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Preeeetty Darn Excited To Be Here Heh

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by SofieVeteran, Nov 22, 2019.

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  1. SofieVeteran

    SofieVeteran Skilled Adventurer

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    My friend got me into Wynncraft and I've been grinding hard so I can level up. I had no idea Grian played Wynncraft, which is great since I watch his channel quite often and I'll probably look up any videos he has on Wynncraft later. I hope I can learn some tips and tricks and find some people to play with here. My username in game is same as on here, feel free to hit me up to do some dungeons or quests, even though right now I'm just a low lvl mage (lvl 35). That's all for now, nice meeting you lot :)
    Papa Cthulhu and 7Red_Dragon7 like this.
  2. Papa Cthulhu

    Papa Cthulhu CEO of the Corkus Trading Company VIP

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    Welcome i hope you enjoy your time here
  3. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Yeah, for being one of the founders and an admin, Grian is pretty quiet about it.

    (Fun trivia: Before wynncraft, Grian was part of Craftedmovie and as thus, there are clips of drunk Grian.)

    Anyhow, welcome here. Just a few things that I’d like to say:

    Use the search bar to see if your stuff has been posted before. Don’t post it if there are pages of results. That usually tends to make people angry. Specificly, don’t suggest housing.

    Use /itemlock to prevent things from dropping accidentally. Before it, there were so many ”lost item” threads, now there are pretty much none.

    Play on 1.12. It’s the stablest release, and even though others have been improved a lot, it’s still the least buggy.

    If you need anything, pop on server 1 Detlas. Server 1 is pretty much where the most expirienced people play, and Detlas is pretty much the most connected location in the game.

    And never take anything too seriously. It’s a game, you should have fun.
    RicRicc likes this.
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