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Old dungeons

Discussion in 'Questions' started by AtchTheMan, Oct 23, 2021.

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  1. AtchTheMan

    AtchTheMan (Not) Proffesional Wynncrafter™️ VIP

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    So my character was created back when the dungeons were called skeleton, zombie, spider, etc. but i can't remember which dungeon is which now [I know spider is infested pit now].
  2. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    Skeleton dungeon: Decrepit Sewers
    Spider dungeon: Infested Pit
    Animal dungeon: Lost Sanctuary (No longer has any cows/pigs/sheep tho)
    Zombie dungeon: Underworld Crypt
    Silverfish dungeon: Sand-Swept Tomb (No longer has any silverfish)

    Former mini-dungeons (They are no longer mini-dungeons)

    Ice Mini-dungeon: Ice Barrows
    Jungle Mini-dungeon: Undergrowth Ruins
    Ocean Mini-dungeon: Galleon's Graveyard

    All of the above dungeons (are going to) have corrupted counterparts that are supposed to be done at lvl 70-100.

    Then there's some new ones

    Fallen Factory (lvl 90) found in Corkus
    Eldritch Outlook (lvl 101+) found in Silent Expanse
    Rolland1001, creature and YoshisWorld like this.
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