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Probleme quest

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Silverw0lph, Aug 2, 2021.

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  1. Silverw0lph

    Silverw0lph Travelled Adventurer

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    1. Sorry for my english i'm french, so i got a probleme with my quest "ingdom of the sand". During all the quest no probleme, but when i finish the house in sneaky, we are éjected out of the house. And next we need to speak with the caractère and jump in the carriage. And the problème was here when i go in the carriage the Télépotation start but not finish and i got stuck in a black box. I can"t do nothing so i do /kill and when i comme back for go in the carriage, she was not there. My quest get stuck at the part "Look for the sceptre within the bandit hideout" .
      Help me please
    Thank for read my post, and sorry for my english again :/
  2. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    even though you did /kill, the quest moved to the next part. you should be able to go back to the bandit house and continue the quest

    here's the french wiki page for the quest, if it helps: https://wynncraft.fandom.com/wiki/Kingdom_of_Sand/fr#Sixi.C3.A8me_.C3.A9tape
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  3. Silverw0lph

    Silverw0lph Travelled Adventurer

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    Ok thanks for the tips i finish the quest now :D
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
    P0ke likes this.
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