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Any Class My Builds

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Mardeknius, May 15, 2021.

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  1. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    Hi everyone!
    So I recently took up the hobby of making builds, and I'm posting my favorites (and some of the more cursed ones) here.

    First off, my Thorns build.
    This might fall under the "cursed" category. I didn't realize that % of thorns was the chance that thorns would be activated and not the damage it did, so I spent a (very) long time making this:
    (yes I use Wynndata instead of Wynnbuilder)
    I'm putting this in here as sort of a bottom line for my builds - it gets better from here.
    If thorns really DID work like that, this build would be great.

    Second, my The Nothing build.
    This is actually one of my best, and I'm planning on using it with my Mage when it gets to a high enough level.

    My Panic Zealot tierstack.
    Or is it cancelstack?
    I cannot remember the difference between those two.
    I'm proud of this build (even with the Life and Mana steal) mostly because of the 22k dps but also because I made a build that I would enjoy using ingame.

    My Mage build.
    So originally, I was going for a different build, but I came across this weapon thingy, and I decided that it would be fun to make a build around.

    Generic Items.
    Why did I make this?

    And finally, my current build:
    Apparently WFA builds aren't supposed to be glass-cannony.
    That's it for now - I'll update this every now and then.

    I've been told that Wynnbuilder is better, so I'm using that now.
    I updated my tank idea after being suggested King of Hearts, so now I have this:
    A tank that relies on Thorns/reflection.

    Have a great day!
    Last edited: May 19, 2021
    starx280 likes this.
  2. mama Luigi

    mama Luigi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Loading speed goes brrrrr
  3. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    It's cancelstack. Cancelstack is taking an item with a lot of -tiers and adding a bunch of + tier items, tierstack is taking a super slow/very slow attack speed weapon and adding + tier items

    Anyway I hope you accept criticism because I have some. Though first I'll say that all of your builds should be on https://wynnbuilder.github.io/ for better load speeds and more information

    Your The Nothing build while seemingly an impressive tank misses out on the massive amount of healing offered by King of Hearts, and with 3 cost heals it may actually end up having problems working as a tank in a solo capacity.

    You seem to be aware of your Panic Zealot build having no survivability but if you want a suggestion on how to make it not suck try Shaggy boots instead so you don't have to use Knucklebones

    That lower level mage build is actually pretty good, but air powders are bad. Curse is just a straight damage increase with a long duration, whereas Wind Prison is just a somewhat larger damage increase once. Curse is mathematically better. You would have to only land 2 meteors during the entire curse duration for Wind Prison to be better, and curse is 9 seconds (based on T6 powders)

    Where's the sustain for the Royal Hydrangea build? 1/1/1/2 doesn't need much sustain for a class like Shaman but 0 will not cut it unless the shaman meta is completely foreign to me. I have no idea if 5 is enough for a build to be honest I'm just kind of throwing this out there https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0250px0r50rN0K20t80TN0OM0BH07+t270e1Q1g00000 Alternatively you could use The Ephemeral instead of Vaward
    Mardeknius and starx280 like this.
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