing anything. So you won't be able to push around farm animals or villagers if they escape if you don't want to deal with being pushed around. Either way it's not the same as the 1.8 collision system.
    6. How many people actually know about MCStacker? Here's a hint: I didn't know about it, and I've been playing MC for 4 years.
    7. Skipping this one, Since I didn't say anything about Elytra.
    8. I didn't say shields would destroy PvP. I said that you can't just use them as an alternative to sword blocking, since they do more then sword blocking could.

    I would recommend rethinking what you've just said. Points 1 and 2 have incorrect data, points 4 and 5 have assumptions about how the playerbase thinks, point 6 assumes people's knowledge, point 7 talks about something I didn't discuss and points 3 and 8 assume that you know what I know and think.

    Also as a preemptive warning: Do not reply to this If you haven't thoroughly understood this, thought about what you're going to say as a reply and how you'll say it kindly. If it is just as hostile and assuming as before I'll call a moderator to lock the thread.
  9. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    Just to let you know...

    They didn't.
  10. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    1. Because a 0.1 Second difference is so noticeable; oh the horrors of 1.9! With us being not able to hit directly after 0.5 seconds even though most people hit just outside the timing and land the hit around 0.3 Seconds after!

    2. Everything takes skill, but rapidly moving your index finger down and up or "Clicking" doesn't take much skill (almost none at all). Sure, some people can train to get better at it, but the difference it makes doesn't really change all to much in a Minecraft situation.

    3. Yes, teams are effective, but each person in the team would need to land each hit for it to be successful at increasing damage output. Many people adopt the tactic of quickly slipping around the side of players, and in the gap of time where they need to turn to attack, they can land a hit and keep running around. Imagine two people run toward you head on, you duck out of the way of their attacks and start hitting one, then keep dodging attacks. Of course, I'm not saying that you'd come out of a team battle unscathed, but if done correctly, 1 can beat the 2.

    As a favourite YouTuber of mine likes to say, in Minecraft, everyone runs at the same speed. This allows a player to land hits and escape a team. Attacker runs at Teamer 1, slips next to him and hits. Teamer 2 runs toward him and hits him back alongside Teamer 1 shortly after. Attacker 1 has already turned to run and gets boosted by the knockback of the hits. Attacker 1 then runs off and escapes the battle (or back to some friends, basically away from fighting).

    4. I do have my fair share of dislike with the new Mob Collision, seeing as before you could enter an overflowed pen of animals and be fine, and now you get bustled around. Most people I've seen have the common decency to walk around players in normal situations (as they don't want to blind both of you) though getting stuck up a ladder, in a Mineshaft or (as still happens in 1.8) in a 1x1 hole was and will not be fun, I must admit.

    Haste is a solution for situations such as Survival Games, where players don't really mine things. If you really want your old system back then the "Attack Speed" can be coded to no cooldown.
    Zelefant likes this.
  11. XGhostzzz

    XGhostzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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    There's a reason why I don't like 1.9:

    How will PlayerInteractEvents work with Bukkit!

    How will i code it so that if the player right clicks with an item?
    Won't it take the off-hand?

    1.9 screws all bukkit and craftbukkit code...
  12. robertx22

    robertx22 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Screw all the new changes, what about the modding api? When will servers be able to make plugins and not have to update them every time minecraft releases a new version? They promised this like 5 years ago, then said it was a lie, then told us they don't feel like doing it or something..

    There are like a bunch of plugins that are outdated and can't be used because there's no mod api..
    Rawb likes this.
  13. Troll4ever31

    Troll4ever31 Designed to be a moron.

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    flying machines + elytra = the most epic airship battles in minecraft history.

    If only i got better framerates in 1.9 i could make the magic happen.
  14. Relflow

    Relflow A dusty player CHAMPION

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    Holy crap, couldn't have said it any better.
  15. Capa

    Capa Game of Thrones/Asoiaf Mega-Nerd

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    Please keep discussion in this thread civil. The thread will remain open as of now as it seems that many players are able to have a human debate on the topic. Please remember that it is possible to disagree and rebut against one's opinion without completely denouncing it and them as a person. Rebut their argument, not them as a person. If any further drama flares from this thread it will be closed.
  16. Gartato


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    Actually, I have ~250 ping and I still obliterate people (hell, quite a bit of the time with weaker gear).
  17. Air_Locke_

    Air_Locke_ im a water bottle HERO

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    Some of the additions (shields and wings) are slightly more meant for modded minecraft TBH.
    Shields are still ok but i really cannot adjust to the wings.
  18. Fangiii

    Fangiii Twinsies with Kurumiii | Fan of Gяιмм VIP+

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    Irrelevant towards Minecraft PVP :/
  19. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Admittedly, Elytra seem to be quite an odd thing. Though they have said they'd been wanting to add flight into the game for quite some time. As well as this, they're going to be adjusting Elytra so you can fly through 1 block spaces, and take damage from flying head on into a wall.

    I must admit, Shields and Wings do feel like something that Mods have owned for quite a while. I don't blame Mojang for taking inspiration from the mods though, in 1.6 they even brought in a Modder to help add Horses; mods have taken a large part of Minecraft, adding fresh ideas to it. I think if Minecraft ever does "Finish" then it'll soon be overrun with mods, changing it and adding what the lack of updates aren't (much like Skyrim nowadays).
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  20. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    You could use it in PvP though, if used correctly you could have a sneak attack.
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