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Lore/Story My Wynncraft Adventures (levels 1-5)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Pisces, Jan 13, 2017.

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  1. Pisces

    Pisces ~I'm trying~

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    Hi everyone =3 SO I began playing Wynncraft again awhile back and have been thinking about doing this for a bit, so here, I'll be putting my Wynncraft adventures from levels 1-5 (Currently level 28 so this may be continued)

    I'll say this is NOT a fanfic or anything, I just prefer to write fictionally, so it will most likely seem like a fanfic but I repeat its NOT

    Lets get into this shall we?

    Stepping into the world wielding nothing but a spear the newest adventurer trotted excitedly through the world. As she walked down the path she came across a crazy cave villager! Defeating him easily she gained here first piece of armour, a pair of comfy boots. Slipping them on she pressed on until she reached a chasm, which seemed impossible to pass. Looking at a person who was standing near an old, broken bridge. She tapped him on the shoulder "Oh!" he exclaimed "You must be one of the kings newest recruits, sadly the bridge has broken..." He paused "I've got an idea, maybe you can push that tree down, it seems like it could fall over any second anyway!" The adventurer nodded, thanking the man as she walked over to the tree. Pressing her foot the base of the tree she pushed, to her surprise the tree fell, the leaves and branches making a cracking sound as they hit the opposite chasm wall. Stepping warily onto the trunk she rushed across, not wanting to fall. Panting as she reached the other side she looked forward. Before the girl was a huge, blocked off cave along with a stall and shopkeeper. Walking up to man who seemed to also be an adventurer she asked "What's this, a cave?" The man nodded "It's actually an abandoned mine, however the shopkeeper won't let you in without a helmet, so I've got to get some emeralds by killing the animals around here," The girl shook her head "Alright, thank you" after killing some animals she bought herself a new helmet. Proud of her newfound riches the new, level 3 adventure walked cautiously into the cave.

    Pressing her spear to the shovel of an undead miner, she fought side-by-side with a knight she had saved. Sweeping her weapon she sliced the zombie, "Continue on, I'll fight" shouted the knight over the roar of battle. Not wanting to leave her friend to fight so many of the undead she continued to fight for awhile before running off, saluting the knights as he ran past them. As she rounded a corner she spotted the king on his throne she jogged up to the king, bowing. The king briefly explained her job before handing her a magical scroll, and some experience points. (Getting her to level 4) Walking into the town of Ragni she looked around, mystified. Opening a book she wondered what to do next, she read words aloud as they appeared on the page of the book "Prison story..." Walking towards the prison, following her compass she wondered "What will this quest hold?"

    Stopping in front of a prison window she peered inside looking at a prisoner. The prisoner gasped, standing up he said "Help me please, I belong to an organization called the Resistance, sure you've heard of us. Anyway a pesky rat stole the key and ran into the sewers, can you get it back for me?" he asked "Never heard of you guys but whatever" you commented quietly. "Great!" he exclaimed. Walking over to the building that led into the sewers, the female yanked the spear out from behind her back before charging in.

    Slashing at the rats the girl ran through the sewers, feeling weaker as the rats bit her. Ahead she saw the glimmer of something shiny in the water she slashed once, as she grabbed at said object. Looking at the key in her hand she sighed "Good I can get out of here now" Jumping though the exit pipe she plunged into the river below. Climbing out she put her spear away before clambering up the stairs and heading towards the prison.

    Handing the key to the man inside he nodded in his usual exited demeanor "Yes, yes thank you, you should run. I'll escape when no one is watching, the resistance thanks you!" Shrugging the girl just nodded happily as she accepted the reward, getting her to level 5. "Wonder what I'll do next?"

    {A/N} Well, that's it. I would like it to be longer but this is glitching like crazy X( so hope you enjoyed! {personally I would like to see some more of the resistance}
    andydreww, hihock, Glitch496 and 2 others like this.
  2. Thomka


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    Spoiler... Level 1-5...
  3. Pisces

    Pisces ~I'm trying~

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    I know it sounds stupid, however it does qualify as a spoiler xd
    hihock and Thomka like this.
  4. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Or a lore tag in the your work section
  5. Pisces

    Pisces ~I'm trying~

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    Ah, thanks Yuno
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    I recommend your main story not be in bold, and you should intend your lines more, to make it easier for readers.
    Otherwise, great story!
  7. Pisces

    Pisces ~I'm trying~

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    XD sorry, I'm using a new font for the Internet so I'm still getting used to it
    Amun_Ra likes this.
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