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Lore/Story Pre-corrupted Times 1. The Philosiphy (introduction).

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Not A Nub, Oct 10, 2015.


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  1. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    I decided I wanted to start writing some unique lore, and I figured there would be many possibilities for lore if I centered them before the corruption.

    The eye of Wynn, in a state of limbo, observed the province of wynn, impressed at how they worked together to create impenetrable fortresses of mere stone. Each one had different personalities, traits, and they were both good and bad, for every single one of them. Yet after many centuries, they had no clue of the nether portal, which lay dormant for millenia, having sealed away the specimen of necromancy created by none other than the villagers who have abandoned it in ancient Wynn. Beyond the walls of Ragni lay many unexplored lands untainted by humans nor villagers filled with the eye's treasures that will further strengthen the humans' civilization if they could find them, and overcome the challenges required to obtain them. Over time, the eye noticed something, as humans became more powerful, their personalities became more rampant, thus causing them to turn on each other, examples being minor things like stealing ones' needed possesions, and major ones like the Bu'al's uprising. The eye did not like this, and remembering about the nether portal, he created a green, clear gem that was pleasing to the humans' eyes, and he created massive clusters of them near the nether portal, putting them in higher concentrations closer to the portal.
    The eye thought it was a perfect end for the human race, having them be destroyed by their own desires so the physical plain can return into a state of balance. Little did the eye know, is that humans have already become much more powerful than the villagers back in those unrecorded ancient times.

    Current Stories:
    The 4 crystals and the three headed anomaly. (WIP)
    Bu'al's uprising.

    I hoped you liked it. Constructive Criticism is appreciated!
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2015
    Rawb and Plasma~ like this.
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